• ASC Sponsored License Plates
    We are seeking 300 signatures of those willing to support the Arkansas Sportbike Coalition in its efforts to enrich, educate, and build relationships amongst bikers and between the community.
    308 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Marlon Sheard
  • Stop Business Welfare
    Often those expressing concern about US debt complain about safety net programs for the very poor 15% of Americans. • Poverty level is $22,314 for a family of four; full-time sales clerks earn about $20, 699. • Minimum annual wage is about $15,600 for 40 hours a week. • A worker can work just as hard as any CEO but still be poor. • The very poor poverty level is about $11,000; they get all of $1.44 per-meal in Food Stamps. If taxpayers stopped subsidizing low-wage businesses and required a living wage for all, there wouldn’t as much need for a safety net. Only 50% of full-time workers earn more than $44,100 annually.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janis Ramquist
  • Creating enemies
    its about the "inevitable" conflict with iran. America does not need that.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Moore
  • Wisconsin Citizens For "Right To Know"
    We, the people, of the great midwestern State of Wisconsin have a right to know if GMO's are in our foods. We want food stuffs labels if they contain genetically manipulated seeds in the products. We need to know, we have the right to know! The time is now to work for the citizens of the great State of Wisconsin and the rest of the Nation as we stand!
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bonnie L. Ristow
  • War Profits: A Crime Against Humanity
    War is hugely profitable for a few corporate, or human persons. If War Profits were illegal, most wars would cease as the financing dried up. Profits on the manufacture or distribution of materials consumed by war efforts must be limited to 5% over cost of production. Corporate officer salery and bonus pay should be limited to not more than the President of the country earns as official salery.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Blessing
  • Our Furry Family
    The City of San Jose and Santa Clara county have different laws when it comes to how many dogs and cats are allowed per household. In the City of San Jose you are allowed 5 dogs or 5 cats and in the county of Santa Clara you are only allowed 2 dogs or 2 cats. To have more then 2 dogs or 2 cats in the county of Santa Clara you need to own or live on a 5 acre property. Why do we need so much land for an extra pet?
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mike aguilera
  • Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages in NYC
    The horses drawing the "romantic" carriages in nyc, are falling over, getting spooked, and even dying. It's a dangerous endeavor for the horses and for the customers in all the noise and traffic.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by carmel fusco
  • Truth in Political Campaign Ads
    All campaign ads, especially the ones on television, should only be allowed to air, if they are truthful. There should be a clearinghouse for all ads, with a fact checking team, to make sure all claims are truthful, before they go to print, online or on television.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ellen Kraus
  • Credit for Responsible Borrowers
    "The banks are not lending" is true for millions of Americans who have always paid their bills, have earned high credit scores, and share a long history of responsible borrowing. Those who have sought to refinance a home loan are often mired in paperwork, delay, and unintelligible formulas used by underwriting to deny refinancing. The banks and other Wall Street entities are said to be sitting on trillions in cash, that they fear the effects of Dodd Frank, and/or they are practicing caution. Their "caution" would have been welcome long before the crash and is not credible now. If the government can push the financial giants to help people whose loans are "under water" or who bought more than they could afford, it should certainly investigate and CHANGE bank practices that deny refinancing at today's low rates to responsible borrowers.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kara Carter
  • Be the voice that they don't have.
    On Wednesday February 15, Assembly Bill A05449A will be introduced in the NY state Ag Committee. Sponsored by Assembly Member Amy Paulin, this quick kill bill would allow New York State shelters to kill animals immediately if shelter staff determines that the animals are in “psychological pain”. There is no definition of what constitutes psychological pain. It is completely subjective. There are no standards to how it will be applied. There will be no holding period for scared or feral cats, shy dogs, and traumatized animals. This bill grants shelters the legal authority to kill animals they determine to not be happy, friendly, and outgoing immediately upon intake. They could be killed within a minute of arrival. For the first time anywhere in the United States, shelters will be allowed to kill animals with no holding period of any kind based on the animals’ perceived state of mind. For the full story, click here: http://m.examiner.com/animal-advocacy-in-birmingham/proposed-new-york-law-may-endanger-local-companion-animals
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tessa
  • RecallCSDboard
    El Dorado Hills is poised to lose millions of dollars due of local services due to irresponsible and unprofessional leadership of the EDH CSD Board of Directors. Their careless and personal actions are leading to a record multi-million dollar law suit by the former GM John Skeel whom they recruited and hired for three months then suspended then re-instated then fired.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by bob sacco
  • genetically engineered salmon
    We want labels on genetically engineered foods. This can be very unhealthy to eat. It has not been out long enough to tell what the effects on humans will be
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roger Hale