• Get Matt Taibbi recent blog taken down.
    On March 1, 2012, the Conservative movement lost a key figure, Andrew Breitbart was a visionary for the Pro-Choice Movement. Never backing down from a challenge that was sent his way. But with his death came much hate, and in particular a Rollingstone blogger named Matt Taibbi took it way to far by proclaiming his death as a great thing.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Spencer Austin
    Banks taking ownership of tenant-occupied units at the time of foreclosure and selling those units to the highest bidder is a disproportionate and harsh result for tenants who presumably stayed out of the fantasy housing market and protected their financial stability in the process. Further, sales of tenant-occupied rental units is reducing the stock of rental homes in a time when more rentals are needed and thereby putting a very vulnerable group of people either at risk of becoming homeless or at the very least from ever being able to replace the rental home and/or at risk of ever replacing the unit they had with something equal.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by denise beatty
  • Save the Muppet Show
    I want to bring back the laughter that children and adults been missing for over fifteen years. "It's time to bring back the music." "It's time to bring back the lights" "It's time to bring back the Muppets" With apologies to the Muppet Movie cast and crew for me using that line but seems appropiate. The world needs them again, and we can't just sit on our butts all day praying that they will come back, we need to take action!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Brotman
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by GARY SMITH
  • Demand for Redress of Grievances
    This petition demands that congress take action to stop the overreach and constitutional violations and violations against the law by Obama and congress, to stop govenment overreach and overregulation by the executive branch agencies, to pay attention to the laws that define treason and to charge and prosecute those in the white house and congress that co that every day.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Hunter
  • Reduction in Cost or Clickers from $100 to $50
    The HOA Board is penalizing families with a "vehicle tax" of $100 for clickers needed greater than 2. These clickers cost the HOA $18.31.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Jeffrey M. Maged
  • Homeowners Against Cypress Creek Apts.
    If you are opposed to a new apartment complex entering our community, please sign this petition to help fight the idea.
    887 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Teresa Scott
  • Tigers and Lions - Apple Inc. and Endangered Species
    Ask Apple to consider helping to protect and preserve the endangered species they have been naming their operating system versions after. Return something to the name giver used to advertise a software product.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Fuchs
  • Moderates for America
    We believe the vast majority of Americans are moderates. We may call ourselves Republicans,Democrats, Independents,but we are the vast middle seeking common ground and compromise to make our government work for all of the people.Although representing the majority of American voters,we are the overlooked group whose views and beliefs have been silenced by the extremes at both ends of the scale.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Dorfman
  • Say No To City of Brookhaven
    A few power hungry people in the Brookhaven-Ashford community in Dekalb County want another layer of governement, they are trying to create the City of Brookhaven. This new city will squeeze out more taxes from residents in the new city (and all of Dekalb County), extract more fees from business owners, deny people of color their constitutional and statutory rights and provide substandard and expensive municipal services. We do not need another expensive and unnecessary layer of government. We all calling on the Senators on the State and Local Government Operations Committee in the Georgia Senate to Vote no on HB 636.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Hasan Crockett
  • Petition To Revoke Timeline On Facebook Fan Pages
    "On 30 March 2012, all Facebook Pages will get a new design." -Facebook This new design is the same ugly "Timeline" available for personal pages, except on March 30th our fan pages will permanently change. The "Timeline" design will make our pages look the same as a personal page and will confuse fans and potential fans. This all together will make it harder on the average artist/page owner. We need to stop this, or at least make it optional!
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kyle McFadden
  • Stop www.Topix.com
    Topix is a website that is based for people to use fake names as there log in name so they can say anything they want, true or false, about other individuals. There is no trace of the actual person that starts or replies to each topic. Children and adults both are being bashed,slandered, and bullied on this site. We need to have this shut down before the post made cause serious problems including suicide & homicide. This site has already caused friendships to cease, marriages to end in divorce, and kids to be taunted in school and social gatherings. So lets please STOP TOPIX before its to late!!!
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stop Topix