• Stop Gassing Animals at Shelter in Union County NC.
    Union County Animal Shelter still Gasses Animals to Death! This is a horrible and torturous way for these animals to die! We are also paying more of our tax dollars this way. We need a more humane and pleasant way to put these innocent animals to sleep! A lot of other states are Banning Gassing! Union County has to Ban it too! Please sign petition!
    199 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Heather Grice
  • Shut down www.topix.com
    Topix is a website that is based for people to use fake names as there log in name so they can say anything they want, true or false, about other individuals. There is no trace of the actual person that starts or replies to each topic. Children and adults both are being bashed,slandered, and bullied on this site. We need to have this shut down before the post made cause serious problems including suicide & homicide. This site has already caused friendships to cease, marriages to end in divorce, and kids to be taunted in school and social gatherings. So lets please STOP TOPIX before its to late!!!
    993 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by maranda jackson
  • Get C*Star On The Radio
    Countless rappers across the country have talent but always lack a certain trait. Whether it's stage presence, Humbleness, the right voice, or the right lyrics. Lucky for you C*star a native Allentown PA Rap Artist has all that and much more. Experience on stages big and small has molded him into a much bigger diverse artist. So get C*star on the radio, in your college, and in your town! sign the petition!
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Urena
  • Bring home Hadi Alshammaa
    Hadi Alshammaa, a 16 year old US citizen was abducted by Syrian Intelligence on February 27, 2012 and we have not heard from him since. We are requesting everyone's support to get this information out there so that we can ensure his safe return.
    788 of 800 Signatures
    Created by jihan
  • Run Chellie Run!
    Chellie Pingree is the leader Maine needs in the U.S. Senate. For years, Chellie has been a champion for Maine values in the U.S. Congress. She's a leader on health care for all, clean energy, local farming, jobs, and making the economy more fair for all. With the sudden retirement of Olympia Snowe, Maine needs Chellie's leadership now more than ever.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Biel
  • Sunshine Coast Rotary Gran Fondo
    The Rotary Club of Sechelt and Off the Edge Adventure Sports are exploring the idea of developing a Gran Fondo on the Coast. The event would take place in September 2013. We need an expression of volunteer support to help staff the traffic management and support stations.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom PInfold
  • Esau A. Freeman congressional applicant
    This petition is to confirm support from registered voters for Esau A. Freeman to run for office congress in the 4th congressional district.
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Esau A. Freeman
  • Allow bikers at the Titusvilles Marina Skate Park!
    To see how many people we can get to sign to possibly allow bikers at the skatepark
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zack Rece
  • Bring Back Hardcore Tactical!
    Infinity Ward has taken out hardcore Team Tactical! We want them to bring it back or put hardcore Capture The Flag in its place! PLEASE SIGN!
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kat Morton
  • legalize same sex marriage
    Legalizing same sex marriages or Civil Unions.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Walker
  • Prevent Vinton Skate Park From Closure
    The skatepark in Vinton, LA. is in danger of being closed permanently due to a majority of patrons using the facilities for reasons other than skateboarding such as fighting and selling drugs. This petition is calling for the city officials of Vinton and the park supervisor James "Bill" McCardle to work with the community in providing a safe environment in which to enjoy the skatepark for it's intended purpose. https://www.facebook.com/SaveTheSkateparkInVintonLa [email protected]
    474 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Brahnsen Lopez
  • Bring Muslim Fest Goes Green to Los Angeles
    The Muslim Fest is a Festival to share and appreciate the muslim culture and arts but now it has been trying to become sustainable. It has partnered with companies that have helped them achieve that goal. Not only are they are becoming sustainable but they are teaching people how to be sustainable such as using reusable bottles. It would be a great opportunity to bring the festival to Los Angeles to help teach others how to be sustainable and appreciate muslim culture.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Banuelos