• objecting the appointment of Michael Taylor to the FDA
    Monsanto is creating poison (chemicals) to be put into every part of the processes of foods, seeds, and dairy. Something has to be done to STOP this! Please rid the US of Monsanto once and for all!
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christina Wika
  • Genetically engineered salmon
    Labeling genetically engineered salmon. The public has a right to know what source their food comes from.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Merle wolen
  • What is really going on with Social Security?
    Today (Feb.15) a very disturbing Headline on AOL. New Projections that Social Security may expire as early as 2012. Since we've paid into it, it's only fair to explain: Where did the 2.6 Trillon Dollars go? Also, why are they targeting Seniors to keep giving Tax Cuts to the 1%.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nina Puglisi
  • PIP reimbursement for Acupuncture in Fla.
    Insurance Companies are pouring money into the effort to pass Senate Bill SB 1860. This bill would prevent acupuncturists from receiving PIP reimbursement. Please call your Representitive and the Governor to prevent this from passing. Shouldn't we have as many health care options as possible? Call today before 12:00p.m.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Frey
  • Eliminate Sugared Beverages from Bend, Oregon schools
    Enough evidence exists showing sugar and artificial ingredients are harmful to children's health to persuade over 40 school districts nationwide to eliminate sugared beverages from their schools. Despite the evidence, schools in Bend, Oregon continue to serve chocolate, strawberry or root beer flavored milk and juice twice daily to children of all ages disguising them as healthy drink options. Some studies have linked excess sugar intake to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease as well as hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and crankiness in children. These drinks contribute extra calories to the meal, contain controversial artificial flavors and coloring and stop children from appreciating healthier, less sweet options. One of the easiest, quickest and least expensive ways we can limit excess sugar, calories and chemical intake is by eliminating flavored milk and juice in schools. Tell Bend, Oregon schools you want to make our children’s health a priority and support only wholesome white milk and water being served with school breakfast and lunch.
    565 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Good Hydration
  • Urgent: Merger - Pro or Con? Let's hear both sides!
    You can't make an informed choice unless you HAVE a choice. But do you know what your choices are? Take a moment to DEMAND A FAIR AND BALANCED MERGER FORUM for both sides of the issue! 100 plus pages of pro merger documents to read through, versus the mere 1000 words SAG's executives have allowed the minority opinion, is not hearing both sides. Once done, Merger cannot be undone. This is our future. Vote ... intelligently. Read, sign and let others know.
    367 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Union Democracy Now
  • Stop the Removal of the Paynes Prairie Bison
    Stop the Removal of the Paynes Prairie Bison
    1,232 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Riley Peck
  • SC Shelters and pet overpopulation Crisis
    We the people of South Carolina, along with family,friends,and other animal lovers are demanding that you address the pet overpopluation crisis. for months emails have been ignored, yet animals are dying by the thousands and shelters are in deplorable conditions. South Carolina Ranks 48th in State Animal Protection Laws | Lowcountry Dog. This is one of our State's shames.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FriendsofShelterAnimalsLSC
  • Tradition Together, Rivals Forever
    This is a letter for the administration at the University of Kansas for Kansas and Missouri fans alike to show their support for continuing the second oldest rivalry in the country.
    942 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Tradition Together, Rivals Forever
  • Save my home
    Been trying to get loan modification with Wachovia/Wells Fargo for 20 months and getting the runaround/denied ie:" Don't earn enough, earn to much, home value went down in value".... My home of 51 years is in foreclosure and up for auction for the 7th time since May 2010 on 03/05/12. Am 61 years olds, not in good health and working 2 jobs. I want Wachovia to do the right thing being that they put me in this situation AND I want to stay in my home!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carmen Meza
  • Nintendo Should Re-Release The Original Pokemon Games as Downloadables for the 3DS/DSi
    Recently it has come to the attention of Pokemon fans that the original 6 games (Red Version, Blue Version, Yellow Version, Gold Version, Silver Version and Crystal Version) have a certain battery life built into them. That battery life lasts around 12-15 and most batteries will expire this year, preventing anyone from playing the original cartridges properly. While these cartridges may be lost forever, the games can still be preserved. This petition is to raise awareness to Nintendo and Game Freak about the demand for a re-release of the original 6 Pokemon games in their original format. This re-release would not be on a cartridge but would be downloadable content from the DSi/3DS e-shop, where anyone could purchase the games and download them. This would not only preserve the games, but the memories that go along with them. The re-release of these games would benefit not only Pokemon fans who wish to revisit the original series (and newcomers who want to experience it for the first time) but would also benefit Nintendo and Game Freak for the sales of these games would fly through the roof. Please sign to show Nintendo and Game Freak what we want!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kyle White
  • David Tennant to Carry the Olympic Torch 2012
    To the Olympics 2012 committee, We wish for you to consider David Tennant as the official Lighter of the Olympic Flame. David portrays the Tenth Doctor on Doctor Who, a programme which has been part of our national consciousness for almost half a century and of which it can be said, captures the heart of being British more than an other piece of popular culture on television today. David, as the Doctor, was seen lighting the Flame in an episode called Fear Her which featured the 2012 Olympics. We feel it would be entirely appropriate for him to be given this honour for real.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Azrin