fire Rush LimbaughRush Limbaugh has gone too far this time. He has always been a racist, misyginist, and fear monger for years, but this is too much.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by kathy oberholtzer
for Congressional Action to Label GMOs in FoodH.R. 3553, the Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act has been referred to the House Committee on Agriculture. Typically, online alerts would ask us to contact our own reps for support. This way, we can address the committee Chair. We want this bill heard because we affirm the freedom to choose whether foods we are asked to consume contain GMOs or not. Will the US grant the freedom to label GMOs to any other country via the WTO, and not its own citizens?976 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Brian Kd Lehmann
Jack's Meat Market is a nuisance to the community.Jack's Meat Market on Derbigny St and Mandeville St allows public drinking, loitering, drug dealing and other activities that have negative affects to our community. Their operation helps enable crime in our neighborhood.111 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Clay Thomas
FL Gov. Rick Scott makes Rest Area Security Cuts.Rick Scott is cutting back on security at all Florida Rest Areas effective March 11, 2012. As part of his budget cutting policies, Rick Scott will reduce the armed security officer presence at all Rest Areas. He is changing the two single guard shifts from 4pm-8am to a single guarded shift from 8pm-6am. This one guard will work a ten hour shift and will switch sides every 45 minutes. On I-10 this will effectively leave the East and West Rest Areas unguarded for 5 hours during the night. The ten hour security shifts affect all the Rest Areas in Florida. Why risk public safety and tourism. The savings will not even make a dent in the state's budget deficit. More lost jobs will not help the state's economy.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by diverrick
PBGC Petitionrestore united airlines pension plans18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by T. Fuller
Rush limbaugh's outrageRush limbauph's. it's time to silence him once and for all for what he called that George town university student... Would he accept someone to call one of his kids by that? I'm sure he wouldn't like it ...1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alli
OUTRAGEOUS FUEL PRICES!Fuel Prices!15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dolores Marshall
Ammonia Treated Meat7 million-pound order of connective tissue and beef scraps doused in ammonia, set to hit school lunch trays in coming months. Need we say more? This is also said to be in ground beef we buy in stores, but we have no way to know because IF there is an ingredients labels, it states, "lean beef trimmings", which we all know it is anything but.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Erin Hedges
Texting & Cellphone use in vehicles must be banedThe use of cellular phones AND texting, while driving is hazardous to the driver, passengers, pedestrians, and all who may come in proximity to a vehicle driven by someone using any such device. Fines should be administered and this practice should stop. The state of Hawaii has such a law, why not the state of Florida?6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John J. Yurosko
Consider Other Activities A Sport!We want the OHSAA to consider cheerleading, baton twirling and the marching band (etc) a sport!8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Holly Robertson
BAN SMOKING IN IOWA CASINOSWith all of the data available about the health risks of 2nd hand smoke,it is time to ban smoking from Iowa casinos.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary K McGrath
Gay MarriageMy petition is about gay marriage. Alabama is a state that is atlease 40 percent gay. Now what difference does it make with gay's already living together, having babies, and starting a life together. Why not make them equal and let them marry the person they love the most. Alabama is a real biblical state yes we know. But why let alabamians move to a different state and support and fund them when Alabama can do the same thing and keep their people.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jamie Cannon