• Get Persia Signed to Shady Records
    We the fans want to see Persia signed to Shady Aftermath Records & feel it is out duty to make this happen. If you are a fan of her music & have been awaiting an album as so many of us have been, please sign the petition so we can show them that there are numbers behind her.
    294 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Team Persia
  • NBC Grant Miss Deaf America an Interview on NBC's "Today"
    NBC-TV did NOT telecast Miss Deaf America, Rachel Maziqeu's American Sign Language (ASL) signing of "America the Beautiful" during the Super Bowl XLVI telecast game. Miss America, Kelly Clarkson's "America the Beautiful" singing was telecast, not Miss Deaf America's "America the Beautiful". Why? DEADLINE - FRIDAY, FEB. 9TH Please grant Miss Deaf America, Rachel Maziqueu an interview on NBC's "Today" tv show to showcase the real beauty of American Sign Language and discussion of issues affecting the Deaf American communities at large. We are all Americans!
    5,426 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert L. Mason
    New York City residents: Send a message to NYC Government that if we can honor the NY GIANTS by hosting a ticker tape parade celebrating their victory in the Superbowl, then we should act honorably and pay homage to the Service men and woman who served our country in The Iraq War. Many of those in today's American Armed Services are either from families living at or below the poverty level, and for many, joining the American Armed Services, this is the only way of attaining a higher education as a means of lifting themselves out of poverty. We ought to at least acknowledge their sacrifice and commitment to the ideals of this country in honoring their service. Many of those who've served in this war, apearantly have done several tours of duty. Regardless of our position on any of these wars, we should honor those who have served their country, and their families, with a Parade in the Canyon of Heroes, like we have all other generations of Veterans returning home.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Fox
  • Please label Genetically Modified Foods - Give people the Choice
    i want genetically modified foods to be labeled so we have a choice. I do not want to eat genetically modified foods.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Thompson
  • Save the Wisconsin Retirement System
    The WRS is 80 billion dollars solvent, it is working for the state of Wisconsin. Walker and NO other politician have any right to this private monies.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacquelyn Strahl
  • Stop Kill Shelters From Abusing and Euthanizing Adoptable Animals
    You can make a difference! Join my fight to end animal cruelty, neglect and rampant euthanizing at kill shelters.
    1,299 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Karyn Mastrude
  • SB 131 Ohio Dog Law
    SB 131 puts unecessary, costly hardship on the best breeders in Ohio. Some will lose their businesses. Pup prices will skyrocket and most people will not be able to afford a quality purebred dog. The huge puppy mills who produce thousands of pups a year will be able to afford the changes and will still be in business.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Barham
  • Motley Crue plays 2/3/13 Super Bowl halftime
    This petition is to get as many signatures that will be sent to the NFL commissioner and NFL ruling board in order to get the band Motley Crue to play the 2013 Super Bowl halftime show.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john parker
  • Stop GMOs & stop Monsanto
    GMOs must be labelled! Monsanto executive must be kept out of all government positions!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Wiersma
  • Protection from Trapping in White Bear, MN
    This municipal Petition supplements the statewide Petition "Safe Public Lands" (http://signon.org/sign/safe-public-lands). The practical and scientific literature describes how to effectively trap target species (e.g. raccoons) without endangering people or domestic animals (e.g. without killing people's dogs). This Petition simply asks for trapping regulations that are based on those proven methods--already in use by professionals and other responsible trappers. Although this petition is formally addressed to White Bear Township, it is also appropriate for other suburban communities. Please feel free to add your signature, even if you're a resident of another community; and please feel free to publicize it in your community. This Petition has been honored by the City of White Bear Lake, MN, which in January 2013 followed the lead of Shoreview, MN and other model communities by providing the protection that's requested here, while still allowing for necessary, responsible wildlife management. Unfortunately, this Petition has been rejected by the Board of White Bear Township, MN. On 9/5/2012, the Board adopted an Ordinance that had not even been checked for errors or omissions. It condoned trapping by any legal method anywhere in the Township, regardless of its inappropriateness for certain locations. For example, it allowed lethal trapping even in a residential yard adjacent to an area where people walk their dogs, or where children play. On 5/3/2013, the Board continued to express its satisfaction with the 9/5/2012 Ordinance, even rejecting a proposal by staff to fix its errors and omissions (although staff had taken care to avoid all of the issues that the Board had already rejected: no regulations on private property, and no limitations on recreational trapping). More information at http://www.ss-slocum.info.
    418 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Scott Slocum
  • Ohio Dog Breeding Law
    Ohio is about to put many reputable dog breeders out of business with Bill 131 and the burdens it puts on us. The passing of this bill in the House will affect everyone wishing to buy or sell a well bred puppy in the future. Many of us will be put out of business at a time when the economy is very bad and jobs are non-existent. Please sign and stop this bill before it does more harm than good.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Barham
  • Get Hate Speech Off the Airwaves-Tell CNN
    CNN Commentator Erick Erickson said "Watching a Hippie Protester Get Tased Just Makes my Day" after seeing a video of an innocent protester with his hands in the air saying "I didn't do anything wrong, I'm not doing anything wrong" get tased repeatedly to the ground and handcuffed. Erickson referred to the video as "hilarious" obviously taking pleasure in the protestor's pain. This kind of speech is hateful, supportive of violence and does not belong on our airwaves.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J. Marcia Le Roy Berry