• Petition to Support and Confirm Phillip H. Kwon's Nomination to the NJ Supreme Court
    I strongly support Mr. Phillip H. Kwon's nomination to the New Jersey Supreme Court.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Korean American Voters Council NJ
  • Facebook Timeline
    Tell Facebook to make the new format (Timeline) optional and not force us into it.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FRANK LATTANZIO
  • Do not pass the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Title III
    This petition is about the phasing out of incandescent light bulbs for Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs. There are people with allergic/ sensitivities to fluorescent-lighting and people who have autoimmune issues who can be aggravated by the Ultraviolet Light. There are people also with a condition not accepted by the American Medical Association, but the World Health Organization is conducting summits on across the world is Electromagnetic Field Radiation. This is a real issue for people. Don't let them phase out incandescent-lighting.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Dozer
  • End Bullying
    I believe the punishment given to Bryant Rowe for defending his self against a bully who had been tormenting him for months was far too severe.The bully only served one day of I.S.S. and proceeded to move to fairview county schools to escape the rest of his punishment.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brandon Rowe
  • Help Keep Big Dog Station where it is
    Please help us kep Big Dog Station where it is and allow them to continue serving our community with the great events that they hold.
    176 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sue Beatty
  • Please support quality Black Talk Radio!
    Radio host Wendy Wright of the ‘Wright on the Edge' talk show has recently been removed from the 4pm to 7pm line up. While Bernie McCain was on hiatus, Wendy occupied this WOL broadcast timeslot. In a very short time she transformed the typical dialogue coming from the station. I appreciate Black talk radio because it’s a seriously lacking market, but most of the current programming overwhelmingly focuses on racism which attracts older victimization mentalities. Of course racism is alive and well, rooted in the fabric of America, but 'Wright on the Edge' comes from an approach of empowerment. In addition to topics of racial injustice, she also tackles multiple forms of self determination, community advocacy, financial literacy, politics, spirituality, health, and so much more. With youthful energy she taps into the consciousness that reaches younger audiences. I appreciate what WOL currently offers but it can be expanded and diversified.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Cruse
  • Goodbye
    Thanks everyone for making my time at SignOn/MoveOn a rewarding and gratifying experience. Helping SignOn grow from virtually nothing, into a platform that empowers members and makes change has been extremely satisfying. A special shout-out to Anna and her leadership. I don’t plan on straying too far from the progressive online world but my first challenge will be to help Ilya win his primary. You should come help for a couple of days!
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Quinn
  • Petition to save the Peachtree-Pine Shelter
    This petition is to help the Metro Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless save the Peachtree-Pine shelter. The homeless have the right to live and get help so that they can get back on their feet. We All Have Dreams!
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mr Johnson
  • Stop Bank of America from Putting Single Mom & Child with Autism out of their Home
    Marie Fajardo, a single mom who has a 5 year old son with Autism, has been trying to modify her home loan with Bank of America since 2010. She lost her full-time job in 2009. Though she has steady income from alternative employment, Bank of America is giving her the run around. Their house is scheduled for auction on 02/27/2012.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marie Fajardo
  • Facebook: Let us post pictures of placentas!
    Facebook has been flagging pictures of placentas as offensive, and deleting them. While placentas may not be as physically beautiful as the babies they are attached to, they deserve respect, and should not be deemed offensive. Placentas give life, and we need to see them to appreciate them!
    1,002 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jodi Selander
  • Mr. Mayor Give Back our Nana's house
    This is about an over zelous city goverment that has removed people from their homes on a false evalution of their properties. This is about The City of Bridgeports tax assessment scheme of evaluating property without doing an independant appraisal. This is about GREED. People all over America are fed up with it.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by karen Smith
  • President Obama, Please pardon Bradley Manning
    I think the President should Pardon Bradley Manning because his duty was to protect the USA and he did, I would guess he tried to talk to superiors about that event, or others that bothered him. ALL military take an oath to protect the Constitution, I believe he did.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Wiley