• Truth in News Broadcasting Act
    The free press (and by extension the news/commentary media) is held by the constitution and tradition to be one of the great safeguards of American democracy. At present, there is no consequence for deliberately misleading readers viewers and listeners with known falsehoods. We should follow the example of Canada with a statute that requires that a commentator forfeit his/her license if he/she can be shown to have said or written something that they knew to be untrue.
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Halley, Jr.
  • Quiero ser excomulgado por la iglesia catolica
    Solicito ser excomulgado pues me rehusó a ser parte de una iglesia hipócrita, cuyos ministros son unos degenerados, y que lucra con la fe del pueblo mexicano y que busca intervenir en el futuro de México apuntalando en el poder al régimen podrido y sangriento del PRIAN.
    333 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Mario Quijano Pavon
  • Remove Ear Marking
    I believe that earmarking is incredibly dishonest, rude, unconstitutional and undemocratic. It hides the true meaning of issues and it keeps the true issues from being solved. It is incredibly frustrating to hear that a bill is not being passed for something completely unrelated that was tacked on by a certain party. Until benchmarks are rid of, I feel that it is important for some bills to be passed despite the earmarks included. Until then, I ask you to please work to render earmarking illegal. It will be the greatest act you can do as a citizen of a democracy. This is true whether we succeed or not. Please see that justice, and not politics or face, must come out on top in every decision that we make as people, and as citizens of this country. Please see that justice, and not politics or face, must come out on top in every decision that we make as people, and that you make as a senator.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karis
  • Lower interest rates on student loans
    The interest rates on student loans are very high which makes it hard for students who would like to pay them back after graduation. Instead of making it possible for students to repay the loans by making the payments affordable, companies such as Sallie Mae will give a forbearance during which interest continues to accumulate and is added to your principle which is again charged interest. My loan for $47,000 has an interest of $57,000! The total reaching to over $100,000. Loaning banks should work with us on making payments affordable and have a low interest rate so that most of the payment goes to paying the principle. I don't believe that we can ever pay all out student loans under the current system.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Malti Turnbull
  • Tell the FEC: Investigate Vander Plaats for Illegal Campaign Coordination
    This week following his endorsement, it was revealed Family Leader CEO Bob Vander Plaats solicited Rick Santorum for money to run advertising on his behalf. Any coordination between a campaign and an outside group is ILLEGAL. Join us and tell the FEC to investigate Vander Plaats for illegal coordination and pay to play politics.
    2,217 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Progress Iowa
  • Rico & Honey "D Dynamix"
    As WE all stand proud at the regular Customers Patronizing @ Rajang Bar that Rico & Honey contract should be extend to March' 2012 instead end January'2012. We are all NOT happy of the sudden changed by the management managed by F&B Manager Mr. Alfonso without informing us respectfully as a regular customers @ your establishment
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cecilia
  • Bring Disney Virtual Magic Kingdom Back!
    This game warmed so many hearts and was part of many young lives! I would love for this game to come back in 2012!
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hannah
  • Save the Wisconsin Retirement System
    Scott Walker wants to radically alter the public employee pension system in Wisconsin (WRS). He will turn a 97% funded defined benefit system into a high risk defined contribution system, enabling his investment house buddies to cash in big while recipients lose the safety and security of one of the best retirement funds in the country!
    55,748 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen Marsh
  • Close down military bases in foreign countries.
    Close down military bases in foreign countries.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Begg
    First steps to reverse the recent CItizens Untied decision of the Supreme Court, which essentially gives corporations unlimited power to influence elections with hidden donations
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kurt Daims
  • Relief for the innocent bystander victims of the subprime catastrophe
    Millions of hard working American who played by the rules have ended up with their economic survival threatened by the subprime mortgage/mortgage backed securities (CDOs)catastrophe. Foreclosures have killed the huge real estate sector of our economy with ripple effects that continue to drag the US economy down. Yet no one has seriously addressed this at a national level. Many experts in the real estate economy call for national relief to innocent bystanders with fully qualified, non speculative mortgages who are being dragged under. Congress needs to act. The lending institutions need to be forced by presidential decree to negotiate in good faith with mortgage holders who have held on, paid their bills but are going to become part of the foreclosure statistics without immediate help. Simply mandating that everyone with a conservative, long term mortgage be afforded an immediate, expedited and simple option to allow for a refinance at low current rates. The lender should be mandated to do this without red tape and without involving third party vendors seeking mainly personal profit. This has the potential to save millions of honest Americans from financial failure and ultimately help eryone else in America, by slowing or stopping the slide of the real estate market toward ever more underwater properties and further economic chaos. The big banks and others who caused this debacle have been given free money from our tax payments. It is not much to ask that honest, hard working citizens holding conservative, traditional mortgages be granted a simple chance to survive by taking part in the low mortgage rates available today. There is no downside to this. It has been ignored by congress and the president and the people of the United States need to stand up and demand mortgage relief from Washington DC.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Fangman
  • Restore Social Security
    It appears President Obama is playing right into the hands of the Republicans and the Tea Party by trying to eliminate Social Security. They call it a reduction in taxes. Instead it is going to be a reduction to many peoples retirement funds. We all know or hear of people living on only Social Security or being homeless. We should be ashamed that something like this can happen in the richest country in the world. They take the average income for all Americans as $50,000. They should be taking the median of $36,000. Then they say this puts $1,000. in the average American pocket. That is $19.23 a week. Anyone I have asked never even noticed the difference in their weekly check. If you use the $36,000. the weekly amount is $13.84. According to the last Republican debate that is 1.2 BILLION DOLLARS that is not going into the the Social Security fund from the employees. Add to that the employors contribution and we have a total of 2.2 BILLION DOLLARS not going into the Social Security fund. Lets remove the cap and eliminate corruption in the system. Finally Let's restore Social Security so the poor and the middle class at least have something to live out their elderly years with.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by clarence scherer