Save quality dog breedersSB130 Ohio Dog Law hurts many quality breeders while the huge puppy mills still stand. The next quality reasonabley priced puppy you want may be a thing of the past. Do you want to buy from a backyard breeder or a huge, small cage puppy mill? Please take a stand to stop this bill that you will be paying for.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barbara BArham
Stop the Ag Gag BillThe Iowa Legislature is once again considering a bill to criminalize videotaping or photographing the animal cruelty and/or abuse taking place in animal facilities. The Iowa Senate Agriculture Committee is looking at SF431, which would not only create penalties for these activities, but also for "misrepresenting" oneself to gain access to these facilities, for example, on a job application. A related bill has already passed the Iowa House. Since we know that the large facilities that are the most likely to be involved in these heinous practices are NOT going to let anybody in to see what's going on, this would tie the hands of those who seek to expose these practices. It would send a message that not only are these acts tolerated, but the abusers are protected by law. There are several other states that are considering similar legislation. Contrary to the spin that is being put on these, this is NOT designed to protect your average family farmer, who is probably not engaging in these activities, but the huge agriculural concerns who have been lobbying hard for this legislation. Not only are these practices inhumane, but this environment also leads to concerns in the food supply, as evidenced by the recent salmonella outbreaks from huge poultry operations, or the concern about "downer" cows entering the food stream. Please voice your opinion that it is NOT OK to criminalize whistleblowing against abusive practices in animal facilities.33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Phyllis Von Arb
Do you remember WTC 7 ?Have you seen the videos of World Trade Center building 7 imploding? If not, you owe it to yourself and all those who died on 9/11 to learn what happened to this 47 story skyscraper. There has been a virtual media blackout of this critically important event so you will have to get on the net and do a search for WTC 7. This is not a conspiracy theory, 19 hijackers is a conspiracy theory. This is a building collapse theory.225 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Chris Sarns
Stop online sales of Weapons of WarNBC's recent profile of online traffickers of assault rifles and weapons made for war exposed the fact that legislation to stop such sales put forward by NY democratic senator Charles Shumer(NY) has been languishing in committee for two years due to the NRA's large influence on capitol hill. Lets send a message to the Congress that this issue should take top priority before more inoc people are murdered.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by robert geake
Tell Rachel Maddow & "the rest of the crowd at MSNBC" that you are happy that they were born!During the conservative CPAC this week, Fox News regular Cal Thomas, while discussing the recent health care issue of the policy of mandated contraception, made the following comment: "I’m glad that you played the Rachel Maddow clip because I think she is the best argument in favor of her parents using contraception. I would be all for that. And all of the rest of the crowd at MSNBC, too, for that matter." These types of comments degrade the political debate in this country. Whether or not you agree with Ms. Maddow's position, these types of public comments should be met with a response of overwhelming support for those who are denigrated.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Phil Gold
Save my homeI am trying to keep my home. I have been dealing with Bank of America for the past three years and they will not work with me. They have kept me stringing along with the promise of a loan modification only to turn me down. I have been trying to get in touch with them and now no one will speak with me.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Teresa Rodriguez
Dont make a columbine high school movieThis is a growing epidemic of explotation...even still to this day people insist on pushing the bounds of talking about the terror that was columbine...leave it alone dont make a movie or rest assured people will fight to ban this movie!!!! ITS NOT RIGHT TO MAKE THIS INTO ANY FORM OF CINEMA1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by J.R.
End Fox NewsAs a lot of you may know, Fox News is not a news channel in the least bit. It favors the far right and makes up stories and supposed "data" to support its hateful message. Please sign the petition to end Fox "News" once and for all.357 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Anonymous
Say "No" to Columbine MovieThe Network "Lifetime" is planning on Making a miniseries about the April 20th 1999 shooting in Littleton Co. There is no mention of any proceeds being directed at programs that address school violence. There has been no indication that people were actually consulted from the community. There is no indication that anyone has been contacted for likeness rights. How the network has gone about making this movie is questionable, which begs the question, "How tasteful is this movie going to be? WIll it be historically accurate or just a gore-fest?" "How distorted are they going to make the film to sell ad space?"6,048 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Michael Berry
Khader Adnan’s life at risk as He enters day 66 of hunger Strike - since 18 December 2011This petition is addressed to the International Committee Of The Red Cross (ICRC), so please read an sign, you should act quickly, it is our responsibility to act because the ICRC is not taking the necessary steps to save Adnans life. After you sign please distribute widely.8,755 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Anan Odeh
Require labeling of GMO'sNever has it been a more important time to petition our government to require full disclosure of genetically modified foods. Studies in lab rats have shown organ failure when they ingested Monsanto's new GMO corn. If we do nothing Monsanto will continue to pollute the very thing that is supposed to nourish us. . . our food. We have a right to know what is being sold as food.123 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Heather Chapin
Protect Our CommunityThe Independence community faces a serious challenge of not having adequate police officers to respond to growing crime. This means poor response times, inability to effectively engage in crime prevention and greater risk to the overall community.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brent Schondelmeyer