• Petition to immediately halt and invalidate the undemocratic and fraudulent election of the SEIU ...
    On Friday, January 6, 2012, the day before the Citywide San Francisco Bargaining Team election voting began, the 1021 Union Administration quietly and without grounds removed Sin Yee Poon, a member who meets the eligibility requirements of being in good standing and employed by the City and County of San Francisco at the Human Services Agency, from the list of nominee for Bargaining Team and from the Election ballots. Sin Yee was duly nominated and had accepted the nomination. When members indicated that they would start a write-in campaign, the Union Administration promptly declared write-ins “unacceptable” and that it would “disqualify” such votes. This totally undemocratic action by the 1021 Union Administration again disrespects the rights and authority of the membership to elect the representatives of our choice that will best reflect and advocate for our interest, particularly during very important contract negotiations.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Cravis
  • Pets:The abandoned military dependents
    In US military installations throughout the US and the world, animals are routinely abandoned when military personnel move to another base. As a result, abandoned pets live in disease and misery, fall victim to abuse, and are rounded up and killed inhumanely. It falls on compassionate local nationals whose salaries are significantly lower than military personnel to pay for spaying, neutering, and feeding the animals. It is time for the US government to pay for transport of animals of military personnel and to establish American-run base organizations that provide care for these animals, as well as educate personnel about responbilities of having a pet.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia PERRON
  • presidential election 2012
    If the republicans take the presidency in 2012, it could take a century to undo the damage they would bring to our country. Obama would lose of the election were held today. We need something dramatic for Obama to be able to win in November. That something dramatic I'd Hillary Clinton as his runningmate. she can re-energize the base!!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Schwartz
  • Say NO to more special exemptions for developers!
    The 14th St. corridor is again the victim of another luxury high rise development at 1905-1917 14th St., NW. This proposed 144 unit building is asking to exceed height and other development requirements. Exemptions to the off street parking requirements mean 34 spots instead of the required 81. Unsustainable retail rents will push out local merchants and our Post Office!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joan Sterling
  • Sign the Eric Brody Claims Bill now!
    Eric Brody was rear ended by a speeding Broward County Deputy in 1988 and left brain damaged and wheelchair bound. He was awarded a settlement but Florida legislative approval is needed for any awards over $200 000 from any governmental agency even though they have arranged a settlement that will be fully covered by insurance. Eric and his family sat in the Florida House gallery until 2am on the final night of the last legislative session after being told they would address this bill, but 8 months later they are still waiting for it to be signed. House Speaker Cannon keeps putting off signing the bill that will help this family pay for his medical bills and it seems he is going to hold the bill hostage and use it for leverage with the Senate on other issues. Cannon has stated "claims bills were tertiary on his priority list and would have to wait until bigger issues like the budget and auto insurance reform were settled." Even though he was awarded a lot more money in court, his family has settled for the $10 million that will be paid by the insurers so this is not a bill that is going to cost the tax payer anything. I have seen photos of Eric and he is in a bad way and is going to need care for the rest of his life. He was injured by a Government employee, and now they need to step up to the plate and sign the bill NOW!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Moira Viljoen
  • WP7 On Sprint
    The Sprint Community forums is up-in-arms about Sprint's lack of WP7 devices currently available for the carrier. With no announcement of a new device at CES 2012 and the earliest possible arrival of one not until August-September (see quote below) we customers want support for this great emerging platform as it gains momentum and attention.
    2,685 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Dylan Wright
  • Hillary Clinton for Vice President
    Do we on the left want to control the White House for twelve more years? Of course, we do. Do we want a woman president? Naturally. We can improve our chances for both if we persuade the President Obama and the powerful democrats to replace Biden, who has done a reasonable job, with the outstanding Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Myrna Smith
    This petition is for all Americans, stating how I view our President and what he has accomplished. There is a correction or two from the earlier version, where vulgar language was used in reference to the previous president causing the petition to be blocked by the SignOn committee. Hopefully, this petition will be distributed to all members of Congress as well as the media to show overwhelming support for all that President Obama has done.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael L. Simon
  • 7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carole Curtis
    baby food, pet food, toys & various products from China are poisoning adults, children & pets. China as well as American retailers are taking advantage of unaware consumers by selling products containing toxic chemicals with NO labeling of contents, place of manufacture or expiration date.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by jackke friend
  • Tax the Church and all religous institutions
    Religious institutions have got a free ride long enough. They should pay taxes like any other business. What does separation of church and state mean if religious organizations are granted special privileges?
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by robert braunstein
  • Rational Daylight Saving (or none at all)
    The current early onset of Daylight Saving Time in March creates more problems than it solves. It is far more disruptive to people's systems than when the change took place in April, when day length was already over 12 hours. Move the start of DST back to April and end it in October or just shift the day a half-hour later and leave it there all the time.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim White