• Revocation of Jamaican Food and Liquor business license
    Jamaican Food and Liquor has for years acted as a refuge for drug dealing, has become the leading contributor to public intoxication, and is the most menacing business in within the 4th Ward community. The end of Jamaican Food and Liquor is now beginning. On the 12th of January, 2012, a hearing will be held to decide whether or Jamaican Food and Liquor will be allowed to keep their business license. This petition will be presented the hearing officer on behalf of the community. Please sign, so that we can shut this menacing business down once and for all.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James
  • stop the closing of polytecnic post office
    keep our polytecnic post office open.removed mail boxex years ago.many use this station for many reasons.took us years to get one here
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jonita m. sanders
  • Covington Cab, the need for an honest, dependable transportation
    For years residents of Northern Kentucky have been faced with limited options for Taxi Cab Service. With the communites expanding so does the need for transportation to meet the ever changing needs of the community.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Covington Cab LLC
  • Covington Cab, the need for an honest, dependable transportation
    For years residents of Northern Kentucky have been faced with limited options for Taxi Cab Service. With the communites expanding so does the need for transortation to meet the ever changing needs of the community.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Covington Cab LLC
  • WRS Petition
    We must save our WRS as it is today. Do NOT it allow it to become privatized.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Johnson
  • Keep the drum and feather!
    The University of Utah has decided to do away with the drum and feather logo which has been so sacred and unique to Ute fans for decades. As fans and loyalists to The U, we ask to keep an important part of our identity as Ute Fans. Save the Drum and Feather Logo. GO UTES!
    5,663 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Alex Wiles
  • Range Voting in National Elections
    Range voting (sometimes called “score” voting or other names) is basically a method whereby the voter provides a rating for each and every candidate for a given office, which expresses the voter’s strength of approval for each candidate (e.g., on a scale range of 1 indicating no support to 10, maximum approval). It's very difficult for a major third party to emerge in our country because of the voting system we currently use. But with range voting, you could, for example, freely vote strong approval for an unusual third party candidate you like while at the same time provide secondary, moderate backup approval to one of the candidates of the other two major parties as a "fall back" second choice in case your first preference does not win. You wouldn't have to feel inhibited about casting your one and only vote for the candidate you really like the most, for fear that you might "waste" your vote on a candidate not likely to win and possibly "split the vote" and help allow another very undesirable candidate to win with a plurality. Even if your favorite candidate does not win, your support for that candidate is still made known without the danger of your having contributed to spoiler outcomes. This recommendation is nonpartisan -- range voting could have potential benefits, depending on the situation, for conservatives, liberals, moderates or anyone else. Range voting or other similar alternative voting methods have been recommended in the past by Senator John McCain, President Obama, Ralph Nader and other political leaders. You can learn more about range voting via the internet.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Locascio
  • Allow Fire Performing at Burning Man!
    As of January 2012, the state of Nevada will require a certificate of registration before one can fire perform, be it fire breathing, poi, or something else. This is a call to allow such performances during and at the Burning Man event without having to obtain a certificate.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ivan Sazonov
  • Truth in News Broadcasting Act
    The free press (and by extension the news/commentary media) is held by the constitution and tradition to be one of the great safeguards of American democracy. At present, there is no consequence for deliberately misleading readers viewers and listeners with known falsehoods. We should follow the example of Canada with a statute that requires that a commentator forfeit his/her license if he/she can be shown to have said or written something that they knew to be untrue.
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Halley, Jr.
  • Quiero ser excomulgado por la iglesia catolica
    Solicito ser excomulgado pues me rehusó a ser parte de una iglesia hipócrita, cuyos ministros son unos degenerados, y que lucra con la fe del pueblo mexicano y que busca intervenir en el futuro de México apuntalando en el poder al régimen podrido y sangriento del PRIAN.
    333 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Mario Quijano Pavon
  • Remove Ear Marking
    I believe that earmarking is incredibly dishonest, rude, unconstitutional and undemocratic. It hides the true meaning of issues and it keeps the true issues from being solved. It is incredibly frustrating to hear that a bill is not being passed for something completely unrelated that was tacked on by a certain party. Until benchmarks are rid of, I feel that it is important for some bills to be passed despite the earmarks included. Until then, I ask you to please work to render earmarking illegal. It will be the greatest act you can do as a citizen of a democracy. This is true whether we succeed or not. Please see that justice, and not politics or face, must come out on top in every decision that we make as people, and as citizens of this country. Please see that justice, and not politics or face, must come out on top in every decision that we make as people, and that you make as a senator.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karis
  • Lower interest rates on student loans
    The interest rates on student loans are very high which makes it hard for students who would like to pay them back after graduation. Instead of making it possible for students to repay the loans by making the payments affordable, companies such as Sallie Mae will give a forbearance during which interest continues to accumulate and is added to your principle which is again charged interest. My loan for $47,000 has an interest of $57,000! The total reaching to over $100,000. Loaning banks should work with us on making payments affordable and have a low interest rate so that most of the payment goes to paying the principle. I don't believe that we can ever pay all out student loans under the current system.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Malti Turnbull