• Ban the Studded Tire in Oregon
    Studded tires cause huge damage to the roads and provide no safety benefit to drivers, except in extremely rare instances. Studdless tires do as well or better than studded tires in almost all instances. Oregon activist Jeff Bernards is organizing to get this initiative on the ballot. We need thousands of signatures on real State of Oregon initiative petitions to get this ban on studded tires on the ballot. Take action by signing this petition to join Jeff in passing this important ballot initiative here in Oregon.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Ginenthal
  • NO to Jackson Labs in CT
    A petition to Governor Malloy and relevant committees to prevent Jackson Labs from coming to CT. Jackson Labs is a forced breeding facility for animals who will be abused through experimentation in labs and the Governors plan will not have the fiscal benefits he has claimed. Animals used in experimentation endure the agony of isolation, fear, extreme confinement, invasive procedures without anesthesia or pain medicine, cold temperatures and noise. Please prevent such a breeding ground from entering our State.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Regina Milano
  • Knighthood for Robin Gibb
    With the soon to be released I've Gotta Get A Message To You, the Poppy Appeal single with The Soldiers, Robin's tireless work on behalf of the Memorial for the RAF BC and his upcoming Requiem for The Titanic, composed with his son RJ, "Sir Robin of Thame" is long overdue.
    933 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Bethany R Shinn
  • Keeping Families Together...Where Possible
    Keeping Families Together...Where Possible I would like to start a non prophet organization for families who have dealt with and may still be dealing with the Child Protective Service system; who were not treated fairly; according to the system's own rules. We need to hold this system accountable; when their caseworkers take it upon themselves to rewrite the rules; allowing their personal feelings to decide their cases rather than professional ones. If questionable cases are re-opened, it will solve some of the adoption problems. I want to provide these families with the help they need when they don't know their rights. Please, feel free to contact me with any suggestions or prehaps we could work together to make a positive change in this system. Keeping Families Together...Where Possible...
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sophia McGowan
    Sending Thanks to President and the Staff for the Job they have been doing, in spite of political infighting and gridlock. Petion to be delivered on Thanks giving Day expressing Gratitude for:1. Stimulus and Treasury Depoartment and FED's move to save the Economy 2. Health reform Act 3. Removal of top Terrorists and weakening of Terrorist Regimes 4. First Ladies efforts regarding Obesity and Childhood Obesity 5. A safer America today than 5 years ago.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave
  • Carlton Crossing Campaign
    Mark Ravenhill has campaigned for years to get a crossing on church street in Carlton. This is to enable disabled people, like Mark, children and the elderly to cross church street more easily
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Collins
  • Diversifying Nintendo Wii Characters
    Ever notice that all Nintendo Wii Characters (Mii characters) can walk? This system is used widely in rehabilitation settings where patients/clients may need walkers and wheelchairs. Please help advocate for people who may wish for their Mii characters to look more like them.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natasha Huffine
  • Fish and Game Dpt : license for senior citizen
    The fishing license should be discounted to 50% for seniors at 65 years old and over, free for senior at 70 and over. Most retirerees can barely afford the price of a license, Medicare cost is going up as well as living expenses.Our senior citizens deserve a break , we owe it to them. Also the license should be a 12 month issue from the date you buy it ( May to May etc...), as for now it is untill December no matter which month you buy the license.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pierre Auroy
  • Support Pennsylvania Healthy Workplace Legislation
    Nearly 14 million American adults are bullied in the workplace, and millions more experience the degrading effects of witnessing mistreatment. Please sign the petition to sponsor or co-sponsor an anti-bullying Healthy Workplace Bill when introduced in Pennsylvania and support the bill through the legislative process.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pennsylvanians for a Healthy Workplace
  • MoveOn, please stop.
    MoveOn.org is sending emails to supporters attempting to garner donations by playing on the sympathies of their base with #OWS. Moreover, they're doing their level best to shape the image of the protests to fit with their narrow political goals. This has to stop.
    723 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Geoff Parker
  • Hillary Clinton for Veep 2012
    To strengthen the Barack Obama ticket in 2012, he and Hillary Clinton need to be convinced that she should be his Vice Presidential running mate.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Cronin Moore
  • Get Jim Cantiello to interview Chris Colfer, and Darren Criss
    Almost one year since the beginning of Klaine, an international tour, and another season underway...and yet no Darren Criss and Chris Colfer interview. Look at your life, look at your choices, and ask yourself: Is this fair? No. It's not. So let's do something about it! These two individuals are one of the most, if not THE most unique, ground-breaking, beautiful, and organic couple on TV. In real life they are talented beyond compare, they influence and are role models to millions of people. With their charisma, dedication, and heart put into everything they believe in, its not hard to see why so many people love them. The world has been deprived of this interview for too long! That ends now!
    1,342 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ofelia Rodriguez