• Pave our dirt road
    My street has been a dirt road for years and it has put a lot of extreme wear and tear on our vehicles the kids can't ride their bikes safely because of the dirt that has been washed away by the rain that leaves the road full of pot holes
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniele johnson
  • Gamingunity
    Microsoft need to hear me out so many kids on the street so little areas for them to play games. Why not help rey start his business and change the gaming community for the better gather around all lets make a gaming diffrence.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Oyola
    If you care about your government, get HEARD! The media ignores all progressive actions. We can target tea party functions, bringing loud noisemaking equipment under our trenchcoats. At a prearranged signal we can make NOISE! Our T-shirts can read American Dream. ANYONE can do this. It costs little money, little energy and little risk. LET'S MAKE NOISE!
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caryn
  • Stop the slaughter of 5,000 black bears in Wisconsin
    Black bears are peaceful, shy beings who live in harmony with nature, but the state agencies are killing brokerages. Wholesale destruction of the natural world and other species is the really important issue now. The slaughter, over packs of dogs and bait, and 20,000 hounders and their dogs, starts Sept. 5 - Oct. 9, 2012. The DNR is promoting running packs of dogs on bears starting July 1 through the kill - for 15 weeks of disruption of all ecosystems. Bears need to put on fat for winter hibernation to take care of their babies. We must ORGANIZE for change now.
    2,655 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Randolph
  • reform local news media
    Local TV news is dominated by sensational, police scanner news. How relevant are beatings, gang brawls and crime stories to the news we can actually USE? Consumer, health, events, festivals, and other significant stories are displaced by the concept "if it bleeds, it leads." Isn't it time for a positive constructive change?
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by buck challenger
  • No Cuts for us until Congress cuts theirs!
    With all the talk about cutting practically every social program that works, we hear nothing from Congress about cutting their salaries or benefits. Seniors are suffering the most. We've had no increase in Social Security in three years while our expenses skyrocket. No cuts to our programs until Congress cuts their salaries and pensions at least 25% including their summer vacations. Our Country is on the brink of collapse, unemployment, in reality, is more like 18% when counting everyone who has given up and they have six weeks vacation. Congress works for us not the other way around!
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marion Wipf
  • Pay raise for the Police officers, Firefighters, and EMS
    Our health and safety are at stake. Police and Fire (include EMS) department have not receive a pay raise for about five years. Quality police, Fire and EMS personnal are leaving our city for higher pay.
    319 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Johnny Moore
  • Stop Social Security Offset and Windfall Penalties!
    In Ohio if you contribute to SERS (School Employee Retirement System) you are not eligible to collect social security. Ohio considers this double dipping, because if you worked for a school system you do not contribute to social security. Which is fine but there is one problem! What about the employee’s like my mother who worked 20 years before she became a teacher’s aide? She paid money into social security but because she decided to work for the school system she is forced to forfeit the 20 years she did contribute. This is simply not right. Would you want 20 years of saving for your retirement to disappear because you took another job? Ohio is the only state to have this Law.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Krecek
  • Emergency Wisconsin Elections Petition
    With only days remaining until the August 9 recall elections, right-wing groups are on overdrive trying to steal the election with shady and potentially illegal tactics. We have seen numerous accounts of voter suppression and confusion by groups such as Americans for Prosperity, We're Watching Wisconsin Elections and Right to Life.
    4,938 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Bloomingdale
  • Social Security is NOT an 'entitlement' program
    Social Security is not an 'entitlement' program. It is an insurance program, and citizens have been paying its premiums all along. Social Security is money owed to all Americans who are elderly, disabled, orphaned, widowed with small children. Social Security is money from Americans which is being held in a fiduciary account for the time when citizens are not able to earn money due to old age or unfortunate circumstances. Social Security is an insurance program that helps protect us from severe hardship, hunger, undue suffering.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Morgan
  • Greek Letter Recognition In Wise
    The Town of Wise has in place an ordinance which restricts the "brandishing" or "showing" Greek letters in/on which may be viewed from outside of the residence/domicile/home. That is to say, that if a house occupied by a member (either current/alumni) of any organization which affiliates itself with Greek lettering...that individual resident/homeowner etc... would not be allowed to place lettering representational of their affiliated organization on their property which could be seen from the outside i.e. someone walking down the street looks at said house and can identify whatever material used which would symbolize "Greek Letters". The purpose of this petition is to illicit the Town of Wise's Zoning/Planning Department in addition the Town Manager of Wise in either one of two actions: One-The removal of the ordinance in question thus allowing residences/homes/domiciles the ability to place Greek letters within the boundaries of their property apart from the interior of the residence/domicile/home. Two-The ordinance in question limits the restriction of the placement of Greek letters within the parameters of the domicile/residence/home. This option would lend itself to a collaborative measure between the Administration of the Town of Wise and it's citizenry to negotiate measures in which Greek lettering could be permitted to be placed on the domicile/residence/home of the property owner.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robert M. Davis
  • Tell the TEA PARTY to "Let My Americans Go"
    The Tea Party has taken America hostage by refusing to negotiate on raising the debt ceiling. Tell them to "Let My American's Go."
    420 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Heidi Jo Bean