• Stop These Stupid Wars
    Our endless wars.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Terpstra
  • We The People
    large corportations who dont pay taxes in this country or provide jobs in this country who get tax breaks. this is a democracy let the people vote on this issue as it is we the people, expecially the middle class in this country who is paying
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Lazerine
  • Goodlettsville, TN Neighborhoods say "NO" to Bulk Propane Storage
    In light of the recent fire in Lincoln, California and a newly proposed zoning change here in Goodlettsville, Tennessee that would allow a bulk (30,000+ gallon) propane distributor to set up a new facility within 2,500 feet of hundreds of homes and families, we ask a simple "risk management" question: Should established suburban neighborhoods be given protection against zoning changes from outside local jurisdictions that affect quality of life and property issues within the neighborhood?
    202 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Carl Sumruld
  • Call for resignation of Speaker John Boehner
    Speaker John Boehner's historic denial of a joint session of Congress to the president piles outrage upon outrage. To politically embarrass a sitting president for purely partisan political reasons is unbecoming any legislator, let alone one in Mr. Boehner's position. Boehner's inability to reason with and manage an already oppositional Republican caucus has led to a virtual shut-down of efforts to restore our economy and put 30,000,000 unemployed Americans back to work. Please sign this petition to demand Speaker Boehner's resignation. -- And please SHARE-SHARE-SHARE with as many people as you can!
    14,696 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Bill Weiss
    Stacy Bromberg has won enough titles and played enough WDF events to qualify for the World Cup Team. But the WDF feels that because she played in a now defunct division of the PDC she is ineligible to play and defend her World Cup Title. If this happened in the United States we could sue them, but because they are the ruling body of International Darts they can make arbitrary decisions that have no basis in reality. She has participated in 100% of the WDF tournaments held here in the United States, but players from other countries that have no WDF events are not bared from any lack of participation.
    158 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Harriet Knight Schutsch
  • 9/11 First Responders
    Mayor Michael Bloomberg has decided that the first responders (NYPD &NYFD) will not attend the 10th anniversary at Ground Zero. While they have not been invited for the past 9 nine years, they always showed up and were allowed to participate, not this year. There were no politicians running into the burning Towers to save lives that day, yet politicians have been invited. Tell Mayor Bloomberg that this needs to be changed and these heroes should be included.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Virginia A Middleton
  • Unfair Production Standards
    Your signature is to help protest the unfair harassment and production standards that the United Parcel Service is imposing on our bargaining unit members. Help us stop the war on workers with this simple step to organize and let our voices be heard. So please invite your friends and family to join us in this cause as well!
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by LagunaBrown.com
  • Indict Obama
    I am Obamas Watergate and more. I discovered attorneys made bank and court records of me dead. Obamas at Sidley Austin Brown and Wood Chicago Bank One Plaza SEC Insilco 8K deal using a co. called Zenadev which was 100% in my name for global fraud! The main perpetrator behind the fraud is linked to 911 and the global debt with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. We The People Against Corruption in the Campaign to Remove and Indict the man dba Barack Hussein Obama,his DHS Janet et al. Find Honey an Honest judge Campaign.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Honey Siegal
  • Congress should apologize to ACORN
    From Wikipefia "...the California State Attorney General and the US Government Accountability Office released reports of their investigations. They found that O'Keefe had misrepresented the actions of ACORN workers, that workers had not committed the illegal actions he portrayed, and that the organization had managed its federal funds appropriately."
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gustave Rabson
  • Reform the voting process in the US
    Voting laws in this country vary from state to state. To have this happen in a national election (president, members of Congress) is ridiculous. We need to be able to audit post election vote totals from machines that cannot be hacked. We need to establish a uniform ratio of voting machines per precinct based on expected voter participation.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Burgee
  • Compassion for Animals!!!
    We need to start treating animals like they matter. "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Gandhi
    3,720 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by merrill
  • Reinstate Pete Rose
    Pete Rose has been banned from Baseball for Gambling on games during his career. He has admitted this and has expressed remorse repeatedly for his moral failure in this regard. The Commissioner of Baseball refuses to consider reinstatement to the game. Pete had a storied career, including holding the record for most hits by a major league player, 4,256. Reinstatement would allow Pete to take his rightful place in the Baseball Hall of Fame
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Brakenwagen