• If President Obama Offers Cuts on the Big 3, We Find Another Nominee in 2012
    In the battle for the Debt Ceiling vote, President Obama is offering to put Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid on the table for cuts. He campaigned and received support from the American people for his stance to protect the Big 3 at all costs. If he waivers in this battle and sides with Republicans, then Democrats should find another nominee in 2012. We need a Democrat in the White House who acts like a Democrat. The poor and the vanishing middle class in America have taken the brunt of this bad economy started by George W. Bush while the top 2% enjoy their lowest tax rates in 50 years. Shared sacrifice means shared by all, not just a few. The poor, elderly and disabled can no longer afford any more cuts. It is time for President Obama to draw a line in the sand and stand firm.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Bleiler
  • Bernie Sanders For President
    Obama needs a challenge, should not run unopposed, why forfeit that debating opportunity?
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen Weaver
  • Respect the Indian Nation Treaties
    The petition advocates 100 percent fulfillment of the terms of all the treaties the US signed with Indian nations, full funding of federal programs contracted by Indian tribes, and a return, as far as possible of treaty lands that were taken under the Dawes Act and by other legerdemain.
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jon norstog
  • Cut Pentagon Budget
    Cutting Military Spending
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Treimel
  • The image of our country
    We petition news casters, pundits, guests on talk shows, politicians, all those in positions to shape the image of our countgry to stop referring to it as THIS country. It is OUR country and it might just have an underlying effect if just once ina while we viewers, listeners, and audience heard it called OURS rather than THIS~
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Earl Hamner
  • Repeal Obama's Nobel
    The Nobel Peace prize was most likely awarded to Obama for two reasons. 1) based on his pre-election rhetoric/speeches 2) to encourage him to lead the world into a more peaceful existence. Obama did not follow his own rhetoric and he maintained 2 wars and launched a third. The whole world can/will sign this petition. It can't be hidden by the US media once it goes worldwide. Tweet Away!
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Seth Johnson
  • Limit money for all candidates for public office and limit the campaign time to one year
    My petition is for people to agree to limit the amount of money that every candidate for public office can use to run for office and limit the campaign time to one year, at most. People should sign this because money has corrupted the system and because of the recent Citizens United Supreme Corps decision, it is only getting more corrupt! We must get the money out!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire Strong
  • Saving our Country from Ruin
    With the early August deadline for raising the U.S. debt limit fast approaching, we must do something to forestall the looming catastrophe. Please demand that your congressperson negotiate in earnest to raise the U.S. debt limit, agreeing to both cuts and taxes. Our country is on the brink of ruin..
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hope Raymond
  • Mail the republicans a piece of bread
    Please mail each of your Senators and Congressmen ONE PIECE OF BREAD. This is to explain that we, the middle class do not want to eat cake...and it is to help them see that all we are looking for is a fair slice of the American dream. It will signify that we favor taxing the rich as opposed to cutting Social Security and/or Medicare.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Reid
  • Join the Movement to Make NYC a Mayor's City of Peace
    Mayors For Peace is a movement of cities worldwide calling for total abolition of nuclear weapons. The idea was first proposed in 1982 by the then-mayor of Hiroshima, Japan, Takeshi Araki. Mayors for Peace now includes 4,732 cities in 150 countries, including half of all capital cities and all capital cities of nuclear powers except Washington, DC and Islamabad. 160 are in the U.S., including Boston, Hartford, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Mayor Bloomberg has not signed up NYC to become a Mayor's City of Peace. Please sign the petition to encourage Mayor Bloomberg to make NYC a Mayor's City of Peace. For more information, check out Mayor's for Peace: mayorsforpeace.org Brooklyn For Peace: brooklynpeace.org Email: [email protected] Phone: 718-624-5921
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Corbett
  • Representative Kinzinger: Meet Your Constituents In Joliet
    Joliet is the largest, most diverse community in Rep. Kinzinger's district. He has recently taken positions which strongly impact Joliet citizens, yet has not held a town hall there for six months. We call on him to announce one soon, giving at least five days public notice.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy S Eichelberger
  • America can be the first country to recognize Global Beatles Day, on June 25th, as a Global Holi...
    We believe there should be a Global day that honors and highlights the impact of the Beatles on the world- musically, culturally, and consciously. Signing the petition will call attention to the movement, so that Global Beatles Day becomes a recognized day celebrated throughout the world. we have chosen to deliver the petition on Feb 9th, 2013. Please keep sharing with your friends and family!
    348 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Faith Cohen