Do you want to live down the street from a Detention Center? CCA is in the process of getting final approval for a massive 2000+ bed immigration detention center on 196th Avenue and Sheridan Street, literally blocks from our homes and schools. And all this WITHOUT any input from YOU.
    1,332 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Santiago
  • Petition to Stop Court Assignments to Faith Based Recovery Programs
    It is well known that most people who get a DUI are forced to go to AA. What is not well known is that AA has been declared a “Religious Organization” more than once in court, and such assignments are unconstitutional. There are recovery programs aside from AA, including secular ones, and these options should be made available. Smart Recovery, Rational Recovery, Secular for Sobriety (SOS) Woman For Sobriety, and Lifering, The Clean Slate, and Hank Hayes’s 5 Master Keys Formula. The Time is now that average citizens are given a choice. AA has no safety measures in place to protect members from Sexual Harassment, Financial Scamming, or Sexual Battery and is proving to be a dangerous place to send unsuspecting citizens.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Monica Richardson
  • We Have The Right To Know! Demand Labeling of ALL GMO!
    There are millions of pages of information, videos, scientific reports, news articles, personal accounts, expert testimony, and a generally overwhelming volume of information on the known and yet-unknown dangers and proven health risks of consuming GMO products and the millions of tons of highly toxic pesticide, RoundUp, with which they are drenched. Please sign this petition insisting on our basic human right to know and CHOOSE what we ingest. Demand mandatory labeling of all GMO ingredients (including animal products from animals fed GMO) so we can exercise our freedom of CHOICE!
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Luna CarlIsle
  • Honor Jerry Schad
    SignOn.Org now has no option for editing the petition text without deleting it or omitting the recipients listed. The president of The Conservancy has communicated to me that it's membership's wishes are that there be no name change and no one's name appear on the title of The Coast to Crest Trail and Jerry's wife concurs. I hereby withdraw my pursuit in changing that trail's name, and this petition will not be delivered to either recipient. This petition will be left online for now, and if you support honoring Jerry Schad in a positive way proportional to the magnitude of his contributions that has the blessings of those who were closest to him, then sign this petition. I'll leave it to others to decide what that will be, and will decline any leadership role in that process. http://rparky.tumblr.com/post/11004273422/honoring-jerry-schad
    1,342 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Parkinson
  • The Love Declaration
    The Love Declaration is a personal transformation covenant whose purpose is to be a bridge to our awakened conscious unity. It is a spiritually-initiative portal through which all beings are invited to pass via the authentic setting aside of the illusion of a separate self. It is a powerful and unambiguous thought form, and is intended to be freely shared, moving as a gift from heart to heart as timed and guided by the Good That Is. It’s mission is to inspire unifying miracles by rigorously voicing---without exceptions, backdoors, loopholes, or exits of any kind---a fundamentally true knowing living deep within every created sentient being. Regardless of any failures to actually BE it moment to moment, The Love Declaration stands for the possibility of knowing ourselves as our Word in exactly the same way that life’s Creator knows itself as it’s Word. This Declaration, by including and going beyond the present tense simple into the future-promissory (I am and I will be) languages for the benefit of our personal awareness the actively compassionate voice of our universal relatedness. It is a tool providing the limitless non-comparative reality of Absolute Love a trustable anchoring presence for our hearts and minds. Beyond suggesting daily remembrance, and that its usage be public, shared, and communion-generating, The Love Declaration, being universal, comes “without instructions”, because guidance regarding its use is available within every being directly for the sincere asking, whatever our individual cultural backgrounds, faith persuasions, or other life-contextualizing paradigms. Thank you for recognizing that your life, and the creative, intentional, and contributive way you live it, is a blessing absolutely essential to the wholeness of Life. There is only One of us here. (more info at: www.thelovedeclaration.org)
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Seacord
  • Save the American Folk Art Museum!
    Quoting Roberta Smith in The New York Times 9/19/11: "Please. Someone, everyone, do something to save the American Folk Art Museum from dissolution and dispersal. Or at least slow down the process, so that all options can be thoroughly considered. New York’s contemporary artists, and New York as a whole, need the creative energy of this stubborn, single-minded little institution, its outstanding exhibition program and its wondrous collection, an unparalleled mixture of classic American folk art and 20th-century outsider geniuses.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janine NIchols
    The name The "WHIITE" House,right now is violating the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Furthermore,it,daily discriminates against all non White,or European-Americans. It,additionally,is racially divisive,indicative of "WHITE" Superority,and impedes improved Race Relations.
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Brother HB
  • UC Nuclear Free!
    Since their inception the University of California has managed both of the nation's nuclear weapons labs¹. Every nuclear weapon in the United States arsenal has been designed and developed under the auspices of the UC. It is unconscionable that an institution of higher learning be responsible for bringing weapons of mass destruction into the world. Furthermore, by continuing to manage the weapons labs the University of California legitimizes and helps shield from criticism the United States’ nuclear weapons program and arsenal. [1] Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico & Lawerence Livermore National Lab in California
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jedidjah de Vries
  • Dart Players: Revamp the ADO Office
    In order for the Game of Darts to grow in the United States, it is obvious that communications need to improve. I think the best way to do this is to move and revamp the day to day operations of the ADO. Moving the office will reduce expenses and improve operations.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Butler
    Law firms are filing foreclosure actions without first checking whether their clients own the debt underlying the mortgage being foreclosed; they proceed based on frequently faulty assignments of mortgage rather than proving debt ownership. Judges are allowing this. Introduce retroactive legislation to stop both lawyers and judges from allowing this inequity, and require foreclosures be examined and as applicable be reversed.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Miller
  • Our country
    Let us stop calling OUR country "this country."
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Earl Hamner
  • Free Fruit for Kids
    Vashon Thriftway gives free cookies to children, but many children are allergic to gluten, eggs, and dairy. Let's extend the inclusivity and healthfulness of Vashon to our children by giving them fruit instead of cookies.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marie Loeb