• VA Loan Mods for ALL Veterans
    Banks are foreclosing on veterans - one story last week told of B of A foreclosing the day the veteran returned home from Iraq. This is unacceptable! The Administration, Congress and the VA should work together NOW to STOP all foreclosures on our veterans and create a program to allow veterans to refinance their existing mortgages or require lenders to modify existing mortgages to allow veterans to stay in their homes if they choose to.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Sweeney
  • Chains designed for dogs Only!!
    This petition is to protect chained dogs. Most all states allow dogs to be chained or tethered unfortunately. What we want is to make it a law that only chains or leashes designed for a dog are allowed to be used when tethering a dog. The use of heavier chains designed for logging, load lifting or other non-animal use are abusive, inhumane and unethical. Please help put an end to the use of heavy chains and padlocks on tethered or chained dogs
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rose Stadig
  • Salmon Deserve Saving
    Salmon on both coast and in all the great rivers are being decimated by toxins and poor water management. Dam removals promised to help alleviate their plight are being delayed and even cancelled despite EPA and court orders.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul & Marcia Abram
  • Stop the Radical Republican Plan for Redistricting in Maine
    National Republicans have a radical plan to move 360,000 Maine people from one Congressional District to another and they’re getting their allies in Maine to try and push it through the legislature. Their plan would put 10,000 more Republicans into the Second District to turn it into a Republican Congressional seat and a vote for a Republican presidential candidate. Not only that--139 communities would lose their current representative in Congress, including Lewiston-Auburn, Bath and Rockland and Chellie Pingree’s hometown would be moved out of her Congressional District.
    5,653 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Stacy Dostie
  • Stop the Resegregation of Georgia
    Georgia's GOP redistricting maps purge white Democratic legislators, isolate minorities and use the Voting Rights Act as a weapon against multi-racial voting coalitions. If these maps are adopted, Republicans will have a super-majority, which will let them pass any constitutional amendment without a single Democratic vote. The stakes are high: the end of reproductive rights, defunding public schools, adopting English-only legislation and harming individual rights. For more information, visit www.gafairdistricts.com.
    8,719 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Stacey Abrams
  • Term Limits
    It's about time that we establish some term limits for all of our elected representatives. A majority of them spend most of their time fund raising for the next election and devote little time to the pressing issues of our country.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Cable
  • Stop U.S. Support for Human Trafficking
    Since 2006, the Pentagon has been taking steps to prevent subcontractors in Iraq from taking unfair advantage of the labor of Third-Country Nationals. Yet despite new regulations, many of these vulnerable workers continue to be exposed to poor working conditions and, in some cases, human trafficking. Please ask the Department of Defense to more closely monitor its subcontractors to prevent the mistreatment of Third-Country Nationals from going unnoticed and unresolved.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Hardy
  • DoD Congressionally Directed Medical Research Funding
    This funding is intended to conduct medical research on illnesses associated to the Gulf War. Our House of Representatives sent a bill to Senate that allowed 10 million dollars for research and treatment for our veterans. Please act now to get our Senators to pass this funding for our veterans' health issues caused by the war in Iraq.
    587 of 600 Signatures
    Created by David LaShell
  • Let's take our country back by taking all the money out of politics.
    Our politicians have been in the pocket of corporations and large contributors being unduly influenced by them when they are elected to serve the people. By having only publicly funded elections and making all lobbying with money or gifts illegal, we can influence what our elected officials do in congress and they can listen to us and be influenced by We the People and not their dollar contributors.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Let's take our country back by taking all the money out of politics.
  • Pave our dirt road
    My street has been a dirt road for years and it has put a lot of extreme wear and tear on our vehicles the kids can't ride their bikes safely because of the dirt that has been washed away by the rain that leaves the road full of pot holes
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniele johnson
  • Gamingunity
    Microsoft need to hear me out so many kids on the street so little areas for them to play games. Why not help rey start his business and change the gaming community for the better gather around all lets make a gaming diffrence.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Oyola
    If you care about your government, get HEARD! The media ignores all progressive actions. We can target tea party functions, bringing loud noisemaking equipment under our trenchcoats. At a prearranged signal we can make NOISE! Our T-shirts can read American Dream. ANYONE can do this. It costs little money, little energy and little risk. LET'S MAKE NOISE!
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caryn