Taos is going through rough economic times. That means that tourists come less, buy less, and make decisions based upon their experience. Taos has a lot to offer, but litter isn't one of the good things. Encourage our town government to engage in radio public service announcements and enforce the laws about litter. To stop depending on its good hearted citizens to clean up after the inconsiderate. No one tells them not to litter. Clean up Taos and boost morale.
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Deirdra Baldwin
  • Pass The WV Healthy and Safe Workplace Act
    35% of America's workforce reports being bullied at work. Bullies intentionally subject the target to a hostile work environment. The toxic environments have an extremely adverse effect on the employee and also the organization. Laws compel employers to enact correction and prevention plans that will have a positive effect on individuals and businesses. The Healthy and Safe Workplace Act (H.B. 3015): http://tinyurl.com/HB3015
    600 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Lana Cooke
  • Save Caffe Vivaldi
    There is a place in New York, that is 1/3 real and 2/3 magical and it is about to disappear... unless we do something now. For 30 years it has nurtured artists writers, poets, but mostly musicians. It has a new landlord and he wants to triple the rent. We cannot fight him; he is too strong. The only way forward is to appeal to his better side and reason with him not to snuff the life out of this cherished haven of hope and encouragement for young artists. Our aim to urge our landlord not to increase our rent to an amount we can never come up with in 685 sq ft of space. We want to be fair to him and want him to be fair to us: All we are asking is that he charge us the fair market rent.
    5,003 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Caffe Vivaldi
  • Pass the NYC Paid Sick Time Act
    The Paid Sick Time Act, which would guarantee that workers in New York City can earn up to 5 paid sick days and would allow all workers to use their days when a child is ill, has the support of 83% of New Yorkers and a veto-proof majority of votes on the City Council. But New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn has blocked the bill. Tell Christine Quinn to protect the health of workers and children and bring the bill to a vote! Across the world, 145 nations guarantee workers paid sick time. Yet, 44 million Americans—and more than one million in New York City alone—lack a single paid sick day. Paid Sick Days would reduce health care costs, reduce the spread of contagion, protect people’s jobs and financial security, and boost businesses’ productivity. After San Francisco enacted a paid sick time law in 2007, job growth was stronger there than in surrounding counties that lacked the law, proving that paid sick time does not prevent hiring and is not a burdensome cost. We’ve waited long enough. The time has come for Paid Sick Days in New York! You can view the full bill here, http://legistar.council.nyc.gov/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=655220&GUID=8FEF6526-0C00-45D5-BD0B-617353F90F06
    10,621 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Cari Jackson
  • Childcare Workers
    It is about providing more money for childcare so that the staff can mainitain their jobs. So that centers can maintain qualified workers
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Mary Cameron
  • Formally demand that Moveon.org leave.
    This is a formal demand to moveon.org to leave the ows movement.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by moe
  • Stop the long wait times in Cornwall, ON
    This petition is about creating a long term solution to the border crossing at Cornwall, ON. The makeshift customs building and tollbooth are costing everyone time and money. Planning ahead with the new bridge coming will save time and money in the long run. Ease of crossing benefits Cornwall businesses and tourism in the National Capital Region.
    342 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Alison Benedict
    This change the name of some people who are referred to as African-American or Black-American because we are neither one..When a person from Africa become a citizen then he become a African-American reguarless of skin color..The people from the caribbean west indnia american.The AUTHENTIC AMERICAN this is home we are not going to attack our home and beside these people seperate themselves from us if they can.Look at all big city ethnic networking will destroy the country.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Thomas
  • Downsize Green Hollow Square
    The developer of this project proposes the demolition of a building which has been designated a historical monument and replacing it with a 75000 square foot retail center which will add roughly two thousand car trips a day to San Vicente Boulevard -- which is already in GRIDLOCK several hours a day. For more information, visit www.downsizegreenhollowsquare.org
    1,553 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Elin Schwartz
  • Save the Wolves!
    Revoke the despicable rider that the GOP tacked on to the last budget (even though it had nothing to do with the budget).Revoke that despicable rider that removed wolves from the Endangered Species List....thereby depriving them of the protections that they sorely need and deserve. This list, part of the Endangered Species Act is supposed to be based on science, not politics!!!
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nikki Nafziger
  • Allow Food in Zarrow Hall Classrooms
    It was just announced that food will no longer be allowed in Zarrow Hall classrooms. Please sign this petition to let the administration know that you disagree with this policy.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Nunez
  • Friday not Monday!
    For decades workers have been faced with 3-day weekends (Sat-Sun-Mon) created by observing certain Federal holidays on a Monday. This has created a four-day hell week where Tuesday is Monday and bosses expect 5 days worth of work in four. Everyone is miserable on Tuesday. If the holidays were moved instead to Fridays, the week following a 3-day weekend would start with a real Monday and be normal routine for workers and students alike. The week with the Friday off would be busy but would be high morale because of the upcoming Friday off. Implementation would take a few years because the hospitality industry books one-two years out. But the basic concept is almost a no-brainer: normal routine, happier people; still have the 3-day weekends, but no more TWThF hell weeks!
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by TJ McMahon