• Social Security is NOT an entitlement !
    Social Security is not an entitlement...it is supposed to be a trust fund paid for by us and for US !
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Reinhold Ferster
  • Do not cut Social Security
    Social Security is NOT entitlement. We have been paying into it our whole lives. Say no to President Obama's proposal to cut Social Security by lowering the cost-of-living adjustment for current and future retirees.
    670 of 800 Signatures
    Created by June Whelan
  • Cut to Social Security
    Retirees who have paid into social security will be hurt by this cut. Why shouldn't it be there for us when we need it? It's our money!!! Make NO cuts!!!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by B. Joseph
  • do NOT cut social security!!!!!!!!
    My husband's health care took our savings. I am now a widow and live on Social Security alone. We paid in the maximum for over 25 years. This cutting of benefits of working people has got to be stopped. It's not like I can just sell a house or a plane or a yacht.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judy
  • The Congress
    The killing of our Social Security! I/we will be greatly affected, since all retired people who have spent our entire lives working depend on Social Security, for our survival. I am deeply disappointed that this very serious issue is even on the table. I remind you, that money was taken from our checks to be set aside for our retirement! Beware: there will be grave consequences to this action to all representing the Corporation of the United States of American!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yvonne Scarlett
  • Save Social Security
    My grandmother currently receives social security and solely depends on it to help her pay her bills. My grandmother worked all her life and have paid into social security as I have as well. My grandmother is already struggling on a fixed income and sometimes can't afford to pay her heating bill. If these funds are cut she will not be able to pay other bills that assist her with her daily living expenses each day.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Cannon
  • Do Not Cut Social Security
    I have friends and family that are dependent on their SS check and in many cases is the only source of income. Obama's idea to go after the elderly is wrong and not part of his promise to leave SS alone.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bridget Mason
  • Do not stop raises in Social Security
    I was looking forward to retire soon. I now might have to delay this. Raises for seniors are a must. Rent, food, medicine, health insurance go up every year. Cost of living raises are a must to survive.
    434 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Maria Murphy
  • Steve Israel: oppose Social Security cuts
    After paying into the Social Security system our whole work lives and with the cost of health care already unaffordable, President Obama is proposing to cut Social Security cost of living increases. Retirees need these cost of living increases in SS payments as cost of living increases
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by stefani negrin
  • Stand Up For Social Security Or Face A Primary Challenge
    Seniors and Veterans are not responsible for the United States debt and deficit. The fact is U.S. Treasury has borrowed 2.72 trillion dollars from the Social Security Trust Fund. Your constituents need you to VOTE NO on cutting cost of living increases to seniors, Veterans, and their families. We are watching our representatives and we will find someone to protect Social Security if you don't.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Garcia
  • Do Not Cut Social Security
    If Obama cuts Social Security, my husband, who was in the military for 16 years and left because of PTSD, will suffer greatly, because this is his only form of income. If they cut Social Security we will be pretty much homeless because we won't be able to pay rent and pay our utilities. It is already bad enough that we don't eat well but geez if his Social Security is cut we lose everything.
    2,087 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Kimberley Doherty
  • Support chained CPI
    I support Chained CPI . e need to reduce burden on workers that senior citizens who as a cohort of the US population are relatively more prosperous, and less affected by economic downturns than the workers of USA
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Pian