• Boycott Walgreens because of pharmacist refuses to fill prescription on religious belief
    I disagree with Walgreens policy of pharmacist not providing services because of religious beliefs and then not following Walgreens policy of: "You have a right to step away, but you don’t have a right to step between" I disagree with Walgreens policy, which is active in 6 states. Walgreens needs come out of the dark ages and respect a woman's right to control their own bodies. And not have male pharmacist deny them services I am asking for support by boycotting all Walgreens till they change their policy and/or fire/or discipline this employee
    592 of 600 Signatures
    Created by avery
  • Women’s Health Rights
    Every year globally, 22,800 women die from lack of access to safe reproductive healthcare. We are starting this campaign because at this time, of the 40-50 million abortions performed each year, 45% are considered unsafe and 14% undeniably dangerous. We hope that through this petition, we can take a step towards a future where finding reproductive health care doesn’t come at a detriment to one's safety.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Madison E. Frank
  • Revoke sales tax on feminine sanitary supplies
    Pads, tampons, and cups are necessary for women's health, if there are no taxes on food because it is a need, why should there be taxes on supplies which are pertinent for the health of women? Women are discriminated against because of their menstrual cycle, which is natural and uncontrollable. The amount of money that is added by sales taxes can make an essential product for women not affordable to those who struggle financially.
    304 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Savannah Larmon
  • Suspend MSU's Accreditation Until ALL Past Abuse is Acknowledged & Remedied
    I started this petition because I have seen the corruption that exists at MSU first-hand. In the 1990s, I was part of a student government that attempted to raise the alarm regarding safety issues in the graduate dorm (these included a director who was trolling students for sex, insufficient night security that may have contributed to several sexual assaults within the building, and a Residence Life staff that failed to intervene in a student suicide attempt of which it had been warned). MSU responded viciously to our attempt to raise awareness--and a Vice President went so far as to threaten to out several of us as gay. Lou Anna Simon was Provost at the time, and she did nothing to stop this unethical conduct. I encourage signers of this petition to also sign and share the following, where one may read more on the topic: https://www.change.org/p/msu-still-ignores-its-past-abuse-of-gay-students-has-made-no-real-change-endtheabusemsu
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin J. Furey, III
  • Stop Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
    Recently in Connecticut, legislators passed the "Time's Up Act" which is all about preventing and combating sexual harassment in the workplace. However, in California, we don't have a bill like that. Although, Senator Holly J. Mitchell introduced a legislation that would require companies with 5 or more employees to take sexual harassment prevention training, ensuring that all workers know their rights.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Annemarie Roth
  • Reject the abortion gag rule!
    The Trump administration is about to literally BAN the word abortion from the doctor's office. For clinics and hospitals that accept dollars from the Title X program--the nation's program for affordable birth control and reproductive health care--doctors, nurses, and other health care providers would be banned from providing, counseling on, or referring any patient for an abortion. Even if it was needed to protect a woman's health or save her life. Even if she asked. It gets worse. This doesn't just impact women who need abortion. If clinics refuse to comply with this proposed rule, the government will stop reimbursing them for treating patients who cannot pay. Eventually, that could shutter a clinic, ending services like birth control, cervical and breast cancer screening, and HIV testing for the entire community. This can be devastating--more than half of Planned Parenthood clinics are in rural or medically underserved areas where there are few or no other options for essential women's health care. But we can defeat this. The Trump administration has backed off harmful rule changes before, such as allowing employers to steal workers' tips--and it is accepting comments on the new proposal. If we generate fast, widespread outrage, we can force the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to back down.
    33,739 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Nita and Shaunna
  • Title X and Planned Parenthood
    I am a college student at College of the Canyons and the reason I am sending this petition to you is that I, as a citizen of the United States am concerned about the constitutionality of this act and am worried about the ramifications this act would have upon peoples ability to have a choice in how they live their lives. Below are the signatures of fellow students of mine that agree with me.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexander
  • Don't Tax the Tampons!
    Tampons are a female necessity, not a luxury. For example, when you buy a bag of chips you don't get taxed on it, but when buying female necessities taxes are included. These taxes on female necessities should be stopped.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liliana Bentura
  • Support the ERA!!!
    Most Americans (96%!) believe in equal rights; 80% think we already have them. We Don't! Women and the LGBTQ community are not protected by the Constitution, which is where all our rights and laws originate. Passage of the ERA would correct that. The amendment fell three-states short of passage in the 70's, but in March of 2017, the state of Nevada ratified, reducing that number to two. Now the state of Illinois is on the brink of ratification. The ERA passed the Illinois Senate in April, and will likely come up for a vote in the House this Wednesday, May 16. Please sign this petition to thank Representative Lang, and to give him your support. With Illinois on board, only one more state is needed for the ERA to become the law of the land. "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex." For more information, please go https://equalmeansequal.org/blog/illinois-house-poised-vote-era-need-help-today/
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Fry
  • Thank the SC Senate Dems who protected abortion access
    Last Thursday, the GOP attempt to make abortion illegal in South Carolina was thwarted by a unified effort by the state's Democratic Senators. All of the Democratic Senators pledged to filibuster until the end of the session to prevent a final vote on the abortion ban. Sen. Marlon Kimpson spoke for 8 hours to show the determination of the Senate's Democratic members. The Republicans relented, and sent the bill back to committee, effectively killing the bill for the year. Please join us in thanking the Democratic Senators for standing up for women, and for abortion rights.
    397 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Michael Morrill
  • Pockets for Girls
    As a woman I need pockets, girls need pockets, can you imagine if men's clothing came with fake pockets?
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samantha Lowery
  • Help Stop Domestic Violence!
    I want the world to stop being afraid and work towards building a safer environment for Victims of Domestic Violence. We shouldn't witness our mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers and friends become victims of abuse. Everyone wants and should to be loved, but “LOVE” should not be abuse. We need to uplift each other and become stronger advocates. In order to make a change we must come together to be effective. By signing this petition you are making a small change to help those that are affected by Domestic Violence.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by brianna boiteux