End The Epidemic of Missing Black Women and GirlsTo glean more serious law enforcement investigations and more attention from the national media to end the disappearances and recover these missing women and girls.118 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Theresa Beverly
Tell ICE to #FreeKelly!Kelly is a 23-year-old transgender asylum seeker who has been locked up in immigration jail for nearly three years. Kelly is suffering medical neglect and was put in solitary confinement for four months solely because of her gender identity. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has the power to release her immediately but refuses to let her go. Kelly is suffering tremendously, both physically and mentally. Additionally, her unnecessarily prolonged detention is exacerbating the trauma she has experienced as a domestic violence and human trafficking survivor. During her nearly three years in detention, Kelly has never been given a bond hearing. All Kelly wants is to live safely and without fear. Unfortunately, there are many more transgender individuals like Kelly who are unjustly locked up in immigration jail while they apply for asylum, and are experiencing inhumane treatment because of their gender identity. Kelly needs your help. Sign the petition to demand that ICE use its discretion to #FreeKelly now!2,778 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Julia Toepfer
Tell Congress: Hold perpetrators accountable for revenge pornCongresswoman Katie Hill became a victim of revenge porn. Earlier this month, conservative blog "RedState" published nude photos of Rep. Hill and one of the staff members of her campaign, with whom she admits to having had a consensual relationship. Since then, rightwing publications have been using the photos to create a misogynistic and homophobic campaign to humiliate, abuse, and discredit the freshman Congresswoman. In other words, as one writer puts it, "RedState and its rightwing compatriots have brought the tactics of domestic abuse into our politics." What Hill did--having a relationship with her employee--was inappropriate. What the people who published her photos did was criminal. That's why she is pursuing legal action against those rightwing outlets that distributed her photos without her consent. While "revenge porn," or nonconsensual distribution of intimate images, is illegal in some parts of the country, there is no federal law directly prohibiting it. In light of the horrible public abuse Rep. Hill is going through, Congress must pass a bill it has been sitting on for months called SHIELD--or Stopping Harmful Image Exploitation and Limiting Distribution Act of 2019. While Rep. Hill's story is shaking Washington and the media, will you tell Congress to pass the SHIELD Act to help make sure no one suffers what Rep. Hill has206 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Shaunna Thomas, UltraViolet Action
Reinstate ZahraSince the beginning, The Women's March has been about drawing in and uplifting the most marginalized people. That is the goal of the March, and of the movement behind it. We stand together, behind and beside each other. We do NOT abandon our sisters. Audre Lorde told us that we do not know how to relate across differences. She was right. Discarding those people who care deeply, who fight hard for their communities, and who are willing to do the work to LEARN how to relate across differences, benefits no one but the oppressors. We must hold tight to each other, even when it is hard. Especially when it is hard. We must learn to make room for one another in the March towards a common goal. Zahra, like us, has made mistakes and made amends. Zahra Billoo deserves immediate reinstatement to the Board.241 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Amanda Mileur
Nicole’s order of protection for womenDomestic Violence has become so familiar in the era we are living in. So many broken families have suffered the loss of a loved one who was involved in a domestic violence relationship. A simple order of protection does not ensure the safety of each individual. The proof is all that is needed to have someone locked up with valid evidence. When a person has been dealing with death threats of all kinds, it should hold weight in the court system. In order to protect, we must take all necessary measures and actions against the violators. Some of these situations may never get resolved with the individual who may be suffering from mental disabilities. Counseling the perpetrators and the petitioners should be a main tactic. Death threats should automatically result in incarceration. We must protect the safety of our women all over the world. Violation of a restraining order may result in the death of the petitioner when we had all the proof needed to save the lives of our women110 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nicole Wilson
Amazon.com - Retire Alexa!At a time when we can digitally become more diverse, we’re stepping backwards and creating more sexism in our daily lives. The latest and worst example is Alexa from Amazon. It is a fairly common woman's name. There are no options to change the voice to male or gender-neutral. To not provide these options is an archaic statement that a woman’s role is to serve, to be on call, to be told what to do. That is the message Alexa and other female only automated voices are training younger people today to accept. Amazon can do better than this. Please join in asking Amazon to retire the name Alexa plus provide options for male and gender-neutral voices. Add your name to this petition that will be delivered to Amazon. Also please share this petition! Tell this story! It’s an easy fix. Given the opportunity, there’s a good chance Amazon will step up to do what is right. We just have to collectively ask for it. Full Story on Medium: https://medium.com/@ceci_hall/21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ceci Hall
Hey! Let's Expel Steve King From Congress!I am a father and a brother and a husband and the suggestion should be they raped by a family member it should be shrugged off as no big deal, is offensive beyond belief. It is time to put the entire GOP on blast to take a stand on King. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by JEFF Winbush
The US Women's Soccer Team Deserves Equal PayTHEY DID IT!!!! The U.S. Women's National Soccer Team (USWNT) just won their FOURTH World Cup title!! These incredible, hardworking, and talented athletes are an incredible force and inspiration to us all. But despite their success, women soccer players are still paid significantly less than men—even though the U.S. men's team has never made the same advances, or had the same success, as the women's team. The U.S. men's team didn't even qualify for the last World Cup tournament. These women are high-performing athletes, and they should be compensated fairly. Sign the petition demanding equal pay for the members of the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team. "It certainly is not fair." Those five simple words from co-captain Megan Rapinoe sum up the problem, and we know the solution is equal pay for these inspiring athletes. The women's contract says they stand to make a grand total of $200,000 each for winning the World Cup, while men in a similar position would have made over $1 million each. We demand equal pay. In addition to bringing home championships, the U.S. women's team is also bringing in lots of revenue. The U.S. Women's National Team jersey is the best-selling Nike soccer jersey EVER. And the women's team has brought in more revenue than the men's team for the past three years. Women soccer players are suing the U.S. Soccer Federation (USSF) for equal pay, but court battles take a long time and a lot of money. USSF could fix this right now, without the courts, by paying all of the players' salaries and bonuses equally, regardless of gender. That would show little girls everywhere that they deserve the same opportunities boys do. Will you sign this petition telling U.S. Soccer to pay women fairly?93,803 of 100,000 SignaturesCreated by Shaunna Thomas, UltraViolet
Gender Equality in Congress by LawCongress needs to resemble our population. Half of our population is female. Let's make it happen.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pat Wunderlin
Women's financial rightsDid you know that for every dollar a man makes a woman only makes 80.7 cents? And doesn't it seem unfair to you that women get paid less just because of their gender?! Also, did you know single women without children make 96 cents for every dollar a man makes, and married mothers only make 76 cents? We require a law which ensures that women get the same pay for the same work as men.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chloe Martin
Demand the resignation of Douglass McLeod-MississippiDomestic violence must end, those in power should not only set example, but actually live their so called higher callings. The alleged act of punching his wife in the face because she undressed to slowly for sex is unfathomable to say the least. Women are not sex objects or toys, hopefully his wife will seek a divorce, domestic partner counseling, and get the hell out of Mississippi! Demand his resignation immediately from the Mississippi's state government.61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by loyce hairston
This is not about abortion: Tell governors to stand firm against the attack on a woman's right to...Following on the heels of Georgia, Alabama just passed the nation’s most restrictive reproductive healthcare bill that, if allowed to go forward by the courts, would impose criminal penalties on any doctor who performs an abortion, even in the cases of rape and incest. We know the lifesaving importance of access to reproductive healthcare for women, and we cannot even begin to imagine the horror of a high schooler who has been raped learning that terminating her pregnancy is a criminal action. Despite these horrors, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey immediately signed the bill into law. Across the land, other states like Missouri and Louisiana are considering bills designed to provoke the reversal of Roe versus Wade, which protects a women's right to choose under the U.S. Constitution. Ultimately, it's up to governors to sign them into law. Signing such anti-choice laws signals a governor's active participation in the war on women that wants to take away our bodily autonomy and our ability to make our own family planning decisions. Make no mistake, this war on mothers (most women who have abortions are already moms) and women is not about reducing abortions. If the goal of those who are passing such severely restrictive laws was to avoid abortion, then they'd be passing access to free birth control, which is proven to lower abortion rates, not setting lifetime imprisonment laws for doctors who help women in need. What's really happening is a direct attack on women and moms having bodily autonomy, economic freedom, and sovereignty in our lives.330 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Kristin