• Petition to Support Dr. Sherrell Luckett's Appointment
    We, the students of Northwestern University have been disheartened by the news that Dr. Sherrell Luckett will not be joining our academic community in the upcoming fall quarter. As students who recognize her exceptional qualifications and contributions to the field of drama and performance studies, we believe it is imperative to understand the reasons behind this decision and explore potential avenues for rectifying the situation. Dr. Luckett's impressive credentials are undeniable. With her distinguished position as the founding Director of the Black Acting Methods Studio and the Director of the Helen Weinberger Center for Drama and Playwriting at the University of Cincinnati (UC), she brings a wealth of expertise and experience to our institution. Her numerous affiliations and collaborations, both within and outside UC, highlight her dedication to interdisciplinary approaches and the pursuit of excellence. Her influential residencies at esteemed institutions like the Lincoln Center, Harvard University, and 92Y further demonstrate her impact on the arts and scholarship. We, the students of Northwestern University, firmly believe in the importance of transparency and fairness in our academic community. Therefore, we request that the university administration provide us with a clear explanation of the circumstances that led to Dr. Luckett's exclusion. We deserve to know why a highly qualified and respected individual has been denied the opportunity to contribute to our learning environment. By signing this petition, we express our support for Dr. Sherrell Luckett's appointment and urge the university administration to address our concerns promptly. We believe that a thorough investigation into this matter will not only promote transparency but also ensure the inclusion of exceptional scholars within our academic community.
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tor Campbell
    First, some of you have asked, why boycott Marriott after the fact. Because we need to send them a message that aligning with this radical hate group "has a cost" and also send a message to all other corporations that might align with or donate to Mom's for Liberty that there "will be a cost." Moms for Liberty is an organization that has been labeled an anti-government, anti-student inclusion and a radical group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The organization has ties with the Proud Boys, Three Percenters, sovereign citizen groups, QAnon conspiracies, Christian nationalists, and in one case, with the founder of the AK-47-worshiping Rod of Iron Ministries church in Pennsylvania. The organization quotes Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin in their materials. Marriott needs fumigate the Philadelphia Downtown Hotel because once you let "roaches" in, it's hard to get rid of them Marriott's diversity policy is nonsense! Marriott's LGBTQIA+ policy is total BS! Instead they chose: Profits over diversity! Money over morality! Cash over conscience! Send them a message that if they accept hate, they don't get our business. Some of you have also mentioned that in order to sign the petition, moveon.org requests your email so they can send you email blasts. This may be true, but unlike change.org, they don't sell your information and you can immediately unsubscribe as soon as you get the first email. Additionally some of you have indicated that you have a problem with moveon.org because they have supported "extremists." Please note that when you sign our petition you are not supporting moveon.org, you are supporting our petition. If you know of a better website to host our petition, we will gladly consider it. SIGN THIS PETITION AS YOUR "PLEDGE" THAT YOU WILL NOT VISIT OR STAY AT A MARRIOTT OR AFFILIATED PROPERTY (LISTED BELOW) UNTIL MARRIOTT DISAVOWS MOM'S FOR LIBERTY! STAND STRONG AGAINST HATE! Michael "Mike" Gottesman, Attorney (Retired) Founder, New Jersey Public Education Coalition www.njpecoalition.org www.facbook.com/groups/njpec [email protected] Twitter @njpecoalition TikTok @njpecoalition
    327 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Michael Gottesman NJPEC (he, him) Picture
  • Please Help! Pain Patients Are Dying! Support Illinois HB 5373!
    You can visit our website for more information, at www.4APDF.org. Please support HB 5373 to protect pain patients and their doctors. It was passed in the House, but we need your help for the Senate! Sign this petition to help get this bill passed! The CDC’s data puts the rate of substance use disorders among the chronic pain community at .23%. The DEA admitted it’s less than 1%. When compared to 88-90% of fatal “overdoses,” which are in reality, poisonings from illicitly manufactured fentanyl (IMF), coupled with the fact that the last 12-month period has set a record for overdose (or poisoning) deaths, it’s clear that depriving chronic pain patients of their medication only exacerbates the problem. The overdose/poisoning rate has more than doubled from 2012, when pain medicine prescriptions peaked. This crisis is not about chronic pain medicine.
    252 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kat Hatz
  • Affordable GREEN Housing for Low-Income PoC Elders
    After interviewing more than three dozen BIPOC elders 50 to 80 years of age, we found most low and moderate-income elders are struggling desperately. Their living conditions, in public senior housing, assisted living, and not-quite-affordable market housing is very often deplorable: These are tiny living spaces, no storage, often dirty/stained, and with infestations (at no fault of their own), with poor air quality, and absolutely no green spaces. The health of these elders had become compromised, suffering from joint problems, asthma, hypertension, depression, anxiety, loneliness, despair, and at times, suicidal ideation. Not due so much to their age, but due to the deplorable living conditions, and lack of relationship or community. The above conditions can manifest as Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, along with manifestations of physically terminal and debilitating illnesses. This should not be, and we want to remedy this forgotten population and create community, relationships, and healthy living environments for them. When Gov. Healey spoke about opening state-owned land to build affordable housing, the Grandmothers’ Village Project attempted to schedule a meeting with her. Twice she canceled the meeting and the third time she just didn’t bother to respond. Viewing her posts on social media, I often wondered if she will only meet with an organization if there is a press photo opportunity. If this is true, it’s very sad that she will not meet with her constituents without the photo op! What needs to happen: We need a new and vibrant method of building affordable housing in Massachusetts. This housing should be off-grid electrified using solar, hydrothermal or geothermal methods of energy. We know about the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act), the Biden Justice 40 Initiative, and other programs that are now available from the Federal government to afford the average, individual person a way to greenify and electrify their homes. This money is available for organizations and businesses as well. So, my question to Gov. Healey is this: Why not allow smaller organizations to build this desperately needed housing in a way that will never burden low-income folks financially. Nor will it cause illness through toxic building materials. Nor be so small that people are forced to downsize to a place of having nothing left that is meaningful to them. Gov. Healey cannot allow just the big developers to come in and build their status quo, cheap, toxic materialed housing where they pile as many people inside as possible. Their housing developments will be fossil-fueled creating a deeper burden financially for low and moderate-income residents. The Grandmothers’ Village Project would like to see all new housing built to be green and off the grid. We want to build it! We need your support! Please Sign this petition!
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rev Dr Sandy Range
  • Rep. Ciscomani, Codify Roe Now!
    The GOP continues to attack a person’s right to reproductive healthcare in National Defense Authorization Act by removing the ability of the military to pay for travel of a person to a state that allows abortion in order to obtain an abortion or other reproductive healthcare, even if their life is in danger. Representative Ciscomani supported this action. With new and proposed abortion bans, tens of millions of people have lost access to this fundamental healthcare. We need to ensure that our Congressman does everything he can to preserve our rights to bodily autonomy.
    321 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Amanda DeStefano
  • Protect our reproductive rights from MAGA attacks!
    More than half of US states are almost certain or likely to ban abortion now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v Wade. Several states already have abortion bans on the books, which are now put in motion with the federal government no longer protecting reproductive rights. With new and proposed abortion bans, tens of millions of people have lost access to this fundamental healthcare. We need to ensure that our Congressman does everything he can to preserve women's rights to bodily autonomy.
    889 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Emily Feiner
  • PGA Tour: Don't Merge with Saudi Arabia's Dictator Golf League.
    The brutal monarchies of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates use their oil wealth to distract the world and sportswash their crimes: - Blockading, bombing, and starving thousands in Yemen. - Murdering Saudi dissident and journalist Jamal Khashoggi. - Jailing and torturing peaceful activists, including women’s rights activists. - Driving the climate crisis by exporting fossil fuels. The ten members of the PGA Tour policy board must reject the dictator cash of the rulers of Saudi Arabia and UAE. The PGA Tour must say no to the proposal to merge PGA Tour with the golf leagues of Saudi Arabia ("LIV") and the UAE ("DP World Tour").
    24,267 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Sunjeev Bery Picture
  • Justice For Mika Westwolf #MikaMatters
    Tragically, there is a pattern of abuse and killings of Indigenous women and a lack of accountability on the part of those in power to fully investigate, bring justice to families, and take the steps necessary to stop the violence. More concerted, proactive efforts are needed around the investigation into Mika's killing and the threats to Indigenous women overall. We need answers about the many inconsistencies in the investigation, and we need transparency because the Montana Highway Patrol and other local authorities seem unwilling to work with Mika's family and the community to do comprehensive casework. This is not unique in cases involving Indigenous women—which is why federal intervention is so critical and why law enforcement agencies must take threats against Indigenous women seriously when they occur. Mika, a member of the Blackfeet tribe, was also Diné (Navajo), Cree, and Klamath. She loved basketball, snowboarding, skateboarding, and running. Mika enjoyed spending time with her family, and she was an award-winning poet and videographer. Her inexplicable death is a tragedy for the community. I’m in close contact with Mika's loved ones, who are doing whatever they can to find answers, and they hope to bring awareness to the disproportionate violence enacted against Indigenous women—significantly higher than for other demographics—and the systemic failures that perpetuate it. Law enforcement officials and the public do not devote the scale of resources and attention to support Indigenous women that they should, even though each individual who is missing or murdered has a family who loves them and continues to grieve. Tell the Department of Justice to investigate the death of Mika Westwolf—and dedicate additional resources to missing and murdered Indigenous women (MMIW) cases. In addition to signing the petition, please participate in the awareness walks we are doing at the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana from June 13th-16th. More information can be found at MikaMatters.com
    43,694 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Erica Shelby
  • Tell AmerisourceBergen: Distribute medication abortion in all states where abortion is legal!
    Recent reports reveal that AmerisourceBergen—the country's sole distributor of mifepristone, the safe and vital abortion pill-—circulated a list to corporate clients of 31 states where it will not distribute the pill to pharmacies. Mifepristone is still legal, and it's critical for health care—we can't let right-wing tactics limit access to this medication. It's a cruel plan that, if implemented, will have devastating consequences on people of color, people with low incomes, disabled people, immigrants, and those who live in medically underserved communities—all of whom already face barriers to receiving abortion care. Despite the lies of anti-abortion extremists, mifepristone, which has been widely and safely used by millions of people for 23 years, accounts for more than half of all abortions in the U.S. and is a necessary medication for those experiencing miscarriages as well. It is supported by hundreds of studies and has a proven safety rating of 99%. And let's be clear: despite efforts of right-wing judges, it is still legal, as well as being safe, common, and essential. That's why we need to let the pharmaceutical giant know that we are onto it and will not let up the pressure until it answers to public health needs rather than extremist bullies.
    625 of 800 Signatures
  • End Anti-Transgender Legislative Violence Now!
    With this movement, we are being actively, methodically, and intentionally eradicated. We’re getting a front seat to how a society divides itself and turns against those that are different. The leaders of these movements are not just trying to eradicate the existence of transgender individuals; they are eradicating anything that does not support the continued dominance of what this country was founded on. This means it will not stop at transgender issues; it will continue to expand and spread and will redirect to the next segment of society that poses the next risk to their position. And while it might seem that the concurrent attacks on reproductive rights, religious freedom, books, African-American history, and science are disparate, we know the truth. They are coordinated and intentionally designed to whittle away our power. Let’s call it what it is: political warfare. Political violence. Now is the time for us to band together across differences across cultural or societal norms, or societal norms and stand in the gap for trans people, not only in this country but all of the rest of the world. Because America's power has implications for others. And the world is watching. We've got to unite urgently and show our PRIDE. This is not something the BLACK transgender community can fight without additional support. Even if people are not trans or a member of the LGBTQ+ community, they can relate to the experience of being hidden, unseen, and afraid. We need to unite around that commonality and build solidarity around our unity. We must speak out against these anti-trans bills and work to oppose them at every turn. We call on lawmakers at every level of government to reject these harmful and discriminatory measures and to instead support policies that promote equity, collaboration, reparations, and justice for the people these policies have always minimized. These bills, including those that target trans youth and seek to limit their access to healthcare and athletics, are being promoted by politicians who are using fear and misinformation to advance their own political agendas. We must hold these elected officials accountable for their attacks on our community, and we must work together to resist and oppose these regressive and harmful policies. We urge you to join us in taking action to protect the rights of BLACK transgender people and all members of the trans community by honoring these demands: 1. Commitment to the protection and safety of BLACK trans people 2. Increase access to gender-affirming healthcare 3. Autonomy for trans youth, adults, and their families 4. End legislative violence against trans people By signing this petition, you are standing up to the hateful rhetoric and harmful policies that seek to erase us and deny us our basic human rights. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that all people, regardless of gender identity, are treated with dignity, respect, and equality under the law. We are grateful for your support and advocacy on behalf of this critical issue.
    1,884 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by The Marsha P. Johnson Institute Picture
  • Ending Obstetric Violence Against Indigenous Women in Latin America: An Urgent Appeal
    *English version* Signing the open letter is important as it raises awareness, shows solidarity with Indigenous women, and amplifies the call to end obstetric violence. By signing, individuals demonstrate their commitment to addressing this urgent issue, and their collective voices can exert pressure on policymakers, media, and influential figures to take action and ensure that Indigenous women receive the safe and respectful maternal care they deserve. *Versión en español* La firma de la carta abierta es importante porque crea conciencia, muestra solidaridad con las mujeres indígenas y amplifica el llamamiento para poner fin a la violencia obstétrica. Con su firma, las personas demuestran su compromiso de abordar este problema urgente, y sus voces colectivas pueden ejercer presión sobre los responsables políticos, los medios de comunicación y las personalidades influyentes para que actúen y garanticen que las mujeres indígenas reciben la atención materna segura y respetuosa que merecen.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mariana Apaza Picture
  • request a change in one of the outdoor Shatto Park tennis courts from regular tennis to pickleball
    Pickleball is a rapidly growing sport that is becoming increasingly popular among people of all ages. With the conversion of one tennis court into four pickleball courts, more people would be able to enjoy this exciting sport at your facility.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jay Jongyoup Hahn