• Petition to end parking meters in the Arts District of Downtown Los Angeles
    We are reflecting the personality of our neighborhood, ensuring Inclusivity and Participation for All. Our mission is simple: 1. Observations/ Questions 2. Research topics 3. Hypothesis 4. Test with experiments 5. Analyze Data 6. Report Conclusions 7. Craft a data-driven framework that prioritizes people We are artists, residents, business owners, students, employees, and visitors. Ultimately, the new pilot parking program damages our collective community spirit. We urge Los Angeles city officials, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, ADLT Neighborhood Council, and Arts District Los Angeles Business Improvement District - BID to reconsider and introduce a Hybrid Preferential Parking District (PPD). There are other methods to manage traffic congestion or raise revenue without causing damage to students, local businesses, residents, and employees. The Downtown Los Angeles Arts District stakeholders would like to find inclusive community-based solutions that benefit all stakeholders equally.
    750 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Friends of the Arts district Picture
  • No tax dollars for bombing civilians!
    PM Netanyahu and his far-right government are leading a campaign of indiscriminate bombardment, breaking international law both by targeting civilians and using white phosphorus on civilian populations. These attacks have exacerbated the existing humanitarian crisis caused by the Israeli government’s air, land, and sea blockade that has caused catastrophic loss of life. The reality is that the United States government is Israel’s largest supplier of weapons, and every year for the next five years, the U.S. is already sending $3.8 billion in military aid to Israel. And on top of this, multiple billions of dollars have been sent in military aid, which will include military weapons including bombs and tens of thousands of 155mm artillery shells, which have been the Israeli military’s weapon of choice in their ground invasion of Gaza. More than 1,200 Israelis were killed in the Hamas attacks on October 7 and 240 taken hostage. The brutal response and incessant airstrikes launched by Netanyahu following the Hamas attacks have not only escalated the violence, they have created an unprecedented humanitarian crisis with one in 200 Palestinians having been killed in Gaza by PM Netanyahu’s military since October 7. Entire multi-generational Palestinian families have been killed. Entire lineages have been wiped out. Nearly half of Gaza's residents are under the age of 16, and 65% are under the age of 25, effectively meaning that Palestinian children are bearing the brunt of the Israeli government’s collective punishment. This unacceptable, inhumane, unjust, collective punishment is also a violation of international law. It must end now. Despite the fact that the Israeli government has cut off fuel, water, and electricity from people in Gaza, doctors and nurses are still doing the best they can to treat their patients. Unfortunately, though, more than half of the 30 hospitals in Gaza have been forced to close, and many have run out of necessary medical supplies like anesthesia and painkillers. And many hospitals have been targeted and bombed by Israeli military airstrikes. 50,000 pregnant women and people are at great risk in Gaza too with miscarriages, premature births, and stillbirths tripling.One mother, Hind S., almost gave birth to her baby under the rubble in the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike before she was dug out and rushed to a hospital where her baby was born with a broken leg from the airstrike. These are only some of the horror stories that have come from PM Netanyahu’s bombardment of Palestinians. We have to stop this. A United Nations human rights expert has even confirmed that Palestinians are facing mass ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Israeli government and occupation forces. United States leaders have the massive power to step in and stop it. If we come together, we can make a huge difference. Our collective calls for a ceasefire are working, and demanding that our tax dollars won’t be used to bomb civilians is another big step that we can take. And the time is NOW to come together and demand it. Will you add your name to the petition?
    113,676 of 200,000 Signatures
  • It's time to #PassPaidLeave for all!
    The United States is one of only six remaining countries in the world with no guaranteed form of paid leave. Just 25 percent of workers in the entire country have access to paid family leave through their jobs. And here in America, one in four people who have given birth returned to work within two weeks—bleeding, sleep-deprived, and often still injured. There is a human cost to the lack of paid leave, and families are paying for it. Women and caregivers lift up our economy, which also disproportionately relies on the undervalued labor of women of color. Passing paid leave and care policies would yield millions of jobs, billions in wages, and trillions in GDP. It would reduce turnover costs, retain talented workers, and allow employers and small businesses to be more competitive. It would keep working people in their jobs and families afloat.
    30,610 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Manasrah
  • Help Us Get Period Products On The Ferries
    Hello, we are middle school girls who are doing a project for 7th grade. We have noticed that there are no menstrual products or sanitary bins in the ferry bathrooms. You can't even buy them in the galley. We thought that this would be a perfect topic to stand up for what we think is right and fair. These products are only available if you ask a crew member. You already have to pay for the period products, and now you have to go up to a stranger and ask them for something that you might not feel comfortable asking for. This can lead to embarrassment, and can also cause people who have periods to not feel supported by their community. This makes us question our equality. The ferry provides all the basic bathroom necessities for people who don't menstruate. But they omit some of the basic bathroom necessities for people who do menstruate. When we reached out to the ferry customer service they said that they removed the period product dispensers due to vandalism. When basic things like toilet paper, soap dispensers, and paper towel machines get vandalized, the ferry management accepts the cost of vandalism, puts them back out, and restocks them. On the other hand, when period products get vandalized, the ferry management uses vandalism as an acceptable reason to take them down and get rid of them. The lack of period products in the bathrooms is a lack of respect and privacy. This is an unequal level of service based on gender. If you want to support getting period products and sanitary bins in the ferry bathrooms, please sign our petition. Thank you for reading. :)
    366 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Eden Whitmire
  • Urgent Call for Reform: Strengthening the University of Maryland's Response to Sexual Harassment
    I believe that by proactively addressing these aspects, the University of Maryland can take a significant step towards creating a campus where all students feel secure and supported. I kindly request your attention to this matter and your commitment to implementing these reforms as part of the ongoing efforts to prioritize the well-being of our university community. The Diamondback covered a story in December 2022 relating to the record-high rate of sexual misconduct reports during the 2021-2022 period. The sexual misconduct reports come from students, staff, or faculty members on UMD’s campus, which are then reviewed by a Title XI coordinator at OCRSM. The coordinator then reaches out to the complainant who can then decide if they want to file a complaint for the University to address their report of sexual misconduct. Hundreds of reports were filed within the 2021-2022 reporting period, with only 25 becoming formal complaints. Complainants did not want to move forward in 94 of the cases and did not respond to the outreach in 107 of the cases. In 41 cases the university determined it did not have authority over the respondent. While sexual harassment was the most frequently reported type of sexual misconduct within this reporting period, there were zero investigations into the assaults in that same period (UMD Sees Record High in Sexual Misconduct Reports During 2021-2022, 2022). Seeing this rise in sexual harassment on campus facilitates the necessity of reforming the current policies related to on-campus and workplace sexual harassment.
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sydney Dailer
  • Justice for Jaahnavi Kandula!
    Jaahnavi Kandula is a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a friend and a human being, in addition to being Indian. Unlike what the officer said, Jaahnavi had VALUE, and an UNLIMITED VALUE. Let us stand and raise a voice against such abhorrent thinking, that Brown people have limited value. Despite the professional, social, and financial role played by Indians in the United States, we have not been able to escape racism and inequality many times, and our entire community has still quietly moved on. This event is the final straw and we demand fair treatment and for SPD to be held accountable for Jaahnavi's death. Please join us demanding justice for Jaahnavi Kandula.
    245,242 of 300,000 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Glory Janes
  • It's Time to Deal with Supreme Court Corruption
    Right-wing billionaires have invested tens of millions to capture the Supreme Court. They've worked with Donald Trump and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to pack the court with conservative justices. They've funded cases to overturn abortion rights, shatter precedent, and strengthen corporate power. And as has become clear due to recent blockbuster revelations, these billionaires have lavished gifts on conservative justices including Thomas and Alito—who have not disclosed these gifts for years or recused themselves from cases where there would be an apparent conflict of interest. Furthermore, Justice Thomas's wife—conservative superactivist Ginni Thomas—has helped create and advise these networks of conservative donors and advocates. Yet Justice Thomas has never recused himself from cases involving her work—including cases around Donald Trump's efforts to subvert the results of the 2020 election, in which Ginni Thomas was directly implicated. Despite hundreds of thousands in gifts, rampant conflicts of interest, and a historically low level of public trust in the integrity of the court, Chief Justice John Roberts has refused to act. And while Democrats in Congress have held the first hearings about a judicial code of ethics for the Supreme Court, they have not gone far enough, while Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Alito, Crow and others have dismissed congressional efforts to rein in the court. Our senators need to use their power to rein in the corruption of the Supreme Court and take meaningful steps to restoring its balance and integrity. It is Congress's authority and responsibility to act. Democrats hold a majority and need to use the power of their committee chairs to hold sweeping investigations into corruption and finally move forward a comprehensive ethics reform bill for a vote. It will take far more to fix the right-wing capture of the court and deal with the epidemic of the influence of Big Money. We need to expand the court to rebalance it, to pursue impeachment of corrupt justices, and to pass other reforms that restore the integrity of our judicial system. Sweeping investigations and a vote on ethics reforms are steps that are important—and within the power of today's Democratic majority.
    179,136 of 200,000 Signatures
  • Televise Trump's Criminal Trials
    Donald Trump and his cronies spread endless lies and misinformation following the 2020 election, which led to the deadly insurrection on January 6. Trump stopped at nothing to try to overturn the 2020 election results and overthrow our government. He is dangerous. He will keep lying to hold on to power, which is why it is important that we, the public, get the transparency that we deserve. Sign this petition to call on the Judicial Conference to approve televising the trials of Donald Trump. Doing so will give all of us the opportunity to see how justice works in our country and can go a long way toward combating the rampant rumors and conspiracy theories that would otherwise be flooding the airwaves and internet. Donald Trump and his allies will attempt to call these trials politically motivated or an abuse of power, but the American people deserve to hear the truth in court themselves. Once again, we urge you to approve televising these historic trials.
    108,394 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Jan Revell
  • Expel Marjorie T. Greene From The U.S. Congress
    Marjorie Taylor Greene has been associated with several conspiracy theories in the past. It's important to note that she has distanced herself from some of these theories or claimed that her views have evolved. Here are a few examples: 1. QAnon: Greene has expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory, which alleges a secret plot against President Trump by a deep state of pedophiles and Satan-worshipping elites. She has since distanced herself from QAnon and stated that she no longer believes in it. 2. 9/11 Conspiracy Theories: In social media posts, Greene has suggested that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job and that evidence supports controlled demolitions of the World Trade Center buildings. 3. False Flag Shootings: Greene has commented that mass shootings, such as the Parkland school shooting and the Las Vegas shooting, were staged or false flag operations. 4. Jewish Space Laser: In a Facebook post, Greene endorsed a conspiracy theory that blamed wildfires in California on a Jewish-controlled space laser. She has since disputed this theory and called it a mistake. 5. Pizzagate: Greene has liked and shared social media posts about the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, falsely claiming that high-ranking Democrats were involved in a child sex trafficking ring operating out of a Washington, D.C. pizzeria. 6. Deep State: Greene has frequently used the term "deep state" to refer to a secret network of government officials and bureaucrats working to undermine President Trump and his administration. 7. COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories: Greene has expressed skepticism about the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, questioned the effectiveness of masks, and suggested that the virus may have been intentionally released. 8. Recorded Revenge Impeachments motions. It's important to note that experts and mainstream media outlets have widely debunked these conspiracy theories. Greene's association with these theories has drawn criticism and controversy.
    5,321 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Steven Carrero
  • Reject Grayson County's Anti-Abortion Ordinance!
    The Board of Supervisors in Grayson County, Virginia is under attack by Evangelical Christian churches seeking to ban abortion care. We can't let that happen. The Virginia Constitution and Virginia Act for Religious Freedom firmly declare that religious extremism has no place in politics. Abortion is still legal in Virginia, and Grayson County does not have the power to countermand state law. This local ordinance was drafted by the FEDERALIST SOCIETY and TEXAS RIGHT TO LIFE for the purpose of sowing division and confusion for people seeking abortion care in rural southwest Virginia – the last central access point in the South for reproductive healthcare. Please join us in asking the Board of Supervisors to reject this harmful ordinance.
    1,113 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by The Peace Pentagon and Virginia Reproductive Equity Alliance Picture
  • 260 of 300 Signatures
    Created by N’da N’Guan
  • Tell Google's CEO: Stop promoting and profiting off of ads from predatory anti-abortion centers!
    Google is well aware of the dangerous and harmful impact that ads from fake clinics have on pregnant people seeking abortion care. Google already came under fire after a report was released in 2021 regarding fake ads about “abortion pill reversal.” But despite their own policies against advertisers promoting “misleading information about products,” they have continued to host (and profit off of) similarly predatory ads. Additionally, they have a policy that clearly states: “if you want to run ads using queries related to getting an abortion, you will first need to be certified as an advertiser that either provides abortions or does not provide abortions. If you are not certified, you won’t be able to run ads using queries related to getting an abortion.” They are clearly not consistently enforcing their own policies.
    21,984 of 25,000 Signatures