• Abolish the filibuster and protect abortion rights for all!
    We don’t have time to wait: abortion rights are under attack like never before, both federally and nationally. While Dems are in power, our elected officials in the Senate must swiftly abolish the filibuster—it’s an outdated parliamentary maneuver that Speaker Mitch McConnell and others have continued to abuse to halt any national progress in Congress.
    468 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Nakia Stephens
  • Creation of Disability Cultural Center at Portland Community College
    Students with Disabilities need an identity center separate from Disability Services/Accessible Education because the function of this office is to meet accessibility needs and process accommodation requests, not to meet the needs of Students with Disabilities, for whom there are many. With a Disability Cultural Center, the possibility for grant funding is created, as is the ability to hire student staff, have peer-to-peer programming and advocacy, and opportunity for students to connect with others who are marginalized by exceptionally isolating circumstances.
    300 of 400 Signatures
    Created by PJ Golden
    INDICTING THESE INDIVIDUALS IS ONLY FAIR! COMMIT THE CRIME, DO THE TIME! By NOT acting, & indicting them, YOU ARE ENABLING THEM, TOO! By your inaction, you are normalizing terroristic behavior from our elected public officials. Congress has ways to deal with traitors amongst their ranks. THERE ARE LAWS TO DEAL WITH THEM! USE THEM!!!!!! CENSURE THEM! WRITE RESOLUTIONS TO EXPEL THEM! DEMOCRATS, CALL FOR THEM ALL TO BE EXPELLED! DO YOUR JOB TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN PUBLIC FROM FUTURE DOMESTIC ENEMIES. You took the oath, to protect us from enemies, foreign & domestic. HONOR YOUR OATH! If you DON'T indict them, they are emboldened to continue lying to the public, inciting continued violence from their supporters, & not only obstructing a Democratic agenda, but still in office, pressing for their abysmal agenda, which persecutes women, children & families across the nation. Furthermore, since they're not charged with insurrection, they can run for re-election, no problem! And continue terrorizing the country! WE CALL ON CONGRESS & WHITE HOUSE & DOJ TO DO YER JOB!!! CENSURE, CHARGE, REMOVE THESE TRAITORS FROM OFFICE, & BAR THEM FROM FUTURE ELECTIONS. I personally urge all of you to DESIGNATE THE GOP AS TERRORIST ORGANIZATION! Although this sounds fair to me, probably most Americans would not agree with this measure - yet.
    423 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Trista di Genova-CHANG
  • Virginia Must Legalize It Right
    The CannaJustice Coalition leading this work in VA is proudly partnering with Minorities for Medical Marijuana and Morring Law firm here in the Commonwealth to push this message forward. Legalization can be a way to dismantle the War on Drugs or re-activate it. As the number four reason for deportation and the reason why many are barred from housing, education and employment, we must legislate legalization that makes the public feel safe, and ensure police are not targeting them for a legal substance. As of August 31, 2021, the state is responsible for incarcerating 570 people for 599 marijuana-related offenses. There are 229 people incarcerated with a non-drug related Most Serious Offense (MSO), 331 people incarcerated with Drug Sales MSO and 10 people incarcerated with Drug Possession MSO with their families sooner. There are even more of our loved ones on community supervision due to marijuana that need to be set free from surveillance. Cannabis expert, Shaleen Title, explains that this a crucial and vulnerable moment for the future of the cannabis market. While states are making historic progress creating paths for small businesses and disenfranchised groups, larger companies are expanding, consolidating, and lobbying for licensing rules to create or maintain oligopolies. Federal legalization will only accelerate the power grab already happening with new, larger conglomerates openly expressing interest. Left unchecked, this scramble for market share threatens to undermine public health and safety and undo bold state-level efforts to build an equitable cannabis marketplace and reduce the impact of disproportionate policing. Virginia must recognize our role in protecting our people but also our place in the federal legalization conversation that stands up to exploitative businesses and demands an equitable return for those impacted by the racist War on Drugs.
    1,456 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Marijuana Justice
  • NCNW says U.S. Department of Justice must Investigate Bomb Threats Against HBCUs
    HBCUs exist because of the persistent desire of Black Americans to obtain higher education, in the past and today. HBCUs produce pioneers, leaders and responsible citizens. Their legacy is indeed “sacred.”
    1,278 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by National Council of Negro Women, Inc.
  • Tell the Maryland General Assembly to Protect Abortion Rights by Amending the State Constitution
    The 1973 Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade made access to safe and legal abortion a constitutional right. Today, that freedom is at risk like never before. In 2021, states introduced 663 abortion restrictions and enacted 108 of them — a record number since 1973. Meanwhile, 80% of Americans want abortion to be legal. We are the majority, and in this unprecedented time where the federal right to abortion may be no more, it is up to state governments to step in and ensure our laws reflect that. Passing a constitutional amendment to protect reproductive rights NOW is one of the most concrete measures we can take before it is too late. That’s why I am calling on the Maryland General Assembly to amend the state constitution to protect personal reproductive liberty and guarantee the right to an abortion. Add your name to show your support!
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Doug Gansler
  • Joe Rogan Has Got To Go
    It's time Spotify listened to its users and our demands. Spotify must be a space for sharing ideas, stories, and music, not hate and bigotry. Sign on to demand Spotify remove "The Joe Rogan Experience" and implement policies explicitly banning hate, disinformation, and misogyny.
    103,905 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by UltraViolet Shaunna Thomas
  • Tell Governor Carney to Address Women's Reentry Now!!
    We need to address generational curses and Women's Reentry, Child Mental Health, State and Local Police Conduct, Prosecutorial Conduct and Taxation without Representation for Ex-Offenders. While there has been some improvement, more needs to be done today!! Join setuptofail.org in our quest for Justice and Responsibility.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Greenwood
  • Prosecute Trump and his accomplices
    Every single freedom we have will be taken away, from voting to judicial decisions to the right to protest. The very atrocities we see in other authoritarian countries will become our every day reality. If corruption is left to become normalized and the perpetrators aren't held accountable, common sense shows this will all just get worse.
    245 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Anderson
  • Cancel Real Housewives of Dubai
    Not based in the U.S.? Sign the petition here: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/tell-bravo-cancel-real-housewives-of-dubai/ Andy Cohen announced that the first international city of the Real Housewives franchise will be Dubai, the heart of the United Arab Emirates. The UAE is an oppressive monarchy that criminalizes being gay, requires male guardianship permission to marry, and permits marital rape. Sign our petition today and tell Bravo: Cancel Real Housewives of Dubai and demand that Dubai’s dictators end their violations of women’s rights. This is urgent: filming is expected to start soon. Bravo TV and Andy Cohen are providing cover to a UAE dictatorship that hides its brutal reality behind an international image of luxury and glamour. Cohen and Bravo are packaging a nightmare as a fantasy: Dubai’s ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum repeatedly organized the abduction and holding captivity of his adult daughters. And, he consistently threatens his former wife, Princess Haya, who fled from Dubai and was granted refuge in the UK. Dubai’s rulers need to see accountability for their mistreatment of women and LGBTQI+ persons, not a TV show projecting a fantasized image while vulnerable communities in the United Arab Emirates are living a nightmare.
    408 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Sunjeev Bery Picture
    Residents that live in Greenburgh Housing Authority and Greenburgh Heights, LLC complexes have a right to health protection during this pandemic.
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mechelle Brown Picture
  • The Need For A Woman of Color Speaker is the Only Acceptable Option
    With a female majority in the New York CIty Council, and with Latino Leadership in high positions on a decline, it is crucial that our City centers a Latina leader in our government to ensure equity, diversity, inclusion, and representation are prioritized.
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by The People of New York