We don’t have the luxury of hanging up on reality. There is so much at stake: Healthcare, poverty, racial equity, public safety, housing, social programs — the list goes on. We cannot let the Conservative party win and implement policies that sow hate and division and take away what we have worked so hard for. The party that embraces Trump and all that he stands for — xenophobia, racism, classism, white supremacy, extremism, snd so much more. Their top candidate is a Trump Republican who will unravel all that is good in our State, including the progress that we have made. The struggle for equity and dismantling of hate will be under attack. If you still aren’t feeling the pressure — remember that the power of a governor is immense. Imagine meaningful legislation that we have advocated for never being signed into law. Our hands will be tied. The poll results are in and show that if we don’t show up to vote, the recall will 100% happen. If you do nothing else in this stressful year, please make it voting and reaching out to others to VOTE NO on the recall. Please contact the author of this petition for details on how to GET INVOLVED and SPRED THE WORD. And vote. Vote. VOTE. Kimberly Adams [email protected] 714-325-5303
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Adams
  • Restore Press Freedom!
    Today the entire mainstream media is owned by only FIVE corporations, all of which are run by people who are invested in weapons and war. The result is a media that always starts with a pro-interventionist position and is staffed by former intelligence officials and generals that protect the government narrative instead of the truth. Additionally, it is extremely rare for mainstream media outlets to have on opposing viewpoints, especially from the left, to have debates and discussions. We need a return to fairness, truth and civil debate.
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jason Kishineff
  • Free the Nipple Indiana
    Indiana remains one of only 4 states in the United States who have directly targeted legislation against women being topless in public spaces, allowing police to arrest and charge women with class C misdemeanors for being comfortable on a hot day. This is discrimination on the basis of gender and cultivates a culture of shame around the bodies of women. This law fetishizes people, it minimizes the value of their bodies, it takes away ownership of their bodies, and it tells female identifying humans across the state that their body is a shameful object to be hidden. We can change this and make our state not one of the last strongholds of sexist law in the United States.
    740 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Leah Johnson
    "Whether you are a fan of Star Trek or not the following has universal appeal to all. "A dream that became a reality and spread throughout the stars." – James T. Kirk, 2269 (TOS - "Whom Gods Destroy") "The United Federation of Planets was a supranational interstellar union of multiple planetary nation-states that operated semi-autonomously under a single central government, founded on the principles of liberty, equality, peace, justice, and progress, with the purpose of furthering the universal rights of all sentient life. Federation members exchange knowledge and resources to facilitate peaceful cooperation, scientific development, space exploration, and MUTUAL DEFENSE."** I've emphasized "Mutual Defense" because its important! While an obvious interpretation is "military defense", it also means Mutual Defense of Morals, Mutual Defense as in Care of Each Other. The US Senate are the rare few who are given the honor and duty of representing us all. But Minority Leader McConnell has vowed to put all of his efforts into blocking Democratic legislations to help all of us. We need to pass the President's Infrastructure Bill, the country needs roads, bridges, transportation, Broadband Internet, and We Need Clean Water. We need to Pass the For the People to help protect us from malicious voter suppression bills that are being passed by State Legislatures in multiple states. We need to have a commission to investigate the seditious attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6th, who are the Republican's trying to protect? We also need to Pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, The John Lewis Act, The Equality Act, The Pro Act, The Breathe Act, American Jobs Plan, American Families Plan, and Washington DC (our nation's great Capitol, is home to 712,000 people that are taxed hire per capita than any other state) should 100 percent be a state! We need common sense gun control like Mandatory Background Checks. We need the multiple Immigration Acts to Pass, We must raise taxes for the wealthiest one percent, they must pay their fair share, TAX THE RICH, We need NON-TRUMP JUDGES and damn it WE DIRELY NEED CLIMATE CARE!! WE NEED ALL THE THINGS NOW! WE CAN'T HAVE ANY OF THE THINGS WITHOUT ENDING THE FILIBUSTER! The Conservative Dems like Joe Manchin (WV) and Kristen Sinema (AZ) have said they want bi-partisanship. We have tried this to no avail. The Republican Senators do not represent the majority of the country, they do not speak for all of us, and they do not even speak for their constituents they claim to be speaking for. These policies are overwhelmingly popular with over 80 percent of the country's population. Enough is Enough. The Filibuster was established to protect Systematic Racism, and it continues to be in the way of changing that racist system.We need all of our Democratic Senators to ABOLISH THE FILIBUSTER NOW because WE NEED ALL THE THINGS NOW!! **(c/o https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/United_Federation_of_Planets)
    839 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Witten Picture
  • Mayor Klinakis: Confront Sexual Harassment, Assault and other lawlessness at City Hall
    #MeToo has sparked an outpouring of personal stories of sexual harassment and assault. Over 81 percent of women in the United States report having experienced sexual harassment. The damage is physical, psychological, and economic. It can happen to anyone—including men. That’s why we have laws in place to keep employees safe in the workplace from being harassed or retaliated against if they speak up about it. The conversation needs to include those who witness or are otherwise aware of these illegal actions – they need to speak up and let their voice be heard. But in order to change the status quo, we need those who are witnesses to the harassment or assault — and most often encourage that behavior through their silence — to speak up and say “sexual harassment and retaliation is not okay.” Take the pledge to act, and share with everyone who you want to invite to join you in taking on sexual harassment and assault and demand Mayor Klinakis ensure the City of La Puente is a safe place to work. #Time'sUpMayorKlinakis #StopKlinakisAbuse
    191 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Time's Up Klinakis
  • Save the Children: Support HR 2590 - Save kids in occupied Palestinian territories
    For the first time, there is legislation in Congress to ensure that no US tax dollars fund multiple human rights violations carried out by the Israeli government against Palestinians. We need you to take action today to ensure that your representative is on this bill. The Palestinian Children and Families Act (H.R. 2590), introduced by Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN), states that the U.S. will not fund the Israeli government's imprisonment and torture of Palestinian children; theft and destruction of Palestinian homes and property; or any further annexation of Palestinian land. This legislation couldn't come at a more critical moment. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed systemic injustices across the globe, intensifying the harms of state violence and discrimination - Israel is no exception. During the pandemic, the Israeli government has continued to imprison Palestinian children under a military court system, putting them in grave danger of contracting COVID and separating them from their families. Horrifyingly, at a time when we are all asked to stay at home, the Israeli government has actually increased the rate at which it is demolishing Palestinian homes. Now is the time: The U.S. must stop funding the Israeli government's human rights abuses.
    274 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Save the Children Staff, friends , and colleagues
  • Fix the Supreme Court and save abortion rights!
    The Supreme Court just agreed to hear a case that could lead to Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett overturning Roe v. Wade. Mississippi recently banned abortion in the first 15 weeks of a pregnancy. All lower courts have said it is unconstitutional. But now right-wing justices Kavanaugh and Barrett are eager to rule on this critical case. Kavanaugh and Barrett want to use this case and ones like it to overturn Roe v Wade, the landmark decision that protected abortion rights across America. Democratic politicians have spent years warning voters that this could happen. But so far, those politicians haven't taken all the steps needed to protect Roe v. Wade. The most important thing they can do right now is to fix the Supreme Court by adding two more seats. We need Senators to stop wasting time. Will you sign the petition and urge Congress to expand the Supreme Court and save our basic rights?
    424 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Abrar Omeish is a Racial Equity Champion: Stop the Slander
    The characterizations by Knotts and the GOP are designed to shut down important dialogue and run counter to free speech principles. Education systems must welcome diverse opinions.
    11,799 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by National Arab American Women's Association NAAWA Picture
  • Congress Gave $10 Billion in Relief for Child Care- Make Sure it Reaches the Providers
    Child care facilities remain on the brink of closure! Please tell Colorado to give their child care facilities the funds Congress allocated for them. Please ask the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Child Care to provide better oversight of these funds. Please ask the General Accountability Office to investigate misappropriation of these public funds.
    128 of 200 Signatures
    Created by J S
  • Listen to Arizonans: Reject political interference in personal medical decisions and veto SB 1457
    In addition to threatening doctors with jail time for providing patients with the care they need, SB 1457 would lock into law ideological language defining when “life” begins and ban public education institutions from providing abortion counseling or referrals. Prioritizing this extreme ideological agenda does not align with Arizona values. Además de amenazar a médicos con penas de cárcel por proporcionar a pacientes la atención que necesitan, la SB 1457 pondira un lenguaje y ideológia permanente que define cuándo comienza la "vida" y prohibiría a las instituciones de educación pública proporcionar asesoramiento o referencias sobre abortos. Priorizar esta agenda ideológica extrema no se alinea con los valores de Arizona.
    3,031 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Mello Roberson
  • There is no room in Congress for a misogynistic sexual predator like Gaetz. He must resign, NOW!
    Gaetz has gone far to evade accountability for the things he’s done, so far that he sought a preemptive pardon for himself and other members of Congress for any crimes they committed, and though he didn’t get it, the investigation on him began under the Trump administration’s Department of Justice that was led by Bill Barr at the time, who abused his power by acting as Trump’s personal lawyer and covering up his many crimes. Gaetz’s predatory behavior is not new: While he was a member of the Florida House of Representatives, he showed other lawmakers nude photos of women that he claimed he slept with, he created a game to score “sexual conquests” that gave points for targets like interns, staffers, or other women colleagues, and he voted against a bill aimed at preventing people from sharing explicit photos of their ex-partners online. Gaetz, like his idol Trump, is a sexual predator. Not to mention that in 2020, Gaetz spewed baseless lies about the legitimacy of the election, which subsequently incited the storming of the Capitol by white supremacists, which he then called a false-flag operation by the left. Then, he and the GOP Treason Caucus refused to hold Trump accountable for obstruction of justice in the first impeachment trial, objected to certifying the 2020 election results, and even refused to hold Trump accountable for inciting a deadly insurrection in the second impeachment trial. Now, Rep. Gaetz is under federal investigation for sexual misconduct and sex trafficking a child. There is no room in Congress for a misogynistic sexual predator like him. That’s why we must take action to demand that Matt Gaetz resign from Congress, NOW!
    2,039 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Laurie Woodward Garcia Picture
  • CNN, time to leave Georgia. No to state legislated voting discrimination.
    A state political party should be sent a very clear message that abusing government power to suppress votes will not be tolerated by businesses because supporting unethical state legislatures economically funds corrupt government and it will not and should not be tolerated. The legislatures and ELECTED representatives should be held responsible for driving businesses out of state. Businesses should only support states economically that support democracy not actively suppress it. Because that is what is truly at stake.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Katz