• Justice for Rape Victims in Bangladesh
    Rape in Bangladesh is a chronic, horrific crime that is not addressed on a consistent, compassionate, legal basis in our country. Too often, the victim is blamed for the offender's crime. We demand that our government establish the Office of Violence Against Women within our Department of Justice so that this dreadful violence may stay in the forefront of our courts, police and offenders. #Rape #Bangladesh #JustuceForRapeVictims #ViolenceAgainstWomen
    506 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Sumiya Sumiya
    As families return to work as the state moves through the four phases, childcare is ESSENTIAL to ensuring the workforce is able to restart. Families with young children NEED our support! Lack of access to child care impacts first responders and front line workers - they NEED our services more than ever! Child care NEEDS an IMMEDIATE influx of equitable grant monies, distributed on a PER CHILD basis - based on licensed capacity - not an arbitrary tiered system that does not take our real expenses into consideration. Issues that appeared to be temporary, e.g. front line teachers and directors becoming ill and sites shutting down, at the onset of this public health emergency, are now causing permanent damage to the early education system. The cost of purchasing personal protection equipment (PPE) and reducing group sizes has further impacted how many children can access services. Without adequate capacity, children will not have access to care and parents will be unable to go to work. Immediate state intervention is needed to stop the COVID-19 pandemic from pushing the child care industry to economic collapse.
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Greater Seattle Child Care Business Coalition
  • Rewrite the American Constitution
    Slaves were not freed until 1863. Women were not allowed to vote until 1920. Black people were not allowed to vote until 1965. Gay marriage was not legalized until 2015. Our constitution was written ONLY by white men in the 1700s. We are not including the thoughts and perspectives of any woman, any person of color, any of our LGBTQ communities. We cannot expect change and we cannot expect equal justice for all when we are living under the supreme laws of a document crafted in the 1700s. As women, we deserve a say As people of color, we deserve a say As people of different sexualities or nonconforming genders, we deserve a say. As people with differentiating cultures in our country, we deserve a say. Sometimes we need to deroot and replant to grow a vital and luscious garden. America, land of the free, home of the BRAVE. WE, the people, must put meaning to those words. It only takes 100,000 signatures in 30 days or less to send a petition to the white house. Please, let’s come together and fix this before it’s too late. Please, set aside our differences and let’s fix this, before it’s too late. Estados Unidos necesita tu ayuda. Por favor. Nosotras necesitamos vivir mejor. No más odio. No más tristeza. Más valentía, más libertad, más vida!! ahora! Vámonos! Salud y gracias.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Isabelle Grace
  • An Introduction To Three Critical Solutions
    On January 1, 2021, I will be 77 years old. For most of my early life, I had but a passing interest in politics. That dramatically changed with the murder of President John Kennedy on November 22, 1963! A few weeks later, after I saw Life Magazine’s detailed color pictures of the Zapruder film showing the President’s head and brains being blown BACKWARD after being shot in the face, and NOT being shot from behind – as declared fact by the Warren Commission Report – I began my personal search to find out who, why, and how my government was intentionally lying to all of us then, and forward to this very day. Initially, since there was no Internet for the first three decades, my search was slow and labor intensive. However, with the advent of the Internet, my searches became much more productive. I attempted to find answers relating to politicians, other governments, the CIA, the Mafia, bankers, etc., and was about to give up on finding a satisfying answer until, about a dozen years ago, I found and read an article titled, Beware The Psychopath, My Son. After reading that article, I came to the forehead slapping realization that for all of those years I was expecting to find my answers among groups of people and all the while it was the commonality of the mental composition – of specific powerful men WITHIN those groups! It was the key which almost instantly answered so many more questions than I had ever even begun to consider. It answered political questions, economic questions, legal questions, historical questions, sociological questions, racial questions, religion questions, media questions, sexism, rationalizations for wars and so much more! I have spent the last decade confirming and expanding on my “discoveries” and last year I began what has become a three webpage explanation for all to read, absorb and then hopefully help usher through Congress a very specific bill into Federal law. So now, I would sincerely appreciate any feedback, criticism, questions, support and/or – at least pass this short introduction along to someone who may find it of interest. -- Note: The above mentioned article, upon which all of my studies are based, is the first link on the first webpage listed below. That link begins with, “Research studies have shown …”. www.rushtopower.net www.rushtopower.net/action.html BONUS: www.rushtopower.net/reset.html Respectfully, Terry Sneller aka, Tarry Faster [email protected]
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Sneller
  • Justice for Hevenly Mendonsa
    The police have been beating my sister in jail, she suffers from Schizoaffective bipolar disorder. Recently an officer kicked her so hard which resulted in a dislocated kneecap for the cop. My sister is facing charges for the cops wrongdoings in criminal court instead of mental health court. I’m asking everyone to please pray for my sister and for protection while she is in jail. My sister is a young black woman from Solano County and is being denied her rights under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) as a black woman with mental disabilities. My sister is facing 7 years and the officers excuse for kicking her is that my sister was “moving to slow” coming from the jail elevator. Someone with a mental disability should not be handled with aggressive impatient treatment. My sisters life matters #blacklivesmatter This is Hevenly her life matters. Black women need protection now more than ever especially those who suffer from things out of their control. Her hearing is at 8:30am on October 16 in Solano County Crimal Court she is being charged unjustly from charges related to this event. If anybody out there has any referral resources or that hears this message & is willing to share in hopes of helping our family in this tragic situation please do! Even if it’s with words of encouragement. I know we aren’t the only family from Solano County that suffers from police brutality and from officers who strategically target those that are mentally disabled, black, and poor. #Blacklivesmatter 🖤🖤🖤
    348 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Dacari Mashauni
  • 43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Macie Fulmer
  • Retroactive Admission
    FAIRNESS, INCLUSION, and EQUALITY. The Supreme Court lowered the bar passage score for the California bar exam 2 months after the February 2020 bar results were made public. If the passing score on the Feb. 2020 exam had been reduced to 1390, five percent more white test takers would have passed the exam, but eight percent more Latinos, seven percent more Asians and 13 percent more Blacks would also have passed. The percentage of woman applicants have not been disclosed by the committee. Please support recent eligible applicants who have passed previous bar exams with the new cut score of 1390 to 1439 but are unable to retake the exam due to the high fees and costs associated with taking the exam, wildfires, and the numerous issues caused by the pandemic from unemployment, school closures, and the novel Corona virus. Make California attorneys more representative of the state and provide greater access to justice for low- and middle-income Californians in need of legal assistance. The State Bar of California does not want to make the exam retroactive because they will lose money. The State Bar of California will not make admissions retroactive without guidance from the Supreme Court. Please sign this petition, share with friends and family, and support our future generation of legal minds during these times of social injustice. DID YOU KNOW- The State Bar of California will receive $317,080 in test fees from the 376 repeater applicants that have to retake the online October 2020 exam to receive the same score the received in February 2020. Bar Exam fee: $677; Laptop fee: $153; Total to retake online OCT bar exam $830. Bar preparation courses range from $2,500-$10,000. Law school graduates are required to take the California bar exam after graduating from law school and passing moral character and an ethics exam if they want to practice law in the State of California. Support this petition so this new generation of legal advocates can make an impact in the legal field.
    478 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Ava Boloori
  • Do Not Fill Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Seat Until After Inauguration Day 2021
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg spent her life protecting women's rights and advancing justice for those disenfranchised by the political establishment. She was well-known for the work she did before taking the bench, when she served as an advocate for the American Civil Liberties Union and became the architect of a legal strategy to bring cases to the courts that would ensure that the 14th Amendment's guarantee of equal protection applied to gender. Justice Ginsburg dedicated her life to ensuring fairness and equality for all Americans. There's no woman in the United States whose life, career and security was not bolstered by the work of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We are all in her debt, young and old, Democrat or Republican. We should keep that in mind as we consider her dying wish. As the end of her life approached, Ginsburg dictated to her granddaughter a message that we must fight to achieve in her honor: "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." PLEASE SHARE THIS PETITION WITH EVERYONE WHO CARES ABOUT OUR COUNTRY'S FUTURE. They do not have to be a member of Nasty Women for Biden to support this initiative.
    644 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Mya Reyes, Nasty Women for Biden
  • No Vote on Supreme Court Nominee until After the Election
    Every American expects politicians to uphold their word and promises, both past and present. As Garland did not get a vote during an election year, neither should any nomination by Trump.
    408 of 500 Signatures
    Created by scott hall Picture
  • Do not fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Supreme Court seat until after the 2021 inauguration
    Every senator from across the political spectrum must acknowledge the danger posed by rushing to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat so close to an election. We all remember Mitch McConnell's blockade of President Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland 237 days before the 2016 election. The 2020 election has already started—with voting already underway in many states—and it would be a truly inexcusable act of hypocrisy and injustice for Trump and Senate Republicans to move any nomination forward. Ruth Bader Ginsburg spent her life protecting women's rights and advancing justice for those disenfranchised by the political establishment. Trump—who lost the popular vote by millions—must not be allowed to further demolish the American judiciary. Many Republican senators have already committed publicly that they would not move a nomination forward in the event of a vacancy at this late date. We must honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg's legacy and hold every politician accountable to the most basic standards of fairness by demanding they not move any new nomination forward for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the nation until every vote is counted and the inauguration is complete.
    1,485,674 of 1,500,000 Signatures
    Created by Rahna Epting, MoveOn Political Action
  • Keep RBG's Seat Open Until After Inauguration Day
    After the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, Senator Mitch McConnell stated, "Of course, the American people should have a say in the court's direction. It is a president's constitutional right to nominate a Supreme Court justice, and it is the Senate's constitutional right to act as a check on the president and withhold its consent." He held the seat vacant for over 321 days (between the date President Obama nominated Merrick Garland to the day President Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch). It is only right that he respect the American people's choice in the court's direction. Senator McConnell must keep Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat open until after Inauguration Day 2021.
    6,118 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Lipton
  • Investigate ICE for crimes against humanity
    America does not stand for this kind of (or any) inhumane behavior and we will not tolerate it on any level, especially from our federal agencies. We demand investigation and justice for individuals who have been detained and subjected to this abuse from ICE.
    2,125 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Courtney Weaver