Save Our SalonsIt is important that both Governors stop using fear mongering language directed at the beauty industry because they are making consumers unnecessarily afraid to return to their favourite salon or spa and preventing in home services where allowed. Governor Cuomo insists salon and barbershop professionals are non essential and Governor Newsom without any facts is spreading a lie that coronavirus started in a nail salon in California. It is irresponsible and damaging to an entire industry. Both Governors Cuomo and Newsom are preventing professionals from making an income indefinitely even though we have followed their shelter in place mandates. Many salon owners will lose their businesses through no fault of their own and never be able to reopen while leaving them in massive financial debt. This not only hurts them as a business owner but the people they employ and the communities they serve which is not limited to salons and spas. Licensed beauty professionals serve our senior communities by working in retirement and rehabilitation facility salons. We volunteer at city hospitals to bring services to patients that are not able to get to otherwise. We participate in charities, fundraisers and fashions shows. We provide services for the media and for entertainment. The disdain they have for the salon and beauty industry goes far beyond the four walls of any beauty or Barber shop and will inevitably effect every single person on both of their states if they don’t work with of instead of against us.43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Candice Rios
California Reclassification of Pilates studios and Micro gymsAs a small, woman-owned business, our boutique Pilates Studio has been classified as a gym or fitness center, and alongside cinemas with a 250+ person capacity, my business has been shut down in advance of other non-essential businesses. Unlike fitness centers, boutique fitness studios and micro gyms have a typical capacity of 1-6 people. Clients often attend pre-scheduled sessions limited to this capacity. In addition, this industry is one of the few female-led and powered industries in existence. We estimate 75% of the owners and workers impacted by this crisis are women. I ask that you support the Petition to exclude boutique fitness studios and micro-gyms from the definition of of “Gyms” or “fitness centers,” and create independent directives applicable for the reduced footprint of the unique business models used by boutique fitness studios and micro-gyms. We respectfully request that at Governor Newsom open us alongside other non-essential businesses who will reopen in stage 2. As a boutique fitness studio and micro-gym operate under strict guidelines, such as: Allowing an operation of 1 client to 1 trainer. This is no different than a single salon operator and client, and it is potentially even more benign in that distance can be more easily maintained by a fitness trainer. Allowing an operation of no more than a 10 client to 1 trainer ratio. This is no different than a small salon with 4 stylists, or a very small boutique, and potentially even more benign in that distance can be more easily maintained by a fitness trainer. All of these would take place under the guidelines of intensive hygiene requirements, radical cleaning measures and would assume that high risk populations would be exceptions to this petition. Our industry has, and always will be committed to the health and wellbeing of all others. We want to reopen responsibly and as quickly as possible.Micro fitness studios employ numerous team members and support clients to become healthy, a need more important now than ever.7,973 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by Dexter Hart
Support the Rights of Birthing People and Improve Birth Outcomes in IllinoisWe base our request to amend visitor policies and to reinstate doulas in addition to the birthing person's chosen partner upon a wealth of human rights legislation, the guidance of professional organizations who work to protect the rights of birthing people, and the widely documented research evidence which identifies that the physical and emotional support provided by doulas positively impacts birth outcomes. Doulas are of particular importance to the maternity care team during this pandemic as the support they offer promotes increased rates of physiological birth that ultimately reduce the risk of exposure to COVID19 through shorter hospital stays and reduce staff burden. They also improve birth outcomes and the holistic health of birthing people and their babies.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Illinois Doulas
hazard payHealth care workers are getting paid $5000 a week prn,cna lpns. RNs are getting $10000 a week. in new Orleans. An $10000-$20000 a week in new York. Unknown for every where else. But truckers are risking their lifes and health to keep the economy going. They are losing pay freight dropped extremely. Some cant go home due to the virus. Something have to give. Or the next pandemic is when truckers go on strike.92 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Walter Jordan
Allowing Boutique Fitness Facilities to Re-open in Phase 1As Health and Fitness Professionals and small business owners, we have drafted a document that outlines operational, class, and cleaning procedures for boutique fitness facilities that comply with social distancing guidelines as outlined by the CDC on their website. We believe our businesses are capable of staying well within the guidelines, and even exceeding them in most circumstances. As a fitness facility we contribute to the overall health and well being of many of our region's citizens. Having an outlet for physical activity allows our members to lead healthier lives, relieve stress, and contributes to their overall health and well being. Following the strict guidelines that are outlined in this document will allow us to operate our business safely, while providing our service to our clients in a manner that is far safer than some businesses currently operating as “essential.” Our operation is unique, and should be considered separately from large gyms. They have thousands of members, whereas we have hundreds. The overall health of our clients is our number one priority, and we will continue to adjust and improve on our best practices to ensure that. We believe our business to be “essential” and a contributor to the overall health and well being of our state’s citizens. Operating our business in a safe manner, while adhering to the guidelines set forth by the CDC, and our local health officials is possible. We are thankful for your time and consideration while reading the operational document (https://www.ftwrightcrossfit.com/fwcf-reopening-plan), and are available at any point to answer questions, or help in any way possible.78 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Udit Saxena
Tyson Foods: Don't Reopen Without Paid LeaveTyson Foods, one of the largest meat processing companies in the world, has become the next deadly epicenter of the Coronavirus pandemic. Meat processing plants have long been one of the most dangerous workplaces in America, but the Coronavirus has made the situation drastically worse. Meat processors work shoulder to shoulder in crowded plants. From Iowa to Georgia, thousands of employees at meat processing plants have gotten sick and several have even died--forcing Tyson to close multiple plants where outbreaks had occurred. Now, Tyson is planning to reopen plants, after President Trump ordered meat processors to stay open. That means that employees will be going back to work in an environment where social distancing is impossible--but since Tyson has no comprehensive paid sick or family leave policies, they’ll be forced to choose between their paycheck and protecting their health and their families. That’s why employees and consumers are speaking out together: Nobody should have to risk their health--or their family’s health--to go to work. Tyson must provide paid leave to all employees before they reopen a single plant. Will you add your name?347 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Apollo Gonzales
It's time for the first African American woman VPOur country is in a state of disarray and disfunction. We have the wedge of racism again splitting our republic and the wounds from centuries of injustice and inequality for people of African. We desperately need a woman from the community to help bring closure on what continues to hinder this country from moving on as a united people of America. The racial divide when it comes to education, health care, police violence, justice system, employment, quality of life and so much more needs a true champion. Having a Black woman at the helm, who can make it her responsibility to right the wrongs of America and give people of colour a true advocate in the White house. Also fitting is the UN declared decade of people of Africa Decent. Having the first Black Vice President in the same decade as the first Black President will prove to the world that America truly is a beacon of hope and a land of opportunity. It is historical fact that the Democrats were the one who supported the institution of slavery and after all of that, the Black community has continued to support you and it is time to thank us for our unrelenting loyalty to the party. We also believe that the youth of this generation are waiting for something to back and believe in again. Having a Black woman on the ballot is the change that millions of potential voters have been waiting on. The energy will be there to work tirelessly towards claiming the greatest political victory of our lifetime not because of who wins but because who loses.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sistah Lee
Invoke the 25th AmendmentThe future of our country and American Democracy where reason prevails and there are not supposed to be autocratic dictators (if it's not already too late) is at stake.122 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jan Mason
Governors must respond to panic gun buying!Being safe at home has never been more important. Unfortunately, fear has motivated the panic buying of firearms, particularly by first-time gun owners. But research shows that bringing a gun into a home makes the home less safe, and this is particularly true in the current moment when domestic violence is increasing. Social distancing is intensifying feelings of isolation and patterns of abuse among people trapped in place. Sharply rising call volumes to mental health and domestic violence hotlines indicate that we are poised for an outbreak of suicide and domestic violence injuries and deaths as a side-effect of the COVID-19 health emergency. There are clear steps that governors can take to reduce the risk of gun injury or death. Urge your governor to address panic gun buying and reduce the risk of gun violence as part of their efforts to secure the health and safety of everyone during the current COVID-19 health crisis.154 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Joy, MomsRising.org
Tell the FDA and State Leaders: Lift abortion restrictions!More and more healthcare providers are turning to telemedicine to ensure continued access to health care for patients while reducing the need for patients to travel to receive medical care, risking exposure to coronavirus. Both patients and doctors win in this scenario. Medication abortion, when a pregnant person takes two types of pills that induce an abortion before 10-12 weeks, can also be conducted under the supervision of a physician via telemedicine. It is a safe and effective way to broaden access to abortion care for pregnant people. And yet, 18 states force patients to travel to a clinician's office for medication abortion, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), despite the recommendations of medical experts including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, refuses to lift restrictions on mifepristone, one of the medications needed for medication abortion, that would enable providers to mail it to patients or prescribe it for pickup at a pharmacy. These restrictions are nothing more than ideological, anti-woman excuses to restrict access to abortion. The impact of these restrictions fall disproportionately on women of color, indigenous people, disabled people, and low-income folks. But if enough of us raise our voices and demand the FDA lift restrictions on mifepristone and that state lawmakers expand access to telemedicine for abortion, we can raise enough pressure to force the FDA and state lawmakers to expand access to abortion care and allow telemedicine!2,001 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by SONJA SPOO
Stacey Abrams for VP 2020It is important for women and families all over America to have a voice in Washington. Stacey Abrams will be that voice to move forth good policies and advocate for initiatives to improve the quality of life for all Americans. She is our uniter. We need smart, strong and intentional leadership to bring us together more than ever to heal are bleeding nation.🇺🇸21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Melissa Robbins
Indiana Tattoo Artists. Let us open our doors safely.Tattoo and body art professionals are trying to survive. These entrepreneurs are trained and skilled professionals who adhere to strict guidelines provided by the Board of Health and should be afforded the right to generate income. Our state is an anchor for many entrepreneurs to provide a home, safety, and nutritious food for their families, which is now being threatened by regulations that disproportionality impact tattoo artists and body art professionals. Poverty is a well known contributor to raise violence, addiction, homelessness, mental illness, and suicide. Continuing to restrict tattoo artists and body art professionals from generating income threatens the foundation of our community that has made great strides in reducing poverty, homelessness, and mental illness. Tattoo artists and body art professionals need to safely reopen their doors for business to allow Indiana to continue to make strides. Eric Holcomb proudly said "Indiana is ushering in an era of record job commitments, record infrastructure investments, and new career training opportunities, all while tackling our biggest issues head-on." Putting people first means allowing small shops and entrepreneurs to exercise their right to practice safely, which keeps Indiana as a leader in community growth.178 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Corinthian Borden