• Harriet Tubman Day
    This is so important because we need to honor her hard work. First, she was passionate about freedom and rights for all Black people. Next, she didn’t back down no matter how hard it got. Finally, she was strong and caring even when she went to freedom herself, she risked her life to get other enslaved people back to freedom too. We also think it would be great to put a statue of Harriet Tubman in Lake Eola Park, but we know that might be expensive so only if you can. I think that our City of Orlando should make Harriet Tubman day because we are a City where all that work that we believe in needs to be celebrated.
    720 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Susanna Barkataki
  • Accept federal assistance to help Florida get vaccinated
    We need to get our lives back. We need a plan and a means to execute that plan that will ensure that as many people that want to get the vaccine can as soon as possible. Governor Ron DeSantis needs to accept federal assistance to help Florida get vaccinated.
    2,743 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Laurie Woodward Garcia Picture
  • Free Jamira Myers!
    In Jamira’s own words (12/10/2020): Governor Ned Lamont, Hello, How are you? My name is Jamira Myers #278506 Inmate Number, and I am currently an inmate at York Correctional Institution. My reason for reaching out to you is because I really need your help. I’ve written to counselors, captains, social workers, the warden, the commissioner, Action 8 News, ACLU, American Disabilities Act. I’ve tried speaking with different attorneys, reporters, and now I’m writing to you because all those people I named I either never got any response or was threatened with a disability ticket if I kept writing them. I’m a 37-year-old black female with 4 children, single mother who has a lot of health problems. I have high blood pressure, chronic asthma, sleep apnea, legally disabled at home due to my chronic back problems and my mental health issues. I’ve had my attorney put in for a (sentence) modification on my behalf which was denied. I filed a Habeas petition to attack the conditions of my confinement, no luck. After a full year I just got a wheelchair and put in a handicapped room so I can be transported back and forth to Medline so I can get my medication because for a while I was off my meds due to me being immobile and the doctor made it seem like I was just refusing when that wasn’t the case - I literally had to push a big trash bin around the compound filled with trash to get around and when I couldn’t do that anymore they would call codes on me and 7 or 8 CO’s had to pick me up off the ground because my legs and my back kept giving out on me. I got laughed at and called Black Bitch and Trash Pusher by CO’s. Please can you help me? I would never have written to you if I didn’t really need your help. 50% of my time will be January, and I will be eligible for a Halfway House two months after that. I’m not asking to be let out in the street but at least put in a hospital or a rehabilitation center so I can get my surgery. I don’t want to die from being obese because I’m immobile due to my back issue. I can’t go to a halfway house like this. I know you receive tons of letters from inmates asking for freedom. I’m willing to be in a locked facility in my hometown so staff can at least get me back and forth to the doctors so I can get some type of pain management and get my surgery scheduled, then go to a halfway house as soon as they have a bed for me. I’m begging you from the bottom of my heart, I don’t want to die here. I’m only 37-years-old, and my kids need their mom. Please can you respond to my letter even if you refuse to help me as well? I’m so desperate and it took me a lot of courage to write you, but I decided to give it a shot and see if there really is a God out there because I’m literally suffering. You got to see it to believe it. Anyways, I’ll end the letter in good faith and hope I receive a response back. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my letter. God bless you and have a wonderful day. Sincerely, Jamira Myers
    1,114 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Brett Davidson
  • Resign Mike Lee
    For more than four years, Mike Lee has not only lacked the courage and the moral compass to denounce con man Trump’s reprehensible behavior, he’s aided and abetted Trump’s deception and domestic abuse of the American public by standing by instead of standing up.
    304 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jordan Marshall Andersen Picture
  • Remove Michigan Legislators Who Participated in the Deadly Insurrection and Racial Parity
    We the undersigned citizens of Michigan, object to the double standard of "discipline", between white Republicans and black Democratic legislators. We support this petition to hold insurrectionist accountable. HISTORY: Republican leaders claim their members who participated in the insurrection cannot be removed from committees, appointments or their jobs. This cannot happen. In December 2020, State Representative Cynthia A. Johnson, a black woman and Democrat, received thousands of death threats, including lynching, from Republican supporters just for speaking the truth. She was further attacked by Republican leaders, and "disciplined" for exercising her right to freely speak. She was removed from her committees, without due process. Those culpable for violence, promoting anti-democratic fallacies and plans to overthrow our government, should not be on tax-payer payrolls. Representative Johnson, must be made whole and any adverse actions, past, present or future nullified.
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tenay Hankins
  • girls should have the freedom to choose what to wear
    We should have the freedom to wear what we would like to. It’s our body our choice. We shouldn’t have to cover up, we should teach males to keep their eyes to themselves. We simply want to be comfortable and not be scared of getting in trouble for a piece of clothing.
    291 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Cady Minns
  • Restore the Integrity of Our Skyline, Remove the Trump Sign
    The assault on January 6th, 2021 to our Nation's congress and our Capitol Building was an aberration, and a direct threat to our democracy. This violent attack was instigated by Mr. Trump and Mr. Trump Jr.. The rioters attempted to destroy the institutions that make us the strongest democracy in the world. These rioters displayed Neo-nazi, racist, and fascist symbols. As more footage of the incident is brought to light, we all are witnessing the violent nature of the groups that forced themselves into The People's House. A police officer was murdered and four other people died in this violent event. It is one of the darkest days in the history of our country. We must make sure that his name is not glorified in any way, because if we do not act we will have normalized the behavior Mr. Trump and his rioting mob of followers displayed. We Chicagoans and Americans ask you to do what is in your power to remove the sign that is now a stain to a city we are proud to call home. Thank you.
    2,028 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Fernando Gutierrez
  • Put Stacy Abrams on Mount Rushmore
    Consistently with this country’s history, women and people of color are given little celebration. Yet they have been the literal backbone of this nation. It is long overdue for their contributions to be noted.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julie Bindeman
  • Bring The Office back on Netflix!!!
    This is a show that brings happiness to people’s life. We learn so much from the show and it needs to be back up!!!!
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by KYNDALL Longman
  • Repeal the Global Gag Rule
    Women's health has been seriously affected by the Global Gag Rule, which has withdrawn American aid from any nongovernmental organization offering abortion. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to restore women's access to reproductive health care.
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Meredeth Turshen
  • Stop Evictions, Save Lives!
    Our communities are battling a new surge of COVID-19 cases — and at the same time, we're facing a catastrophic wave bearing down on our homes: evictions. Every month, families forgo food, water, and healthcare just to pay the rent to avoid eviction. Every month, renters across the country are burdened with over $51 billion in rent payments, forcing us to work multiple jobs, take out loans and put our lives at risk just to pay the bills. It's estimated that renters will face $70 billion in rent arrears by the end of January, and more than 13.4 million households are now at risk of eviction. These evictions disproportionately impact Black, Latinx, Indigenous, API families and working class communities of color. This is unconscionable. We know housing is the cure to this crisis. And we demand more so we can survive — and thrive. We call upon the incoming Biden administration to take immediate action to protect our homes, our families, and our communities. That's why today, Right to the City Alliance members are getting SO LOUD that the incoming Biden administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just can't ignore us. Are you with us?
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dawn Phillips
  • Help fight Lake Olympia HOA for suing the Alveys up to $10,000 for having pet chickens
    Teddi Alvey, a mother of five, grandmother of ten and retired nurse, has kept chickens as pets for 45 years; first in Utah, then Arizona, and in Missouri City, outside Houston, since 1998. Teddi along with many neighbors, including a FDC home have daily rituals that include these chickens. Children from this neighborhood all want to go to "Oma's" house to see these chickens on a daily basis. Neighbors taking care of neighbors and the HOA wants to destroy it. Not one neighbor has a complaint and the Alveys have had these chickens since they moved in this home in the 90s. The HOA back then said they were allowed to keep them as long as there were no roosters. 22 years later it is a problem with the new HOA.
    300 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Pamela Castillo