• Body Shaming By Dress Coding
    Let's put a end to body shaming by ending some of the unnecessary dress coding. Every person is built differently. Some things may fit bigger on some people while on others it may fit smaller. Unnecessary dress coding is causing self-esteem problems in many teenagers because they feel like their body isn’t enough because they may get dress coded for something that someone else didn’t get dress coded for when in reality no one is built the same. No one should have to feel like they are over or under weight because of how their clothes may fit & look on them. Wearing the same thing as someone else and looking different in it shouldn't get you singled out because yours shows your curves, form or fits differently and it should not be a reason to get dress coded. As long as everyone is covered it shouldn't matter how someones jeans, tights, shirts, etc covers the body. Also because of covid many parents and guardians are out of work and some students weren't able to return to school with new clothes this year and have to wear the same clothes from the past year so their clothes may fit tighter than they did the year before. Everyone doesn't have the same financial means to go shopping every time something fits a little tight so unnecessary dress coding is causing problems in many ways for these children. Body Shaming by dress coding needs to be stopped. Sign this petition in hopes for a change. Let's stop the body shaming now.
    301 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jynisis Weaver
  • Support meal kit workers at HelloFresh who are organizing a union
    Workers at Hello Fresh are organizing a union to make their jobs safer and more sustainable at the largest meal kit company in the United States. While Hello Fresh profited from the pandemic, employees faced disrespect, a COVID-19 outbreak, and preventable injuries. Workers are calling on the company to make sure sustainable jobs are part of the package and that the company pledge to not harass or intimidate workers organizing a union. Your voice matters. Join them.
    10,139 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Daria Ovide
  • Expand the Supreme Court
    New state laws restricting voter access, and gerrymandered districts both suppress voting and threaten democracy. Overly restrictive abortion laws make access to abortions unjustifiably difficult, threatening women’s right of choice. Overpriced drugs and medications and the inability to reduce their prices through government negotiations, together with other medical services, maintain a severe financial burden for millions of Americans. Tax loopholes and havens inaccessible to all but the very rich allow the wealthy to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. This places an unfair burden and financial hardship on the poor and middle classes as they are forced to pay in taxes what the rich should be paying.
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Lever Picture
  • Mark Zuckerberg- Do Your Part To End Sexual Trafficking
    In order to persuade Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, to play his appropriate role in not only gathering data on sexual trafficking that occurs on Facebook, but collaborating with authorities to help curtail the horrible practice and consequences of human sexual trafficking.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharowynn Smith
  • Vote Kay Emerson For USD 497 School Board
    I am a parent, friend, volunteer, and taxpayer like many of you. Our school's needs are our community's needs. Our teachers, students, and staff deserve better and USD 497 can do better. Join the community to do what we need to get things done.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kay Emerson Picture
  • CVS Health Stop Donating To Anti-Trans, Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Reproductive Rights Politicians
    CVS Health is a Fortune 4 Company and integrated into every aspect of the US Healthcare System. CVS Health is the parent company of CVS Pharmacy, Aetna, Caremark and many others according to their SEC filings. https://twitter.com/BATransAdvocate https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/558610-cvs-att-comcast-and-others-donated-to-anti-lgbtq https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/14/corporations-anti-lgbtq-politicians-donations-study https://www.exposedbycmd.org/2021/04/02/the-pro-lgbtq-companies-that-helped-elect-arkansas-anti-trans-bill-sponsors/ https://www.exposedbycmd.org/2021/04/16/businesses-and-trade-groups-bankrolled-sponsors-of-texas-cruel-anti-trans-bill/ https://upriseri.com/the-women-project-v-cvs/
    140 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Trans Healthcare Advocates @BATransAdvocate Picture
  • Stop Stealing our Money and Privacy for a Lie
    To save democracy in Pennsylvania
    794 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Chester County Disinformation Task Force
  • Be pastoral, not partisan
    As Catholics, we know that religious leaders cannot separate us from the love of God, and we will not let them abuse their power to score political points with the right wing.
    1,152 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Glenn Northern
  • Kathy Stein's Unethical Behavior is harming families.
    I'm not the only single mother who has suffered at the hands of Kathy Stein's repeated injustice and abuse of power.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kimmaire Sellers Picture
  • Impeach and or remove SCOTUS justices
    We've seen what power the Supreme Court has over what happens in our country. The most outrageous example is the ruling on Texas and its basic ban of all abortions. This is just the beginning of Republicans taking control of the country state by state with the assistance of Trumps nominees. He did irreparable damage already while president and with the help of his Trump Republicans, is still moving our country toward religious control over not only women, but the LGBTQ+ community. How soon will it be before they have control over all aspects of how each and every person in this country lives? Do you want to wait until you are the next person or group they come after? We moved into the 21st century and people with a 19th century mindset is slowly taking over the country. How are we to compete in such a world? We'll lose the respect and backing of each and everyone of our allies. We are the country that's supposed to be representative of how the world should be. We are no better than the Taliban when it comes to the rights of our Mothers, Sisters, Aunts and Nieces. As a gay man, we have fought for equal rights, not more or better rights, just what everyone else has naturally. Am I as your friend, brother, uncle, nephew or son to be treated like I'm not human because of my sexual orientation? Am I to return to being denied human rights? In the 70's in Pittsburgh, PA, I witnessed first hand the not so perfect police protection for gays and lesbians that straight white men and women have. I personally witnessed two of Pittsburgh's finest come into a gay bar, go to the bar, get alcoholic drinks and handed an envelope with money in it. That was our protection. Protection not to be harrased or arrested. The owner, when I wanted to protest begged me not to do so. My mother, at the age of 91, walked myself and my husband down the isle. She was a devout Mormon and yet she loved me unconditionally. When the law passed she made this comment: Better hurry and do it before they changed their minds. Well, she wasn't far off. I believe this is where we are headed and without the support of the gay community and those who love us, we may just end up where we were in the 70's and before.
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robert Workman
  • Texas Against Women’s Rights
    We need to protect the rights of women that has been fought and won by those women before us. Our constitutional rights are being torn away from us with forced pregnancy and birth. Women have a right to choose. Roe v Wade gave us that right.
    176 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Aliana Diodato
  • Pass the Women’s Health Protection Act
    UPDATE: The Supreme Court's ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization strikes down the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling, and with it, the federal protection of the right to abortion. Right now, extreme and cruel anti-abortion laws passed by GOP lawmakers in various states are going into effect because of this decision. We need Congress to act. Congress must immediately pass the Women's Health Protection Act. The Women’s Health Protection Act would stop the Republican onslaught of anti-abortion and abortion-restrictive legislation coming out of state legislatures across the country. It would block states from creating barriers to care and would protect health service providers' ability to offer abortion care. It passed the House in 2021 without a single Republican vote but failed to pass the Senate. Sign our petition now and tell the Senate to protect an individual’s right to choose—and eliminate the filibuster to allow this popular, bipartisan bill to pass.
    251,380 of 300,000 Signatures
    Created by Shaunna Thomas, Ultraviolet