• Add Your Name: Justice Clarence Thomas must testify
    It seems like every day, new details come out about Justice Thomas’s relationship with Harlan Crow – a Republican megadonor who has lavished hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts and luxury vacations on Justice Thomas. The American people deserve a Supreme Court we can trust – because our highest court should meet the highest ethical standards. But right now, I’m worried we might miss a crucial opportunity to make that a reality. You see, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin was asked this weekend why he hadn’t yet invited Justice Clarence Thomas to testify under oath at an upcoming Senate hearing on Supreme Court ethics. Senator Durbin replied: “I think I know what would happen to that invitation. It would be ignored.” That’s simply not good enough. If the Senate is going to get to the bottom of what’s happening here, we can’t let Justice Thomas dodge these questions any longer.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • 100 000 votes to enable speech output for Belarusian language in Google Translate app
    Наша мова - наш голас: зробім так, каб беларускую мову пачулі! Пішу, каб звярнуць увагу на праблему беларускай мовы, на якой сёння не размаўляе большасць беларускага насельніцтва ў паўсядзённым жыцці, а ЮНЭСКА аднесла яе да спісу "Уразлівых" (альбо тых, што знаходзяцца пад пагрозай) некалькі гадоў таму. Нягледзячы на ​​сваю гістарычную і культурную значнасць, мова сутыкалася і сутыкаецца з праблемамі з-за дамінавання рускай мовы ў рэгіёне. Беларуская мова адыгрывала важную ролю ў Вялікім Княстве Літоўскім, якое было адной з найбуйнейшых і магутных дзяржаў Еўропы сярэднявечча і ранняга Новага часу. На сваім росквіце Вялікае Княства Літоўскае ахоплівала вялікую тэрыторыю, якая ўключала частку сучасных Літвы, Беларусі, Украіны, Латвіі, Эстоніі і Расіі. Адным з найважнейшых юрыдычных дакументаў Вялікага Княства Літоўскага, напісаных на старабеларускай мове, быў Трэці Статут, які ўяўляў сабой прававы кодэкс, які дзейнічаў у Вялікім Княстве з сярэдзіны XVI да канца XVIII стагоддзя і ахопліваў шырокі спектр прававых пытанняў і садзейнічаў стварэнню прававой базы Вялікага Княства Літоўскага. Ці можаце вы паверыць, што зараз мова знаходзіцца пад пагрозай знікнення? Але гэта сапраўды так. Сёння як ніколі важна падтрымліваць і даць магчымасць беларускаму народу размаўляць на роднай мове: Я лічу, што развіццё мовы неабходна для захавання мовы для будучых пакаленняў, калі мы не здолеем яе захаваць сёння - мы не здолеем выратаваць Нацыю заўтра. Апошнім часам назіраецца гістарычны ўсплёск жадання беларусаў размаўляць на роднай мове і глыбей вывучаць яе. І я бачу магчымасць падтрымаць беларусаў у гэтым пачынанні. Як носьбіт мовы, каторая знаходзіцца пад пагрозай знікнення, прашу падтрымаць мяне ў прасоўванні гэтага допісу, каб яго ўбачыла як мага больш людзей. Our language - our voice: let's make the Belarusian language heard! Belarusian language is currently not spoken in the day-to-day life of the majority of the Belarusian population, and the spoken language has been assigned to 'Vulnerable' by UNESCO a few years ago. Despite its historical and cultural significance, the language has faced and is still facing challenges due to the dominance of Russian in the region. The Belarusian language played an important role in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which was one of the largest and most powerful states in Europe during the medieval and early modern period. At its height, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania encompassed a large territory that included parts of modern-day Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, and Russia. One of the most important legal documents in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania written in Old Belarusian was the Third Statute of Lithuania, which was a legal code that governed the Grand Duchy from the mid-16th to the late 18th century, that covered a wide range of legal issues and helped to establish the legal framework of the Grand Duchy. Can you believe that now the language is at risk of extinction? Yes, it is. Nowadays, it's as important as ever to support & empower the Belarusian Nation to speak our Native language: I believe, the development of the language is essential for preserving the language for future generations, if we fail to save it today - we will fail to save the Nation tomorrow. Recently, we can observe a historical spike in the willingness of Belarusians to speak Native and learn our native language deeper. And I see the opportunity how to support the Belarusians in this endeavor. As a speaker of the endangered language, I want to ask you to support me in promoting this post, so that as many people as possible could see it.
    5,229 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Krystsina Yarotskaya
  • Tell Google to Stop Collecting Location Data and Aiding Abortion Prosecutors
    After Roe v. Wade was overturned, Google promised in July 2022 to protect sensitive health data by deleting the Location History of users who visited abortion clinics. However, Accountable Tech’s latest experiment shows that the Location History for a short trip to an abortion clinic — like someone dropping off a friend or family member — is still collected and retained if a user has Location History enabled on their Google Account. On top of that, Google is collecting and retaining location search queries for abortion clinics by default for 18 months. That means if you search for an abortion clinic on Google Maps, that information will be kept in your Google Account for 18 months, possibly putting you at risk. It’s unacceptable that Google made a promise to protect users in a post-Roe America and is still falling short. Join us in calling them out and demanding they stop aiding abortion prosecutors.
    41,281 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Accountable Tech Picture
  • Stop Funding Fox!
    Fox News agreed to pay Dominion Voting Systems nearly $800 million in a defamation lawsuit for broadcasting lies about the 2020 election to boost their profits and rating. It's never been publicly clearer that Fox is a right-wing propaganda machine. The truth is that Fox News will continue spewing lies and hatred, further destructing our democracy, until they start losing profits. With Fox's reputation on the line, this is a prime opportunity to demand that advertisers change course and stop doing business with Fox. In just a couple of weeks, these corporate advertisers will be striking new deals with Fox News for the next year. AT&T, General Motors, and Subway have a choice to stop future advertising deals with Fox News or to continue funding the hate and lies that undermine our democracy. Our message is clear: Stop Funding Fox!
    71,372 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Kelsey Herbert
  • Fox News: Apologize On-Air For Your Lies
    It’s telling that Fox News would rather pay hundreds of millions in a settlement than face a jury and tell the truth under oath for the entire nation to see. They will attempt to move past their lies and sweep this lawsuit under the rug, but they need to face the nation and apologize for the deceit that undermined our democracy. Fox News claims that this settlement will allow the country to move forward, but we are still seeing the impact of the Big Lie to this day, with election deniers running for office and voters having distrust in the electoral process. Fox News needs to do what’s right and apologize.
    67,523 of 75,000 Signatures
  • NY Lawmakers, Pass the Bill to Stop Tropical Deforestation!
    Saving tropical forests is key to slowing the climate emergency, to protecting biodiversity, and to preventing abuses of human rights throughout the tropics. This bill will put New York State at the forefront of global efforts to end the crisis of deforestation in tropical regions by ensuring that entities contracting to provide goods or services to our state government do not drive deforestation through their supply chains. The bill has a provision to support small, medium, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses in greening their supply chains and meeting compliance requirements. It mandates creation of a diverse, multi-stakeholder body to advise implementation. And importantly, it requires subcontractors who produce tropical forest risk commodities to obtain the free prior and informed consent of any tropical Indigenous communities impacted by their operations, in line with the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This New York bill practical, is doable, and is a critical step in using U.S. laws to protect tropical forests.
    289 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Conant
  • Rep. Schweikert: Hold an In Person Town Hall
    Rep. Schweikert votes on legislation on the issues. We all need to understand his positions on each issue and voice our own concerns. We aim for a better working relationship with our Congressman going forward.
    400 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Gail Griffin
  • Remove Larry Fink CEO of BlackRock from NYU board of Trustees
    NYU has not divested from fossil fuels… the reason: a ceo from one of the largest fossil fuel investors sits on the board. NYU says they will divest by 2040, we know that is too little too late. We also know this cannot happen with Laurence fink, CEO of Black Rock, one of the biggest fossil fuel investors in the world, sitting on the board of trustees.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Climate Care Collective
  • Evoq Tenant Complaint Petition
    Tenants have rights! If they won’t hear us separately they will have no choice but to hear us all together. Our safety and quality of living matter. We need resolutions and not excuses! From plumbing issues to loitering. We deserve better!
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kirstin Smith
  • Stop No Labels From Reelecting Trump
    No Labels is running a serious, well-funded third-party presidential ticket in 2024. They are on the ballot already in four states and targeting dozens more for their “unity ticket.” But their plan will reelect Donald Trump. That’s why I am joining with other individuals and organizations demanding that No Labels stand down. A third-party presidential ticket can’t win. All of the third party presidential candidates from the last 100 years combined didn’t get enough electoral votes to win a single election. But No Labels will be a spoiler. They are targeting critical Blue states and splintering the coalition of voters who ousted Trump in 2020, giving Trump a second term when he is more dangerous than ever. Trump came within 3 points of winning six key battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Even a weak third-party performance from No Labels could put 79 Democratic electoral votes at risk, handing Trump or a Trump-acolyte the White House. That’s a risk that we cannot take. No Labels justiffies this dangerous campaign by making false comparisons between the extremes of the right and the left. No Labels ignores the legislative victories we achieved on a host of issues that appeal to a broad coalition of voters. Democratic leadership delivered a bipartisan infrastructure bill, historic climate investments, bipartisan gun safety legislation, protections for marriage equality, and much more. But if Trump is back in the White House, that progress—and our democracy—is in peril. No Labels must stand down for the future of our country. We're calling on all Democrats to join us in calling out this dangerous ploy.
    88,193 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Kate deGruyter
  • Reverse the Mifepristone Decision—Protect & Expand Abortion Access
    The ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA ordering the FDA to withdraw its approval of mifepristone is unconscionable. Mifepristone—approved more than 20 years ago and used effectively by millions of people for medication abortion—is perfectly safe. Anti-abortion extremists are attempting to use the courts to ban abortion nationwide, even in states that have legal protections for abortion access. That's why together we are asking higher courts to reverse this unprecedented and anti-abortion ruling and restore access to mifepristone—and asking Congress to act to protect and expand access to abortion care.
    89,164 of 100,000 Signatures
  • Fair work place
    To make the company aware that no matter what position a person held they all should be treated with respect and to know it’s not okay to sweep or turn your head about an issue that has been brought to their attention rather it’s small or big. All complaints matter!!
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DdPanthers25 Bryant