• L'chaim – For Life: Yours and mine.
    One of the most important commandments in the Torah, Pentateuch, is the mitzvah that when one builds a house there must be a parapet, Deuteronomy 22:8, so that if someone falls “you do not bring blood guilt on your house.” The New Living (Bible)Translation of that verse is “... so you will not be considered guilty of murder.” Neither Presidents G.W. Bush or Obama used the word parapet, but they understood their responsibility to anticipate and create strategies, which they did, to prevent Americans from falling ill to the kind of virus that has now so devastatingly struck our nation and the world - strategies that specifically included those that President Trump has either outright refused to carry out, or has delayed in doing so. Further, since he took office President Trump has either fired or ignored most of his own intelligence advisers, ignored his predecessor's warnings, and disbanded the plans his predecessors had put in place and closed down important scientific virus research, as detailed on “60 Minutes” - 5/11-20. I worry that we citizens, exhausted by the impeachment proceedings, are unwilling to acknowledge the truth – that President Donald Trump is guilty of negligent manslaughter, because of his ignorant decisions and a lack of substantive action to mitigate the impact of the plague that has taken so many, many lives – a national disaster caused because Donald Trump refuses to have a parapet in place, while he publicly declares, “...I don't take responsibility’ for corona-virus failures,” or “I don't know anything about it.” (3/14/20). That is why I am pleading with you to do your part to help save lives.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rabbi Philip Posner
  • Allow Darts and Pool in Bars
    For those of us that play these sports on a regular basis, we need our outlet back! There is no reason with proper precautions that we cannot play when the bars open.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heather Jurasin
  • The Real Cruelty of the Covid-19 Pandemic
    It is unconscionable that in the wealthiest nation on earth there should be hungry people waiting in long lines for food, when perfectly good food is discarded
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Abdul Cader Asmal
  • Release the CDC's Coronavirus reopening plan
    This document contains information and detailed flow charts that may slow the spread of Covid 19, and may save lives, as we return to commercial business.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Duffy
  • Save the United States Post Office
    The Postal Service is by far the most popular government agency, with a 90% approval rating. It is one of the largest employers in the U.S., with a workforce of 630,000 people, 40% of whom are people of color. Our mail is delivered, rain or shine, six days a week, regardless of where we live in the United States. Privatizing the postal service would be a terrible blow for rural citizens. We need to stymie the Trump Administration and keep the USPS healthy and strong.
    150 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Susan McRae
  • 163 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Courtney Felts Picture
  • Shining a light on "naturally" extinguishing COVID-19!
    Answers are important but preventing and healing solutions for our suffering are vital!!
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobbye Simms
  • Tell Equinox to allow its members to cancel memberships because of COVID-19 restrictions
    A contract is a promise of goods and services between a merchant and its customers. In this case members will be paying the same membership fees for a much reduced level of benefits and service.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gregory Cox
  • Open up Gymnasiums
    As mother of a level 8 gymnast I feel its only fair to reopen gyms our girls and boys train with the same kids every day all year long as a family not like at a park when anyone can come! onceb in a while we do get new kids which is awesome but how is it fair that all these businesses like malls and clothing stores can open to complete strangers and our gyms can not reopen to family our gyms are essential to our gymnasts and gym owners please help me in the fight to get them back in gymnasiums and back to training! They train 5 days a week at least 4 hrs a day its all to train with their muscles and core it is absolutely one if the hardest sports out there and this is to long of a break for their bodies please help us out!
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Staci Hochberg
  • Opening New Jersey Bars an Restaurants before June
    For me and many of these servers and bartenders as well as businesses owners , this is our livelihood. We have absolutely NO money coming in but still have to pay our state and federal taxes along with utilities, insurance, etc. Please reconsider this.
    6,016 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Blaney
  • Reopen NJ Bars & Restaurants
    For me and many of these businesses, this is our livelihood and way of life. What happened to pro-choice? By June 6th, it will be over 60 days of us complying and with no end in site. We have the bare minimum or absolutely NO money coming in but still have to pay our state and federal taxes along with utilities, insurance, etc. Please reconsider this. We the people have right to make responsible choices and if you want to stay home, then stay home. That is your right as it our right to run our businesses, support our families, and get our staff, who are suffering the most back to work.
    6,691 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Barasky Fama
  • New York State Should Not Forget Essential Farmworkers
    To Governor Andrew Cuomo, the New York State Senate and the New York State Assembly: We are a group of New York State agricultural workers and organizations that work with us. As we know, we are living an unprecedented moment for the population of the world. In the course of history, human beings have always fought to survive, always looking for the way to improve every day. Perhaps we may lack certain material things necessary to live and develop in society, but something that is indispensable to all is agriculture. Nature mandates that humankind has based its development giving agriculture a very important value, because without it we would not survive. Given the circumstances of this pandemic, thousands of persons like myself ask themselves, why have we been left behind, in these moments when all of us need the support of all. We should not be excluded from assistance when we are part of society. We risk our lives and the lives of our families every day, to produce food for the rest of the population and to help support the economy of the State. It is contradictory that we generate billions of dollars and we aren’t taken into consideration. The voice is not only mine, it is of thousands of workers that don’t have a way to make themselves heard or perhaps don’t even understand the situation, they just feel forgotten. To the recipients of this letter, I would like to you to know that we also exist in society. We are parents, children, siblings, grandparents. Some of us are sick. Some have lost their lives. Others are unemployed. We are essential workers and today we urgently need help. We ask the State Government and the State Legislature to create a fund to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic among agricultural workers who are unemployed or affected by the pandemic and who have no access to federal assistance. California has established a fund to help Californians who aren’t eligible for unemployment insurance benefits and disaster relief, including the CARES Act. The City of New York has announced a fund in collaboration with a private foundation to help immigrant workers who are left out of federal assistance. We ask that we, the essential migrant workers of Upstate, are not forgotten. We too love this country like any citizen, because our children were born here and some of us have spent half our lives in this country and we feel it like our own. We ask the Governor and the Members of the Legislature to pass a measure that includes all the agricultural workers, who have the same needs of any essential worker in this State. We are proud of the work we do. We do it well and with love, and with it we contribute to the greatness of this country. We ask that New York recognize our contribution and be sensitive to our critical needs in this very difficult moment. We urgently request the Governor and the Legislature of the State of New York to take action to create a monetary fund to help satisfy the basic needs of all the agricultural workers and their families who are suffering in this moment and don’t fulfill the requirements for federal help. We All Count Todos Contamos
    268 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Alina Diaz