MAKE A DIFFERENCE TOGETHER: BOYCOTT MEAT AND POULTRY PROCESSING COMPANIES!!!BIG meat and poultry companies are refusing to protect their employees! In order to protect their huge corporate profits, they are forcing their employees to make an impossible choice: either work under dangerous conditions (and thereby run the risk of infecting yourself and your family with Covid-19)-or lose your job! These companies should and must provide the necessary PPE, physical separation and testing in order to maintain a safe working environment for their employees. Until they do we should boycott their products. REFUSE TO BUY PRODUCTS FROM TYSON, JBS USA, SMITHFIELD FOOD, OR NATIONAL BEEF PACKING CO.!!!14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Lenoir
Tell Denver Health CEO to give their 3.6 million bonus to their medical staffAllowing Denver Health Executives a 3.6M bonus, knowing Denver Health & Hospital is drastically incurring an economic crunch is stealing money. They are unsure how they can adequately support its community, employees and service employees and asking them to take a pay cut. It is greedy, and corrupt, and should not be justified. The Denver health employees and frontline service folks are incurring all the risks, while conducting the heavy lifting. They should receive the bonus versus a paycut!. Send an email to Robin: [email protected] [email protected] Board of director(s): [email protected] [email protected]3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fern Williams
Open beaches and business get our freedom backWe must fight against the control and power games the government is implementing on people. American must take power in our hands! The government works for us, we don't work for them!76 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tina Mallek
OPEN UP OUR BARS AND RESTAURANTSBecause without us or other small businesses, our economy will die!! GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE AND DO WHAT’S RIGHT, JB!!107 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kate McGartland
Open bars and restaurants before June!!For me and many of the bartenders, bar owners and servers, this is our livelihood. We can’t make money if they continue to stay closed. We need this money to support our family. We have so much to lose. Please reconsider this67 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth Bryant
Nurse Week AlternativeWe believe that we should still be celebrated and rewarded for our hard work during this challenging time.119 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Marjan Holloway
Office of Ohio Governor.This is important because, in the words of Steven Seagal, no man/woman is above or below the law. When a person is elected to serve the people, and are given guidelines according to their office they should be held accountable, immediately, when they violate that office. That is too insure that the rights and liberties of the citizens, they serve are not violated.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Matt Conley
Open All businessesWe are trained in protecting ourselves and our clients from disease. We are trained to assume every person that is in our chairs has a virus or disease that we can get. We use universal precautions each and every client each and every day. It’s wrong to choose to keep closed.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paulann Sabatino
Require Meat Packing Companies to Provide Health CareThese workers are often people with limited resources who cannot risk infecting their families and communities. In exchange for their essential work, they must be protected and cared for in order for them to continue to be effective in their jobs.233 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Zanna Feitler
Disney needs an official latina princessI believe this is important because it’ll help disney have more diversity in the disney princesses. I think that every nationality deserves their own recognition. I also believe that everyone should be educated in our latin culture and where we come from.35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marlene Cruz
Open Bars & Restaurants for full business!Because small businesses run this state and without them we are going to drown economically9,456 of 10,000 SignaturesCreated by Kelly Lord
Tell Congress to include food worker protection in the next coronavirus stimulus billI work with slaughterhouse workers and whistleblowers in the food industry who are deemed essential. But these industries do not treat workers with dignity and worth. Workers must be allowed to speak up safely when they see threats to public health – for the safety of workers, animals, and consumers. Most plant workers feel like they are valued less than the animals. Martina and Luis are plant workers who have expressed to me that unlike plant workers, animals are worth something even when they die. Trump says they have to work and plants need to stay open. He said he will make sure workers get personal protective equipment (PPE) and practice social distancing. But the USDA has been increasing the line speeds at slaughterhouses so fast that workers can barely keep up. Meat inspector whistleblowers, like Jill Mauer and Phyllis McKelvey, have publicly expressed concern that no worker or inspector could possibly sort products effectively at the USDA's new high speeds. But now, wearing the PPE, workers get overheated, they are getting fatigued because the masks make it difficult for them to breath. And Trump does not seem to care about public health. With so many workers sick and speeds even faster, how can people like Martina and Luis keep up and still keep food safe? The workers I speak with often remain anonymous due to concern for themselves and their families. They are essential workers and deserve clean and safe working conditions. If they are told to go to work, they at least deserve paid sick days off so that they don't spread sickness. Six Tyson workers have died in the outbreak already. To make things worse, if a worker comes into the plant with a fever, not only does that worker have to stay home until they are symptom-free, but so do any of their family members who work at the plant. Whole families are sent home with no pay. Some plants say they offer short-term disability if a worker is out for over two weeks, but none of the workers I have spoken to have ever heard of anyone getting that benefit. Luis said that it's very hard to get short-term disability ever, and that it only reimburses for 20 hours a week – not full-time hours. At Martina's plant, they offered workers a bonus to come to work during COVID-19. But after taxes, it amounts to only about $130/per month. Animals are being abused, poultry is often unsanitary, and workers are getting injured. I am already hearing that the plastic they are putting in between workers for social distancing is causing chemicals to build up in the plant. Workers have to communicate with masks on, and as it is getting warmer, they are getting overheated by PPE. It is hard for them to even access water with the protective equipment on their faces. It's not enough to just give them PPE and plastic dividers. The workers are told that they can go to human resources and their safety supervisors if they have safety concerns. But Martina and Luis said that they are not told how many people are sick in the plant or in which departments the ill people worked. The plant tells them nothing. Workers are discouraged from raising concerns. They need to be heard if Trump wants to keep these plants running. Tell Congress that the least it can do is to ensure corporations are not given a free pass to exploit workers in the food industry. Congress must pass a COVID-19 relief bill that guarantees protection for workers.3,736 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Amanda Hitt, Food Integrity Campaign