• STOP Congress's Insider Trading and make their actions punishable by Prison Terms
    Recently 60 minutes exposed that Congress members actually trade on the stock market on Inside Information they get from their legislative duties. Any American who does this would be put in prison. We need to let them know that this is ILLEGAL and needs to stop.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michealene Cristini Risleyt
  • Save Ogden Dunes Deer
    The town of Ogden Dunes is conducting a deer cull against the wishes of the vast majority of residents. They have also short-circuited the legal process by implementing the cull prior to the DNR hearing to evaluate the validity of the permit. Residents feel that the town's actions breach our democratic rights. In addition, the laws in Indiana are written to support the hunting industry rather than the people.
    371 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Dona Young
  • Universal Voter Information
    In California every voter receives detailed information on every candidate and every voter initiative being decided at the election. Most states do not have this so most voters go to the polls without proper information by which to make important election decisions. A small fund to gather and then make this information available to voters should be established. Paid endorsements of candidates etc. (clearly marked as such) could offset costs. California's system could be used as a good model. This should be universal to every US voter.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Rime
  • Protecting Parents and Children
    In the state of Vermont, a competent mother or father can too easily be stripped of rights to parent their children. The state will "pick one parent" for legal rights and responsibilities, yet will often award the children to both parents for physical custody--because both parents are, in fact, competent. Where both parents are competent, the courts must be directed to award legal custody to both parents. The current policy encourages dissent by offering divorcing parents too many reasons not to work together. A parent with no commitment to working together has only to prove him- or herself "better" to strip the other parent of legal rights --and "better" is defined differently each time a judge sits the bench because the statute is too complex. Automatically awarding legal custody to both competent parents will clear the courts of specious custody cases and create an atmosphere in which the only choice parents have is to work together to make decisions. Only parents who are clearly incompetent should be stripped of legal rights to guide their children. Not only is parenting a basic human right, but so is having both competent parents actively involved when one is young.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Braun
    Members of Congress have been trading on insider knowledge, engorging themselves like pigs at a trough, not just on stocks, but on real estate and other money-making vehicles.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard J. Brenner
  • Travel To Cuba
    All American should have the right to travel to Cuba and have people to people exchange of ideas and be freinds. Cuba is making adjustment and changes and we need to give them ideas how to better themselves. Americans should be able to be free to find out about Cuba and the Cuban people and make their own mind if Cuba is or not a hostile country as our Government claims. We are friends with China. VietNam and many other countries and can travel to them. Why our Government have to hide about Cuba?
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Menendez
  • Money out of politics
    Money in our political process has corrupted government. We have legalized bribery presently. Corporations and the very rich use their wealth to consolidate their power to the detriment of working Americans. All elections should be publicly financed. The Citizens United ruling by the Supreme Court has exacerbated this problem.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerald Caldeira
  • Basic preventative health care for everyone.
    The best healthcare coverage must include preventative care. But not all private policies cover basic care uniformly or appropriate to age, ethnicity and gender. A taxpayer based single payor coverage (SPC) would provide everyone all tests, inoculations and medications through their doctor or clinic making us a healther nation. In turn we should expect and mandate lower private healthcare insurance premiums for individuals and businesses.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Vingo
  • lets stop escourts and the people who put them on there pages
    my petition is too stop the DC BACKPAGE escourt advirtisements because thats were my daughter and hundreds more women go to sell there body my daughters name is paris please lets shut them down all escourts a worried mother.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by paula derringer
  • Limit salaries for Congress and Senate to only while in office
    Congressional and Senatorial representatives should collect salaries and benefits only while they are serving their elected term. No salary, health care benefit or pension should be paid to any non-current elected official or any official who is recalled, fired, or quits. Once the job ends, so does the money. Just like everybody else.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beth Hatfield-Griffin
  • Conspiracy against the Black Man
    The Cobb County Police Department has a conspiracy against the black man and all other non white races.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by L. D.1
  • Repudiate the National Defense Authorization Act
    The National Defense Authorization Act contains language which allows the United States Government to detain prisoners without trial.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rene Calvo