• Free Fruit for Kids
    Vashon Thriftway gives free cookies to children, but many children are allergic to gluten, eggs, and dairy. Let's extend the inclusivity and healthfulness of Vashon to our children by giving them fruit instead of cookies.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marie Loeb
  • President Obama: Replace and Improve the VA Claims Adjudication Process
    The Veterans Administration Claims Adjudication Process is totally unresponsive to the needs of disabled american veterans. It takes on average 10 to 20 years for a veteran to obtain benefits from disablities incurred on active military service. The present VA Claims Adjudication Process is extremely adversarial and veteran hostile. A system more human and amendable to the needs of veterans and their families needs to be implemented.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sylvester Sartor Jr.
  • Increase Government support for Clean Energy
    Spending more on Clean energy initiatives will generate investment returns to taxpayers in the form of cheaper overall energy costs. In the future with solar energy ascendant and fossil fuels in decline we will change our nations energy profile to one of a clean unlimited resource as opposed to our existing one of a dirty harmful limited resource.
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Jay Gebhardt
  • Corporations are not Persons
    Repeal Citizens United.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Douglas W. Osborne
  • America's Media in limbo
    People of America should fight and let it be known that the news media is falsely making the Presidential race bias. People let it be known to stand and vote and boycott the New media Fox and CNN and others who leave out polls of the people running. Why isnt FAIR & BALANCED reporting happening instead of one sided views from the head of these new media companies?
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ron Nottage
  • Congress: Country vs. Political Party
    Members of Congress simply have to put the well-being of the country ahead of the political interests of the party. They need to actually listen to the will of the people rather than their big donors and special interests.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Little
  • Save St. Joe's Brick Streets
    St. Joseph, Michigan's red brick streets are one of the signature features of this charming town. Over the years, many of these streets have been dismantled and paved, and the bricks sold off. Those that remain need maintenance. In order to preserve our historic streets, the grass growing between the bricks needs to be removed, and the joints need to be filled and compacted. If nothing is done, we will soon lose these beautiful, historic brick streets that add so much to the ambience of our city.
    636 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Elisa Broihier
  • Boycott Big-Box Sebastopol CVS
    CVS is proposing to build an uninspired big-box store and parking lot at the gateway to Sebastopol (kitty corner from Screamin' Mimi's). Their current location in an existing shopping center works for the community. If they build the new big box store, we won't buy!
    263 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Alysson Baker
  • Out of Afghanistan Now
    Stop the phased withdrawals and bring the troops home from Afghanistan now.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Loring Wirbel
  • Stop republicans from trying to eliminate the payroll tax cut.
    Help stop republicans from trying to eliminate Pres. Obama's payroll tax cut. The tax cut puts $934 back in all our pockets. The GOP wants to stop that tax cut. Let's show them that we need that money.
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by George Cook
  • Degrading Women Doesn't Save Animals; Stop PETA Porn Site
    In hopes of raising awareness of animal suffering, PETA recently announced plans to launch a XXX website. We've had enough of PETA's sexist publicity stunts. We're calling on PETA President Ingrid Newkirk to stop objectifying women in the interest of animal welfare.
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kerry W.
  • Opt Out Tennessee
    To support students, parents, and teachers alike, we need to let our state representatives know that the use of high stakes testing is damaging children, teachers, schools and communities. Standardized tests have failed to produce real reform; too much time is taken away from our students' learning in lieu of test preparation and practice, which narrows the curriculum and dissuades any intrinsic desire to learn.
    838 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Kari Hancock