• Senator Feinstein: Protect Drakes Estero at Point Reyes National Seashore against Commercial Uses
    “Stop oyster farming in Drakes Estero and protect Point Reyes National Seashore.” Commercial oyster farming in Point Reyes National Seashore is permitted until 2012 when the permit expires. Drakes Estero is an area slated for Wilderness protection once this non-conforming use is eliminated. The Estero provides important harbor seal breeding grounds. Senator Feinstein has the chance to protect marine habitat by opposing the permit renewal. We are calling on her to support protection of our National Seashore against commercial uses.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colleen Sullivan
  • Mass Transit for Everyone
    Mass transit allows everyone access to everything. It can help eliminate most of the problems that are at the core of our cities and the nation. Mass transit can save families thousand of dollars. To prove this, just take a moment to add up the monthly costs of a car note, car insurance, gasoline and weigh those costs against the cost of a monthly bus pass.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marva V. Douglas
    We elect people to go into state and federal government to represent us and our interests. They don't! Too many of our elected representatives act in the interest of corporate America, whose self interest is international, We are finally holding our elected officials accountable. We are watching. It's them-- the corporations or us-- the people. Stand up for the American people or we will act at the polls! We have had enough!
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacquelynn Puriefoy-Brinkley
  • Stop Radiation Emitting AMR "smart" Electric, Water and Gas Meters!
    AMR (automatic reading) "smart" electric, water and gas utility meters are a dangerous boondoggle. These meters are being forced on homes and buildings across the U.S. by utility companies. There is a flaw in the design of AMR meters which causes dangerous levels of pulsed microwave radiation to run through wiring and electrical equipment. This radiation is spewing throughout homes and neighborhoods. Although the utility companies would like us to believe that AMR meters are "green", this is not true. They were invented 20-30 years ago only to get rid of meter reader jobs and to save the utilities money. People across the U.S. are being injured by this unprecedented, untested and unregulated radiation. This must stop.
    1,137 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Michele Hertz
  • greed
    unjust distribution of wealth
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Powell Peter
  • Life sentences 25/50
    To parole inmates that has served at least 25 years of a life sentence. Most people that has served 25 years of a life sentence is at least 50 years and older. It cost the state more to house an inmate over 50 years of age due to health issues.
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joanne Turner
  • Put murderer, Brandon McInerney in prison.
    This is the case of Brandon McInerney, who shot fellow classmate Larry King point blank in the back of the head because he felt threatened by Kings homosexuality. This is a clear case of a Hate Crime that needs to be tried as such. It recently was declared a mistrial on Murder charges. This young man took a life due to his feelings of hate and should be punished rightfully. Sign this for Larry King and all LGBT children.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda M Cala
  • Give us a reason to be behind you
    Let President Obama and Congress know that if they will stand up to those who would destroy our country in order to win back power....we will be behind them, we will support them and in the end ....we will win!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fran Mazzara
  • EPA- Regulate Smog Standards
    On Friday Sept. 2, President Obama scrapped his plans to tighten smog rules, bowing to the demands of congressional Republicans and business leaders. Obama overruled the Environmental Protection Agency – and the unanimous opinion of its independent panel of scientific advisers – and directed administrator Lisa Jackson to withdraw the proposed regulation to reduce concentrations of ground-level ozone, smog's main ingredient. We need to let Obama and the EPA know that this is not about business- this is about the growing health issues Americans face if we don't reduce the effects of smog immediately.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen B
  • Stop Demonizing Firefighters and Public Servants
    Governor Rick Scott and the Republican Legislature has attacked and will continue to attack Firefighters, Police, and public servants in the State of Florida. We accepted low salaries for the promise of a decent retirement but now they are reneging on their promise.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Frank Aquilon
  • Name the Anonymous Donors!
    Recently the School District of Philadelphia "released" the current Superintendent. A part of her departure package included $405,000 contributed by 'anonymous donors'. One of the controversies surrounding the ex-Super's tenure was the awarding of contracts to various suppliers and contractors. This "hidden buyout" process has created the condition where individuals with a financial interest in the operation of the district could have undue or undisclosed influence on how the district is operated.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mitchell Swann
  • Saving Social Security
    Reductions or outright elimination of Social Security is, in essence, a breach of contract perpetrated on middle and lower income workers who have paid into the system for years or decades. To change the benefits on working people who have been paying into it for years and counting on those benefits when they retire is grossly unfair. For example, if one began working at age 16 and is now 54 years old, he/she has paid into the fund for 38 years. Ryan's plan would change the rules for this individual simply because they are not one year older. If one is in their late 40s or early 50s, and they are not counting on Social Security, they either don't need it or they aren't planning on retiring.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by A. F. Knox