• Petition to Protect Grass Roots History!
    Wells Fargo Bank's past mortgage policy is currently undergoing public scrutiny for redlining and oher questionable policies and practices in ethnic communities prior to the foreclosure debacle. In that "rush to profits" the legacies of Matthew and Katye Anderson (both now deceased) are due to be destroyed with the pending foreclosure of their home, a site earmarked as a potential historical property. Propelled by issues unrelated to the housing crisis, this home, once owned by Katye, an international educator and United Nations honored advocate for children and Matthew, one of the eleven original creators of the final incarnation of the electronic computer in 1951, is now at risk. To date, Wells Fargo has declined to discuss and review any of its potential errors and misfeasance. In contrast, these two individuals, both nominated for the President's Medal of Freedom, have contributed greatly to American history. But their legacies are nonetheless being obliterated by residual insensitive and unyielding bank bailout policy. We seek a campaign that will strongly urge Wells Fargo and its President, Donald Stumpf and the Board of Directors to an open and good faith review of events in the attempt to amicably resolve the situation leaving open a window to history and children's futures. Profits generated via questionably originated documents should not be a part of the banking industry's agenda in America. Wells Fargo should be in support of its future constituents (the children of the world) and should not endorse children's future misfortune due to errant banking policies. We ask that before October 7, 2011, Wells Fargo do all within its power to assure the success of that project and not undermine that endeavor with another socially destructive foreclosure.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Anderson
    A 2006 law requires the Postal Service to massively pre-fund the cost of future retiree health and pension benefits over the next 75 years in just 10 years time. This covers current employees, AND employees who have YET to be hired - and it is on top of the cost for benefits for current retirees. NO OTHER COMPANY OR AGENCY IN AMERICA IS REQUIRED TO PRE-FUND FUTURE RETIREE BENEFITS. Two audits have found a surplus of $50 to $75 billion in the portion of the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), which covers these requirements. The solution has been introduced as H.R. 1351, which would allow the USPS access to its own money, funds that are in excess of what they will ever need to pay for pensions, and offer a responsible way of dealing with its financial crisis. All this, and not costing any TAXPAYER DOLLARS. H.R. 1351 currently has 193 co-sponsors from both political parties. A different bill has been presented by Rep. Darrel Issa, the so-called Postal Reform Act, H.R.2309, which calls for cutbacks, layoffs, NO Saturday delivery, and would basically KILL the Postal Service. H.R. 2309 has a co-sponsorship of ONE. This bill needs to be stopped before it ever reaches a vote.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Boyd
  • Governor Dan Malloy: It is time to implement the new license for MSW (LMSW)
    Legislation was passed over a year ago for the implementation of the new license for MSW (LMSW). This legislation is still not implemented and has created much hardship for MSW graduates to obtain jobs. The National Association of Social Workers(NASW) was informed by the state Governor/legislature, that there were no funds to implement this license. It is time for the governor and or legislatures to act now and implement this license. Many organizations/agencies are requiring MSWs to have a license in order to get a job. It is very important that this legislation be implemented.
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Phillipa E Blake
  • Petition to Invite God to School
    The purpose of this petition is to restore America's schools back to being the world's leader in educating our children. At this point in time we cannot succeed without God's help. We must stop being hypocritical by proclaiming, "In God We Trust" but not trusting Him with the fundamental institution which is the foundation of our great society. Until we rely on God's power our schools (and our society) mores will continue to detriorate.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Herbert Boykin
  • Housing for Low Income Single Parents
    Of the 30 million households in the U.S. with housing problems, 14.5 million qualify for government aid, yet only 4.1 million are actually receiving any. Statistically affordable housing is becoming hard to find because for every 100 very low-income renters; only 76 affordable rental units are currently available. The LEAP Organization is striving to bridge the gap by adding 36 affordable rental units in Clarksville, TN and is in dire need for support from the community by pledging to contribute $5 monthly for the supportive housing program and signing this petition to show our government that the community is behind this effort. To contribute visit www.leaporg.net.
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Richard Garrett
    Do you want to live down the street from a Detention Center? CCA is in the process of getting final approval for a massive 2000+ bed immigration detention center on 196th Avenue and Sheridan Street, literally blocks from our homes and schools. And all this WITHOUT any input from YOU.
    1,332 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Santiago
  • Be a Rebuild the Dream "First Responder" for Arizona
    This summer thousands of Americans joined together to launch a movement to rebuild the American Dream. Here in Arizona, we have our work cut out for us. We have a legislature with skewed priorities. The sympathies of all but a few of our members of Congress lay with corporations, the Tea Party and the very wealthy. Our Governor and Attorney General are working to cut funds for health care and education while scapegoating immigrants, ethnic studies students and unions for our budget woes. But thanks to folks like you, heroes of armchair activism, we can spread the word and take a stand by organizing in our communities, towns, and cities to fight back against assaults on workers rights and civil rights and to push for jobs, not cuts in every corner of our state. Together, we have the opportunity to win on local campaigns and plant the seeds for long-term progressive change. Sign this petition to join a network of local activists committed to sharing information and spreading the word about actions and efforts that will help us to Rebuild the American Dream in Arizona!
    681 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Julie Jennings Patterson
  • Jon's Law for Missouri
    Jon's Law would allow the Governor to put reward money towards information leading to the conviction of people responsible for violent crimes that result in death to the victim.
    842 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Tim Phelen
  • Petition to Stop Court Assignments to Faith Based Recovery Programs
    It is well known that most people who get a DUI are forced to go to AA. What is not well known is that AA has been declared a “Religious Organization” more than once in court, and such assignments are unconstitutional. There are recovery programs aside from AA, including secular ones, and these options should be made available. Smart Recovery, Rational Recovery, Secular for Sobriety (SOS) Woman For Sobriety, and Lifering, The Clean Slate, and Hank Hayes’s 5 Master Keys Formula. The Time is now that average citizens are given a choice. AA has no safety measures in place to protect members from Sexual Harassment, Financial Scamming, or Sexual Battery and is proving to be a dangerous place to send unsuspecting citizens.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Monica Richardson
  • Support Occupy Wall Street
    Supporting the peaceful, non-violent protesters in NYC. Sign and spread the word.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cryn Johannsen
  • Insurance Companies Should Become Mandatory Non-Profit Entities
    Insurance is becoming too expensive for most people these days, and more selective about who they will insure - and this trend will only get worse, even as our population needs it more than ever with unemployment being so high. We need a solution that is palatable to all political sides. If insurance companies are forced to become non-profit organizations, they will not be able to take monetary advantage of us any longer, and we will all be able to find affordable health insurance coverage.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Wright
    No member f the bar can run for or hold any public office
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Rhodes & Rod Souza