• Congressional Amendment
    Congress has become non-functional and is comprised of too many lobby-supported professional politicians. The time has come to take back our government, limit their terms in office, and elect those who reflect the will of the people.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by S. D. Thompson
  • Do Not Support The Florida (un)Fair Foreclosure Act
    The obscenely misleading name of this proposed legislation is offensive. There is nothing "fair" about this legislation at all. It is a bailout for the banksters and legalizes their crimes and fraud. It strips away basic rights to be secure in one's home and allows banks to circumvent our court system and judges.
    1,286 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by matthew weidner
  • Label safe food
    Parents deserve an easy way to know that food is safe for their children.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by C E Mone
  • Let's call it the "Republican Recession"
    The financial breakdown happened on the Republican watch and because of Republican de-regulating policies. The Republicans in Congress purposely keep the recession raging so they can a) use a shock doctrine technique to collapse government regulation even more, b) blame President Obama and regain the Presidency, the Senate and c) reward their corporate backers and promoters from Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court to the Koch Brother and Murdoch oligarchies.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maggie Rheinstein
  • Remove Corrupt Judges from the Courts
    Judges do not care about you or I, Judges protect their own first, even if it relates to covering up murder, Judges defend the County, state and Federal Government, Leaving you and I at the mercy of Fines Jail or losing our children, Some cases are senile from age or dementia from sickness or age, all who do not have a right to rule over anyone. Some have asked the senate Judicial Commission to step in like Senator Schumer and all refuse to clean up the system
    287 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mr. Joseph A.F. Sadowski
  • Put People Back to Work Creating New Green Energy
    People need jobs. The country needs renewable clean sustainable energy sources. It is time to invest in our own future and create the life we all want to live. China is beating us at prices for solar panels. We need our government to invest in our healthy futures for some life giving resources....instead of life diminishing consumption. Support green energy projects.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcia Hammond
  • End secondary citizenship of gay, lesbian, transgendered community.
    Religious biasses are the main reasons against gay marriage. Americans are supposed to be protected against such biasses by the Constitution. The truth is non-citizens have more rights than gay citizens because a foreigner, non-citizen can move to the United States marry a citizen and become a citizen. Those who have been here there entire lives are not able to get married because of their sexual orientation. This is a direct violation of the Bill of Rights, our unalienable rights!
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Peter Barnett
  • GOP: Conspiracy with Corporate America against Obama
    It's about the GOP and the Tea Party scheming with corporate America not to hire workers to make Obama look bad in order for him to not be re-elected.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DuWayne A. Preston
  • Tax the rich
    To give equal rights to the lower class and THE MIDDLE CLASS!
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Matt Laughlin
  • 535 Plan
    A jump start to begin to tackle our nation's debt crisis.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Vaupel
  • Gov. Scott, Reinstate Art and Music Instruction in Florida Public Schools
    Many schools in the region of North Florida and the public school systems in rural counties like Jefferson and Taylor do not have any art instruction and have almost completely canceled all music instruction from choir to band practice. During the upcoming legislative session, let's send this petition to the legislature and the governor to let them know how we feel and to insist on funding for art and music instruction in our schools.
    848 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Jeanne Annette Phoenix
  • The American Caste System = Why We are Occupying Wall Street
    Help put an end to a common form of discrimination in America ... Class discrimination. All the lower caste, regardless of color, national origin or faith must rise up and join together to stop this insane abuse of our inalienable rights to equal wealth, health, happiness and true freedom. Yes that means rednecks must put down their rebel flag and join hands with their black brothers and sister. And blacks must put their awful past where it belongs, in the past. For, the civil rights battles of the future must be by a united, multi-race force against the caste system that discriminates against us, divides us, abuses our rights, and herds us around like ignorant sheep. Just as our country's forefathers (mainly of lower caste) left Europe to start a new caste-free country … we MUST take back control of OUR country, get rid of all these bought politicization and make it caste-free again as it was intended!
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Johnson