• Want a Real Economic Stimulus and Jobs Plan? Forgive Student Loan Debt!
    For over 30 years, the rich have gotten richer, the poor have gotten poorer, and the middle class is slowly but surely being squeezed out of existence. Instead of more of the same corporate welfare/"trickle-down" economics that have been an abysmal failure for the middle class, why not try a trickle-up approach to rebuilding our economy by targeting relief at those most likely to actually help grow the economy?
    677,061 of 700,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Applebaum Picture
  • Stop Congress/Senate Health Care Coverage for Life
    When our elected officials carry out their term of service in Congress/Senate, they are covered with health care for life which tax payers pay. Let them deal with health care benefits like the rest of America.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by SANDY BROWN
  • Save the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act
    Rep. Michele Bachmann and Sen. Amy Klobuchar have authored legislation to exempt from the National Wild & Scenic Rivers Act a proposed four-lane freeway bridge over the St. Croix River between Minnesota and Wisconsin. The legislation would create the first such exemption for an intrusion of this magnitude on a river protected under the Act, and create a dangerous precedent for future degradation of other rivers. The proposed $680 million bridge connects a town of 18,000 in Minnesota and an unincorporated township in Wisconsin. It's only six miles from an existing eight-lane interstate freeway bridge crossing the St. Croix River.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karl Bremer
  • Voter ID cards
    The Justice Dept. should recognize that this is another form of poll tax it's target is to disenfranchise minorities, the elderly and students.
    2,515 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Goodman
  • Stop These Stupid Wars
    Our endless wars.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Terpstra
  • AT&T: Stop Giving Our Money to Rick Perry
    AT&T gave $462,739 to Rick Perry since 2000. Refuse to support Rick Perry's anti-choice, anti-GLBT & anti-environmental stances, to name but a few of the many issues progressive voters care about and Rick Perry fights against. Switch phone companies AND demand AT&T stop subsidizing radical politicians like Perry. Sources: http://www.ethics.state.tx.us/main/search.htm http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2011/01/att-spends-18000-buying-rick-p.html
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chivas Sandage
  • Tell Obama to Cease FDA Ties to Monsanto
    President Obama has appointed former Monsanto VP and lobbyist Michael Taylor to become senior advisor to the FDA's commissioner. This unthinkable linkage between food safety and corporate interests that have little regard for the public health must be stopped. This example of a "fox watching the henhouse" is inexcusable. President Obama must reverse this unimaginably dangerous policy and isolate the FDA from corporate influence.
    466,691 of 500,000 Signatures
    Created by Frederick Ravid
  • News Media: Use "Unauthorized Immigrants" In Place of "Illegal Immigrants."
    News outlets have used and abused terms like "illegal aliens," "illegal immigrants" or "illegals" in news stories about immigrants in this country who do not have the proper authorization to live and work in this country. Such use has not only fueled violent anti-immigrant sentiments but has de-humanized and criminalized people whose only "crime" is to seek a better life, contribute to American society and keep their families together.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rene Astudillo
    Limit U.S. Senators to two terms (12 years) and U. S. Representatives to four terms (8 years). The focus of the majority of the members of Congress is on re-election. Many members of Congress have never held a private sector job. Term limits are the only means by which control of the government can be shifted back to the people.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Harry Johnson
  • We The People
    large corportations who dont pay taxes in this country or provide jobs in this country who get tax breaks. this is a democracy let the people vote on this issue as it is we the people, expecially the middle class in this country who is paying
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Lazerine
  • Goodlettsville, TN Neighborhoods say "NO" to Bulk Propane Storage
    In light of the recent fire in Lincoln, California and a newly proposed zoning change here in Goodlettsville, Tennessee that would allow a bulk (30,000+ gallon) propane distributor to set up a new facility within 2,500 feet of hundreds of homes and families, we ask a simple "risk management" question: Should established suburban neighborhoods be given protection against zoning changes from outside local jurisdictions that affect quality of life and property issues within the neighborhood?
    202 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Carl Sumruld
  • Help Warren Buffett raise taxes on the super rich.
    As billionaire investor Warren Buffett noted: "Our leaders have asked for 'shared sacrifice.' But when they did the asking, they spared me...and while most Americans struggle to make ends meet, we mega-rich continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks."
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jo Ann Brown