• News Media: Use "Unauthorized Immigrants" In Place of "Illegal Immigrants."
    News outlets have used and abused terms like "illegal aliens," "illegal immigrants" or "illegals" in news stories about immigrants in this country who do not have the proper authorization to live and work in this country. Such use has not only fueled violent anti-immigrant sentiments but has de-humanized and criminalized people whose only "crime" is to seek a better life, contribute to American society and keep their families together.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rene Astudillo
    Limit U.S. Senators to two terms (12 years) and U. S. Representatives to four terms (8 years). The focus of the majority of the members of Congress is on re-election. Many members of Congress have never held a private sector job. Term limits are the only means by which control of the government can be shifted back to the people.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Harry Johnson
  • We The People
    large corportations who dont pay taxes in this country or provide jobs in this country who get tax breaks. this is a democracy let the people vote on this issue as it is we the people, expecially the middle class in this country who is paying
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Lazerine
  • Goodlettsville, TN Neighborhoods say "NO" to Bulk Propane Storage
    In light of the recent fire in Lincoln, California and a newly proposed zoning change here in Goodlettsville, Tennessee that would allow a bulk (30,000+ gallon) propane distributor to set up a new facility within 2,500 feet of hundreds of homes and families, we ask a simple "risk management" question: Should established suburban neighborhoods be given protection against zoning changes from outside local jurisdictions that affect quality of life and property issues within the neighborhood?
    202 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Carl Sumruld
  • Help Warren Buffett raise taxes on the super rich.
    As billionaire investor Warren Buffett noted: "Our leaders have asked for 'shared sacrifice.' But when they did the asking, they spared me...and while most Americans struggle to make ends meet, we mega-rich continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks."
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jo Ann Brown
  • Save the Trees on the Rosenberry Drive Levee, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, blindly following a scientifically unsupportable policy, is calling for the City of Coeur d’Alene to remove hundreds of mature trees from the dike that follows the lake and riverfront around City Park and North Idaho College. We're calling on the Army Corps of Engineers to reconsider the policy and allow the city to keep its trees.
    2,591 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Terry Harris
  • Tell the Virginia Board of Health to Support Women's Health Care
    Thanks to legislation passed by anti-choice lawmakers, the Virginia Board of Health is currently drafting regulations that would limit women's access to reproductive health care. These regulations force health clinics to meet burdensome and unnecessary regulations. The result? Some health centers may be forced to close, limiting the continued availability of safe, legal, first-trimester abortion throughout the state. Virginia's women's health centers provide vital health care services like STD screenings, cancer screenings and family planning services, in addition to providing legal and safe abortions. Burdening their operations with unnecessary regulations would restrict access to these essential services and detrimentally affect young, low-income, uninsured, and minority women by furth reducing their health care options. Tell Virginia regulators you don’t support medically unecessary and burdensome regulations that would restrict women’s access to comprehensive health care services.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Devine
  • Congressman Towns: Continue to Vote to End These Wars and Bring the Troops Home Now!
    Let Congressman Towns know you want him to continue to vote for peace and to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. • More than $421 billion wasted on the war on Afghanistan—over $12 billion/month! • The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost US taxpayers over a trillion dollars since 2001. We need to cut the military budget and use the money to put people back to work! We need to stop spending money on war and start spending it jobs, schools, daycare, libraries, mass transit, housing healthcare, seniors.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fort Greene Peace
  • Get Corporate Money OUT of Political Campaigns!
    Big money taints our politics because WE allow it to buy elections. As long as money is equated with free speech, everyday Americans will not have the voice in their government that the founders intended us to have. We MUST amend the Constitution to clarify what "freedom of speech" really means to us, and to reclaim our elections. Reclaim America!
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Miles
  • Call for resignation of Speaker John Boehner
    Speaker John Boehner's historic denial of a joint session of Congress to the president piles outrage upon outrage. To politically embarrass a sitting president for purely partisan political reasons is unbecoming any legislator, let alone one in Mr. Boehner's position. Boehner's inability to reason with and manage an already oppositional Republican caucus has led to a virtual shut-down of efforts to restore our economy and put 30,000,000 unemployed Americans back to work. Please sign this petition to demand Speaker Boehner's resignation. -- And please SHARE-SHARE-SHARE with as many people as you can!
    14,696 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Bill Weiss
  • Don't let the Banksters get away with it!!!
    E-mail our Attorney General George Jepsen and tell him to stand with CCAG, Eric Schniederman (AG forNew York ), Beau Biden (AG for Deleware), dozens of members of congress and hundreds of citizen organizations throughout the country and oppose any deal that lets the banks and bankers off the hook. It is imperative that progressive Attorney Generals like George Jepsen raise their voices at this key time.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bryan Sabin
  • Student Loan Reform
    Student loan Reform would first automatically grant a two year retroactive payment freeze extension on all existing student loans. All interest would be eliminated on all student loans permanently. Giving students and their families time to find work and relief from fees that border on usury. With unemployment and low pay it is key to help graduates now. Continuing new and fair student loan reforms would be a huge benefit to the economy overall.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by michael couture