• Demanding Republican action
    There has been no bills put forth by the Republican party as of yet and we must demand action by the Repulican dominated house.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dale Saunders
  • Reform the voting process in the US
    Voting laws in this country vary from state to state. To have this happen in a national election (president, members of Congress) is ridiculous. We need to be able to audit post election vote totals from machines that cannot be hacked. We need to establish a uniform ratio of voting machines per precinct based on expected voter participation.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Burgee
  • Justice for Victims of Relationship Violence
    Currently, the statute of limitations for domestic violence crimes in Washington State is 4 years less than the statute of limitations on credit card debt! Abusers use many tactics to control, manipulate, and threaten their victims to keep them from reporting the abuse to the authorities in a timely fashion. This petition will help bring these criminal abusers to justice.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Olson
  • We're for a single-payer health plan
    Improved Medicare-for-All as a single-payer health plan is sometimes called could coverage everyone at a lower total cost with better health results as is done in all other wealthy countries. By drastically reducing administrative costs as Medicare already does and jettisoning expensive and reprehensible incentives based on profit-maximization rather than health maximization, single-payer is both logical and moral.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Johnson
  • Presidential Medal of Freedom to Dr. Frank Kameny
    Dr. Frank Kameny was the first to fight dismissal from a federal job and appeal it all the way to the Supreme Court. He was the first to run for Congress in 1971. He also worked to remove the classification of homosexuality as a mental disorder from the American Psychiatric Association's manual of mental disorders. He deserves recognition for his pioneering efforts.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Wilson
  • We Publicly Oppose Rick Perry
    Reasons to Oppose Rick Perry
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Expose Rick Perry Record
  • Postal Employee's we need you to sign our petition to help save the postal service
    The USPS is asking Congress to enact legislation to remove postal workers and retirees from the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and federal retirement plans; allow management to layoff 120,000 employees, and effectively eliminate our right to collective bargaining. Darrell Issa's bill 2309 has made it out of committee awaiting a house vote we need your support to stop the republican's and tea party people from destroying our jobs
    219 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dyrike Shaw
  • Give Connecticut 17 year-olds the Right to Vote
    Under Connecticut state law, 17 year-olds may work, drive, legally consent to sexual relations, and even stand trial in adult criminal court for certain crimes. They contribute to state revenues through sales and employment taxes. They can serve in the armed forces. They are required to complete a course in civics education in order to graduate from high school. And, as of 2008, they have had the right to vote in primary elections (provided they turn 18 before the general election). Yet, despite these various responsibilities, Connecticut's 17 year-olds are barred from participating in general elections. Giving these youth the right to vote will breathe new life into stagnant public debates surrounding education reform, juvenile justice policy, environmental protection, and a host of other important issues that uniquely affect young people. Moreover, it will encourage Connecticut’s youth to take a more active role in civic life and help them to develop a long-term interest in government and politics. We therefore call on state lawmakers to amend the state constitution and lower Connecticut's voting age to 17 for general elections.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicolas Riley
  • Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline
    Stopping the construction of the dangerous Keystone XL Pipeline slated to bring oil sludge from Canada across the United States to the Gulf States for refining.
    337 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jay Schumann
  • Lead By Example
    Members of Congress should be entitled to the same health care and pension options available to the average American, and nothing more: Social Security, Medicare, 401K pension plans and the range of health care plans options the rest of us have to choose from.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beth Glascock
  • Tell Verizon "I want my service now"
    Forty-five thousand union workers were on strike for two weeks. During this time, hundreds of customers' telephone, computer, or TV service has been affected by outages or lack of manpower to provide new service. Now that the good union men and women are back to work, Verizon refuses to release this work and would rather have its employees standing around looking for something to do. We are here to provide the best service in the industry, and this highly trained union workforce is ready to service the customers every technical need. Demand your service from Verizon today.
    240 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Pat Glover
  • Religious Community Says 'No' to Keystone XL Pipeline, 'Yes' to Climate Justice
    President Obama will decide soon whether to sign a permit for the Keystone XL, a controversial 1,700 mile pipeline that would carry dirty oil from the Canadian tar sands to refineries in Texas, trespassing on 6 American states. U.S. religious communities argue that "climate change kills the poor first" and leading climate scientists contend that tar sands oil development will substantially increase U.S. carbon emissions. Tell President Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.
    1,384 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Rose Marie Berger