• Stop Chris Christie's plan to let big polluters ruin our water, air and land
    For many decades, most Americans have taken it for granted that government should protect the integrity of the water that we drink, the air that we breathe, and the ground that we walk on. It’s about keeping our kids healthy and being good stewards of the Earth. It’s not a Republican issue, or a Democratic issue. It’s a simple values proposition. Unfortunately, Chris Christie doesn’t agree. Governor Christie has proposed a new Department of Environmental Protection Waiver rule that would allow companies to circumvent over 100 guidelines that protect our water, air and land. So, last week, I introduced a resolution holding these proposed rules inconsistent with the law’s intent. Simply put, if the Legislature passes my measure, Governor Christie’s waiver rule will be on its way to defeat. Please join me in saying NO to Chris Christie, by signing this petition. Tell the Legislature that they need to protect our citizens by overturning the governor’s dangerous policy. Governor Christie’s plan is bad environmental policy and bad economics. His proposal would allow those corporations with the deepest pockets to choose which environmental protection rules they will follow, and which they won’t. Determinations will be made without input from the communities and citizens who are affected. This Christie Administration’s scheme will further the economic imbalance between powerful corporations and small businesses. Small businesses will not likely have the resources or influence to go through the waiver process; nor will small businesses have the necessary certainty to know which rules apply to them and which don’t. Please join me in saying NO to Chris Christie, by signing this petition. We cannot allow environmental protection in New Jersey to be undercut by the highest bidder, nor can we allow giant multinational polluters to use their clout and cash to muscle out small businesses. Urge the Legislature to protect our citizens by overturning the governor’s dangerous policy. Sincerely, Barbara Buono Senate Majority Leader (NJ)
    12,111 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Buono
  • Limited Terms for Congress, Senate.
    We are all sick of Washingtons games, We need new faces and fresh ideas. Lets make a stand and get 500,000 signatures to let Washington know that they are there for us and not the lobbiest! It's about time they take our best interests into thought and not how they will stay in the seat they now Sit! 2 Term limit.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gavin Groesbeck
  • Stop the GOP's attack on voters rights!
    The GOP has declared war on the American peoples right to vote! They are passing legislation that would make it more difficult for citizens to register to vote or for groups like the League of Women Voters to register new voters, cut back on early voting, require government-issued IDs that specifically target the elderly, college students and minority voters, and disenfranchise ex-felons!
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by TAKE BACK THE HOUSE IN 2012!
    This petition is about saving a beloved American instituttion, an institution that pre-date the US Constitution from corporate greed and union busting
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Don Hill
    Millions of children throughout this country are living below the poverty level creating failure in the present and in their future. Part of their problem is undernourishment due to a lack of nutritional food. There are certain steps that can be instated to help end the hunger of the children. Poverty is unlikely to be solved in our lifetimes, but measures can be put into place to help feed the children in a way they are worthy of.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony P. Johnson
  • UC Nuclear Free!
    Since their inception the University of California has managed both of the nation's nuclear weapons labs¹. Every nuclear weapon in the United States arsenal has been designed and developed under the auspices of the UC. It is unconscionable that an institution of higher learning be responsible for bringing weapons of mass destruction into the world. Furthermore, by continuing to manage the weapons labs the University of California legitimizes and helps shield from criticism the United States’ nuclear weapons program and arsenal. [1] Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico & Lawerence Livermore National Lab in California
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jedidjah de Vries
  • Support Nationwide Disability Pride Day
    I want to start a Nationwide Disability Pride Day to celebrate all people with disabilities and their accomplishments. To celebrate to diversity and help promote positive self-image of people with disabilities
    149 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Shameka Andrews
  • Anti-racism & Redistricting WA State Legislative Seats
    Communities of color are expanding in WA state, but their numbers in the state legislature are dropping. A proposal from the WA State Redistricting Commission would worsen this under representation. If the Commission's plan to remove North Beacon Hill from the 11th Legislative District takes effect, social justice & labor advocate State Representative Bob Hasegawa would lose his seat in the legislature. Send a pro-diversity message to the commission.
    244 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Luthens
  • Don't Compromise on the American Jobs Act
    The American Jobs Act that President Obama proposed at a recent speech in front of a joint session of congress, is vital to our economic well being. Please sign this petition to let your congressman and the President know we don't want petty bickering and frivolous compromise ruining any chance we have at helping millions of people find work.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Oliver Revilo
  • We Like to Pay Taxes!
    Let's take pride as Americans in paying our taxes! Our fair share helps pay for essentials of a prosperous and just society. Read on...
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne Revell
  • Support Palestinian Statehood in U.N
    This is a petition from Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Later this month, the Palestinian Authority will ask the United Nations for recognition of the State of Palestine on the 1967 border and admittance as the 194th member of the UN. For over 60 years the Palestinians have lived as exiles or under a brutal occupation, with their land in the West Bank increasingly settled by Jews from Israel and other countries and their homes and olive trees often bulldozed. Israel’s callous blockade has created inhumane conditions for the people of Gaza. Virtually all nations other than Israel regard the Israeli settlements and these behaviors as illegal under international law. As PA president Mahmoud Abbas has made clear, the Palestinians are seeking UN admission to help them “secure the right to live free in the remaining 22 percent of our historic homeland because we have been negotiating with the State of Israel for 20 years without coming any closer to realizing a state of our own.” This Palestinian UN effort in no way threatens the existence or welfare of the State of Israel. The PLO and the Palestinian Authority (PA) have long accepted the state of Israel, and Hamas has on a number of occasions openly declared its willingness to abide by any agreement between the PA and Israel that is approved by the Palestinian people in an open and free referendum. I am urging you to support this Palestinian request for statehood recognition. Israel itself in 1948 unilaterally declared its statehood and received UN membership. What they could do then, the Palestinians should be entitled to do today. It is fair. It is time.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gregory Dorr
  • Lubbock Needs a Public Health Dept.
    Lubbock is poised to become the largest city in the United States without a health dept. Mayor Martin and others in the city government want to close the Health Dept and fragment services. We are asking the citizens of Lubbock to stand up for keeping this essential service that protects the public health and safety.
    2,529 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Brian D. Carr, Ph.D.