• Tell Verizon "I want my service now"
    Forty-five thousand union workers were on strike for two weeks. During this time, hundreds of customers' telephone, computer, or TV service has been affected by outages or lack of manpower to provide new service. Now that the good union men and women are back to work, Verizon refuses to release this work and would rather have its employees standing around looking for something to do. We are here to provide the best service in the industry, and this highly trained union workforce is ready to service the customers every technical need. Demand your service from Verizon today.
    240 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Pat Glover
  • Religious Community Says 'No' to Keystone XL Pipeline, 'Yes' to Climate Justice
    President Obama will decide soon whether to sign a permit for the Keystone XL, a controversial 1,700 mile pipeline that would carry dirty oil from the Canadian tar sands to refineries in Texas, trespassing on 6 American states. U.S. religious communities argue that "climate change kills the poor first" and leading climate scientists contend that tar sands oil development will substantially increase U.S. carbon emissions. Tell President Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.
    1,384 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Rose Marie Berger
    Stop protecting the Doctor's, Hospital Administrators, Medical Staff, CareGivers to the Mentally Ill. These Professions need to be held ACCOUNTABLE for their actions and non-actions when attending to the Mentally Ill. A Mentally Ill person does not have their total faculties to make appropriate decisions for themselves and when they are in the care of others - The OTHERS need to be held ACCOUNTABLE for the care of or lack of care of and not be protected by the system making the Victim be victimized twice; one by their illness the other by the system! "Follow-Up" Feature on WSVN-7, aired 1/5/2011 > http://www.wsvn.com/features/articles/investigations/MI90716/ News Article by Sun-Sentinel News > http://southflorida.sun-sentinel.com/news/fl-hk-baker-act-death-20101204,0,325097.story "Initial" Feature on WSVN-7 end of 2010. http://www.wsvn.com/features/articles/investigations/MI90053/
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Taime
  • Compassion for Animals!!!
    We need to start treating animals like they matter. "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Gandhi
    3,720 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by merrill
  • Recall John Kasich
    If we can get 400,000 signatures the citizens can take the first step to pushing this horrible governor out of office.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna Miller
  • Term Limits for ALL politicians
    This petition will seek to limit every Senator and every Congressman to 2 term limits just as our President is.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Groth
  • Implanted medical device safety
    The Institute of Medicine on 7/29/11 reported that the FDA process of clearing implanted medical devices for the U.S. market is fatally flawed and should be scrapped. Joint replacement is now the #1 expenditure of Medicare. The FDA charter must be updated from the 1976 OLD version to provide substantially greater safeguards for patients.
    204 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joleen Chambers
  • Paul Biya: Don't let what's happening in Libya happen in Cameroon
    My petition is about dictators leaving office and saving African Countries from military Interventions which comes with heavy casualties and property damages. The cost of leaving office shouldn't be this expensive.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eugene Ateh
  • Reinstate Pete Rose
    Pete Rose has been banned from Baseball for Gambling on games during his career. He has admitted this and has expressed remorse repeatedly for his moral failure in this regard. The Commissioner of Baseball refuses to consider reinstatement to the game. Pete had a storied career, including holding the record for most hits by a major league player, 4,256. Reinstatement would allow Pete to take his rightful place in the Baseball Hall of Fame
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Brakenwagen
  • City of Chicago Resolution against Torture
    In the fall of 2011 the Chicago City Council will debate whether or not it will pass a resolution against torture. The resolution calls on the City of Chicago to “hereby stand against all forms of torture and inhumane treatment and does proclaim Chicago to be a torture free city.”
    1,584 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Power
  • Amend Our Constitution
    We no longer need 2 Senators from each State. This was reasonable when the constitution was written. With 50 states, one Senator per state is ample. It's time to cut back on the senate's expenditures.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Evelyn Faye Voorhis
  • Rep. Webster: No more citizen "watch lists"
    If you stood up at a town hall meeting to ask your elected representative about a congressional vote, would you expect your photo to show up on a "citizen watch list" flyer in another state? That's just what happened to six Florida residents who questioned Rep. Dan Webster (R -FL 8) at his town halls earlier this year. Will you stand with the "Watch List 6" and other "blacklisted" citizens and demand Rep. Webster stop harassing and intimidating his constituents? His shocking abuse of power in creating and distributing a "watch list" those who dared to publicly question his votes to cut life-saving programs like Medicare and Medicaid will not be tolerated. Rep. Webster actually sent this list to other members of Congress who distributed them at their own town halls. Intimidating people for speaking at town halls is unconscionable in a public servant. Rep. Webster must immediately apologize directly to the private citizens he targeted in these watch lists, and to his entire district, in order to mend the broken confidence of his constituents. He must commit to immediately stop creating and distributing "watch lists" and to recognize the rights of all his constituents--not just his supporters. Town hall meetings are an important tool for constituents to communicate with their elected representatives. We cannot allow Rep. Webster to intimidate people for asking questions and demanding accountability from members of Congress.
    352 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Casey Dayhoff