• No More Think Tanks!
    Demand a pledge from all news organizations to refuse to give politically motivated Think Tanks a mouthpiece to spread their political agendas regardless of affiliation. Think Tanks are the agenda mills of corporations and only serve to manipulate the public will to their political agendas. The only way to stop their influence is to refuse to give them air time to legitimize their causes.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Penelope McFadin
  • Urge Washington to support human rights in Bahrain
    Bahrain's Sunni-led monarchy has cracked down severly on the mostly peaceful protests in that country. The protests have been led by the country's Shiite majority. Saudi tanks have assisted the monarchy in its brutal attacks on Bahraini citizens. President Obama has deplored precisely this kind of brutality in other countries, but he has turned a deaf ear regarding Bahrain. The US Navy's Fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain. The security of Bahrain rests on this Fifth Fleet, creating a situation in which the opinion of the United States matters in Bahrain. Yet President Obama and the American Congress continue to ignore or soft-pedal the gross human rights abuses in Bahrain. It is time for America to stand strong on our ideals of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and the rights of a people to be heard. The United States speaks up officially in support of democratic goals in Egypt and Libya, while ignoring the police-state tactics of the monarchy in Bahrain. Please sign this petition to urge President Obama to speak out about these abuses, and to put pressure on the Bahraini monarchy to cease its persecution of those who speak for democratic ideals in Bahrain. Urge the President to use his huge influence to stop the torture, detention and other abuses in Bahrain.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William House
  • Stop Home Affordable Modification Program Bank Abuses
    Have you or someone you know tried to get a mortgage modification only to be asked over and over for the same paperwork? Has the bank stalled so much that the time runs out so you have to re-apply over and over? Have you been told to stop making payments only to then have the bank say you have to pay all the missed payments and penalties or they will foreclose? These abuses are hurting thousands of people every day who are just trying to stay in their homes and make payments that they can afford. This program was supposed to help people and instead it is crushing the people it was intended to help. We must make the powers that created this program aware of the abuses these banks are perpetrating on their customers. If government does not step in to make this right, the banks will certainly continue and this program will remain the harsh joke that it has become rather than the help to average Americans and our economy that it was intended to be.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Sardinha
  • Pass This Jobs Bill Now!
    Pass the Jobs Bill Now CALL TO ACTION! American's can not wait another fourteen months. We can not wait another month or week for action to be taken to help create jobs. PASS THE JOBS BILL NOW! We must all call our Congressional Representatives in both Houses today.
    2,843 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by wilbert pritchett
    AMERICAN JOBS ACT -Typical working family will get a $1500 tax cut next year -Rebuilds Americas Infrastructure (including bridges & roads) -To receive funds ALL the goods used in the project must be produced in the United States. (Made in the USA) -Repairs & modernizes at least 35,000 schools & community colleges -Provides funds to prevent teacher layoffs & support the creation of additional jobs -Provides funds for law enforcement officers and other first responders. -Grants for public transportation & high-speed rail projects -Provides small businesses a tax cut for hiring new workers or raising wages -Provides tax credits for hiring America’s veterans -Eliminates tax loopholes for corporations & oil companies -Provides mortgage refinance assistance for homeowners -Reforms the tax code to provide tax breaks for companies that provide jobs in AMERICA *The American Jobs Act is funded by eliminating tax loopholes, restructuring the tax code, tax revenues created from new jobs, and cutting unneeded government spending.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Rizzo
  • Let's Have Honesty In Our Equality, America!
    The 14th Amendment doesn't actually grant Equal Protection to all Americans, the way that most of us have been raised to believe. There is a gradient of justice. In fact, Justice Anton Scalia went so far as to remind us in an interview with California Lawyer that issues of gender discrimination that are brought before the Supreme Court are given intermediate scrutiny while issues of race are given strict scrutiny, even though they're both immutable traits. (http://www.callawyer.com/story.cfm?eid=913358&evid=1) EQUAL PROTECTION SHOULD MEAN EQUAL WHEN IT COMES TO PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW. Right now, the Supreme Court is also more willing to promote the rights of corporations above its citizens, when it is their job to interpret the Constitution and adjudicate cases based upon it - not to create new law; that is the legislature's job. In one amendment, we can remind our Supreme Court that corporations are not equal to people, but are made of people, and are not deserving of natural rights, and welcome traditionalist justices into the 21st century with a the meaning of equality that every American understands as true.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachael Majka
  • Commensurate Reduction in Congressional Compensation
    In any deficit reduction packages, Congressional compensation must be lowered in accord with proposed reductions in compensation for federal employees or repicients of governmental assistance.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Meredith Anderson
  • Pay back Social Security
    Government has borrowed from Social Security for over 40 years. Money they've never paid back. If they paid back the Billions they've "borrowed", then it would be solvent. Millions of people depend on Social Security to survive. Don't let government destroy it but make them accountable for the past administrations for borrowing from it.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheryl Livingston
  • Education to Stop Global Warming
    Climate science clearly states that we must start NOW or the planet will, AT BEST, be significantly degraded lowering the average standard of living. Environmental groups each has a tree (issue) that it focuses on; but they need to join together and save the forest. The forest will be saved by national climate legislation..
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert (Sid) Madison
  • Relist Wolves
    Wolves were recently removed from the Endangered Species Act protections. They are now being hunted, trapped, and snared often suffering terrible pain before death in these barbaric torture devices. Despite the public's support of wolf recovery, and in contravention of the court's holdings that kept them protected the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the urging of special interest groups, pushed wolves off the ESA and into the hands of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming where the state "management" plans call for killing almost all of their wolves. The method by which this was achieved was via a sleazy backdoor non-germane rider that was pushed for by ranchers, sportsmen and hunting groups. This is the first time that any animal was targeted to be removed from the ESA. Not only is it bad for wolves but it has opened the door to target other species from being protected under this key legislation. We need wolves placed back on the ESA by another act of Congress. Take your legislators to task.
    21,009 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Louise Kane
  • Bury the Utilities
    There is one problem that causes untold problems in so many parts of our country. Hurricanes, and many other storms cause our utility lines to fail because of trees falling, telephone poles falling. It is outdated that in 2011, we still have not buried our utility lines.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Salvesen
  • DOE should give back parents association money
    The New York City Department of Education froze the parents association's funds at Public School 184M, the Shuang Wen School, in Lower Manhattan, without clear explanation when and how the funds would be un-frozen. It's the DOE tyranny at play again at one of the best schools in the city. It's anti-community, anti-parents and anti-Chinese. Please tell DOE to give us back the money!!
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeanie Tung