Most of the tests students routinely take to test their progress are hardly a valid indicator of what we should be measuring: the capacity to think critically in order to be prepared to solve the many complex issues we are facing. Our populace confuses beliefs with facts, scientific knowledge with superstition, etc. Teaching to success on tests narrows the curriculum and that will be even worse once teachers' jobs are keyed to their students' ability to take tests.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley Ariker
  • Stop Imposing Fees On Single Mothers—And Their Children—For Receiving Child Support Through SCU
    For several years now, single mothers who receive child support through Support Collection Unit (SCU) are being charged an annual fee of $25. This fee, for which there has never been an explanation given, is literally skimmed off the top of a child's support money. Where are these many millions of dollars—garnered at the expense of children—going? And further, if a fee must be installed, please charge the offending party: the one who would not pay voluntarily in the first place!
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Klion
  • Eliminate All Campaign Advertising
    Candidates for public office depend on large donations to pay for radio, TV & print ads to win elections. The more money they raise, the better their chances. In this way, issues they support or don't support are often influenced by wealthy corporations that—partly due to the Supreme Court's "Citizen's United" decision—can donate unlimited amounts of money to their campaigns. This amounts to a sort of legal political corruption. Signing this petition is a step toward returning our political process to a fair system as the authors of our constitution intended it to be. Also, political ads are often misleading and extremely annoying.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Clearmountain
  • End the Electoral College
    Because it isn't necessary and can contradict the will of the people.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Hartman
  • Tell Congress. . .Stop representing special interests
    Because there is no cap on corporate political contributions . . . Large corporations contirbute heavily to political campaigns. Causing Congress to cater to lobbyists for large corporations.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by howard suer
    ANYONE who drives in American must be given a driver's license and have proof of insurance. That protects us all. Immigration status be damned! If a person is gainfully employed and producing for our country and paying his or her bills, they are supporting the economy of this country and must be allowed to be here and have the right to become citizens. There are no arguments against this, unless you are a racist or ignorant - which is both.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Fairfield
  • U.S. Rep. Herger: Don't Ryan-ize Medicare, Support Seniors.
    Seniors in CA2 are frantic about cutting or changing Medicare and other health care benefits. Mr. Herger, you need to support Seniors in your 10 counties, not throw them to the lions. You are the chair of an important health care committee that could affect the livelyhood of millions of Americans. Stop the Ryan-ization of our health care !
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Treadway
    Educate some Virginians that Congressman Eric Cantor, Majority Loser needs to go away, and never be heard from again.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Garrett
  • De-criminalize marijuana Nationally
    A recent informal poll indicated that 6 out of 10 of American voters think that marijuana should be legalized or decriminalized and taxed like that other drug, alcohol. At the very least, MEDICAL marijuana should be legalized federally so that patients and dispenseries and grow facilities can conduct their business without fear of prosecution.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Hammontree
  • To stop Life insurance companies from letting people change beneficiaries over the phone.
    as of right now in the state of Pennslyvania people can change life policy beneficiaries over the phone....anyone can do this if they know peoples personal info....i am going through this right now cause someone changed a policy my dad had over the phone... a month before his death he verbally told me over the phone this was done without his knowledge...he tryed to change it back and the insurance company will not recognize it...PA law needs to be changed on this point. It needs to be done writing with a signature.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mary rowan
  • Save Medicare from the heartless--and extend it to senior retirees abroad.
    Medicare does not cover millions of qualified seniors because they live outside the US---even though care would cost less. (Excellent health care in Mexico, for example, costs about 50% less.) So when chest pains strike, there are only two choices for many retired expatriates: (1) immediate treatment causing bankruptcy or (2) passive suicide. than forcing them to return to the US for treatment.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Weston
  • Help Protect Lakota Indian Children from Uranium Contamination
    Reservation life in North and South Dakota among the Lakota/Sioux Indian people is extremely difficult with 90% unemployment, life expectancy of age 48 and America's deepest poverty. Complicating life is the discovery of unchecked uranium and other heavy metal pollution in the water and air and on the land. The people have not been informed of this danger and no precautions have been taken to test wells or bring in safe water. Cancer rates are soaring.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rochelle Ripley