Testing non-ASCIIHello Júlio Várgàç.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sam Tregar
Tell AQ: Get out of your PJ'sSince moving on to an in-home office, AQ's fashion and comportment habits have declined considerably. Tell AQ: Respect yourself, put on your pants, and don't forget to brush your teeth occasionally!19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elijah Zarlin
Stop Congress from cutting science fundingCongress is debating next years budget as we speak. Last month, the House already passed a version that would cut NIH funding by $1.6 billion, as well as cutting NSF, DOE and NASA research funds. Now the Senate is considering a version that would keep NIH funding stagnant and reduce NSF funding by $75 billion. These cuts could cripple science research in the US. NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins, has said it would mean only 10% of grants getting funded and noble laureate Dr. Harold Varmus said that even a $300-billion cut would send shock-waves through the nation's cancer research community. Sign this petition to help stop these cuts today.52 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Milan de Vries
Mayor Lee: Pave Minnesota StreetMinnesota Street between 17th and 22nd is awful. I can't even ride my bike on it. I think if we get enough Dog Patch residents to complain we can get the city to resurface the street. After you sign this petition, which I will personally deliver to the mayors office, you should give him a call: (415) 554-6141. Join me so we can have a smooth street! Testing the revetting on this...21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Adam Quinn
Tell MoveOn.org that SignOn.org is awesome.MoveOn is the organization behind SignOn. If you like SignOn, why not tell them?23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sam Tregar