• Protect Net Neutrality
    The Internet allows us an unparalleled opportunity to connect with all of our fellow human beings in order to exchange valuable information that is crucial to understanding and fixing the problems in the world.
    756 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Dayne Herndon
  • Save the internet
    My ability to research and publish my work is essential. On an internet that is monopolized by giant corporations, my development as a writer would be stunted drastically.
    261 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joe Manganiello
  • Keep the Internet Free and Equal for All Users
    I am retired on a SS income that places me way below the poverty line. I don't own a tv and my family is spread all over the country. I don't own a car because I can't afford one. The internet is my lifeline, my entertainment and my source for news, weather and interaction with people. If the net becomes tiered by money, I will be effectively homeless and cut off from the world. Did I mention that I live in a rural area without a car or public transportation?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen Roberts
  • Elected politicians, save freedom on the internet
    I am in the construction industry. I use the Internet as my main source for information on products that I use or might use. I use the Internet to communicate with my clients. It has become a crucial part of my business. I have been in business for over 25 years.
    492 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Greg Zadikov
  • Keep the Internet open to all
    I am a retired occupational therapist who is a volunteer child advocate for children in Child Protective Services custody. I use the Internet to research a variety of topics to help the children, judges, CPS workers, attorneys, parents and foster parents.
    203 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Peggy McGrane
  • U.S. Congress: Keep the Internet Open
    An open Internet is important to me because higher costs for fast-lane Internet access will eventually be passed onto consumers.
    340 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Ronald Novak
  • Save Net Neutrality
    I am a professional freelance writer, a career path I have been following for the past ten years. It is no exaggeration to say this path would not have been possible to follow without the Internet. I had tried freelancing before there was an Internet and it was slow, unwieldy and costly. And, if I had to do research, it would often involve a trip to the library, yet another time-consuming process. The Internet, I am happy to say, solved many of these issues for me.
    230 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dean M. Shapiro
  • Representative Brownley: Support Net Neutrality
    An open Internet is a key to social justice.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristofer Young, DC
  • Save the open Internet
    It is important that all websites get equal access or only the big players will be available to the small guy. Verizon and big business makes enough money already off of consumers.
    256 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Donald Johnson
  • Keep Net neutrality and a level playing field for everyone
    An open Internet is very important to everyone. My daughter is home-schooled online, and slowing that down would make the whole thing much more tedious and time consuming. As an avid internet user, I would definitely leave websites that take way too long to navigate. The internet should not be changed so that sites have to pay to have faster access. I have a healing business and have a website, and I would not be able to pay to be in the "fast lane," so I'm sure that would impact my business. We need to keep Net neutrality and a level playing field for everyone. We need our representatives to convince FCC chairman Tom Wheeler to rewrite the proposal before the May 15 FCC meeting.
    499 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Ms Lisa Doyon
  • Stop Bisexual Erasure at NYC LGBT Pride
    As the president of BiNet USA, I work to advocate for bisexual people in America. As a friend of Larry Nelson, Brenda Howard’s surviving companion, I am deeply upset over the mistreatment of her legacy (Brenda passed from cancer in 2005). As a bi woman who has battled suicidality and survived sexual assault, I too represent the resiliency of the bisexual spirit in the face of poorer health and safety than our gay and straight counterparts.
    585 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Faith Cheltenham
  • Impeach Roy Moore
    Because the Separation of Church and State is fundamental to a free society. Roy Moore has shown his inability to be impartial. He has shown himself to be utterly biased and bigoted. He is standing in the court house door against marriage equality. http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2015/02/alabama_chief_justice_roy_moor_4.html After the letter to the Governor and the Order to the Probate judges, I will be going to Montgomery to file a complaint, if able, to the Judicial Inquiry Commission. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mujTchVKDanlkslDTWpXwjRMQihyD8r0gK6jpRafuck/edit?usp=sharing I delivered this petition on 2-17-2015. Thank you to all the supporters, and MoveOn .org. Keep signing, the more the better. I will email all signers with information as it unfolds. http://www.southalabamaatheist.com/
    19,967 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Ned Carter