• Get registered to vote before Nov.
    Ok demacrats, black white and Spanish people. Brown people, i am telling you how imporant it is to be able to vote, if we don't vote the rich and the republican are going to buy this election. Do you all want them to take your medicade, food stamps, Medicare and social security?. Well I am here to tell you the only way to stop this is get your self registered to vote and then you got to go vote you can't let them buy and take everything from us.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joan Upchurch
  • Return my horses
    Holding the State of New Mexico accountable for a selfish and poor decision of confiscating eight of my horses after I invested every bit of energy and resources I could to provide educational and personal opportunities to The Albuquerque westside community of appreciation and understanding through horsemanship pleasure and trailrides trainings. The lifestock board conficated the animals because I did not have any proof of ownership at the time when I was feeding them and after I proved ownership a week later I was expected to pay $800.00 to get my horses back.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben
  • Voter Eduaction
    With all the talk of voter registration and ID requirements across the country, a lot of Indiana voters may be confused about what the voting rules are—or might even think they're disqualified when they're not. We need to ensure that voters know all of the new rules and whether or not they are eligible to vote. We also need to pressure our state legislature to be sure that voters know the laws and no eligible voter is unable to vote.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gavin Needler
  • New Transgender Medical support
    My pettition is so that medical insurance companies cover sex reassingment surgery for the transgender communit ofies. As it stand trans ppl have to pay out of pocket and because of the price cannot afford it
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heather burton
  • Violent Crime Victims Have Right
    The State of Illinois is the only state in this Country that does not recognize the rights of Violent Crime Victims and recently a effort by a organization call Marsy's Law made attempt to get Marsy's Law on our Illinois ballot, that would open the door for violent crime victims to have a say. There is a urgent need for us to sign and circulate this petition, so we can have a say in our own lives.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rev. Parrish Moorman
  • Defend the vote in Georgia
    In Roswell, there is widespread confusion about the details of Georgia's new Photo ID law. I believe that the state is at great risk of being under represented due to the confusion about new voting laws that have been put into place.People throughout Roswell need to be educated about the new requirements to vote in November. It is the obligation of the County Commissioners to run honest, efficient, and uniform elections. In order to do so, the County Commissioners should have a Photo ID Task Force in place by the July 31,2012 vote that's coming up on transportation needs in and around metro Atlanta so that everyone is well informed on what they will need to bring in order to vote in this and the many upcoming elections in November.Now is the perfect time to find out how a task force can help the voters be informed and prepared.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Keeney
  • Protect Florida voters from Gov Scott
    There is no voter fraud in Florida. Gov Scott is trying to prevent Hispanics and African Americans - likely Democrats - from voting. We've already fought for Civil Rights. Let's NOT go backwards on American voting RIGHTS.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna Stone
  • Supervisor of Elections Leslie Swan: Defend the Voting Rights of IRC Citizens
    Fair and honest elections are the core of our health as a democracy. The ability of eligible citizens to vote is a treasured right protected by our Constitution, but this right is now threatened by seriously flawed and hasty efforts to cull voting lists here in Florida. Our Supervisor of Elections needs to be proactive in defending the voting rights of all Indian River County citizens.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by C. Toll
  • Uphold Civil Liberties for All
    The petition is about inequality of civil liberties that the states hold against homosexuals.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by R.j. Martinez
  • Stop wasting our American tax dollars on discrimination to our Original Americans END DOMA
    Its about discrimination against same sex couples who want to have the same rights as hetrosexual couples when they marry. Its about wasting our American tax dollars to discriminate against a minority group of people instead of using it to help Americans poor or help Americans get jobs or help kids get good education. DOMA uses their money for discrimination instead of helping the poor or helping with social justice or helping Americans get good jobs. That is a waste of our American tax dollars.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janet Jamerson
  • Cease and desist in the illegal purging of the voter rolls
    "The illegal purging of the voter rolls"
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by annick Doeff
  • Defend the Right to Vote in Miami-Dade County
    Governor Rick Scott is attempting to steal the election for Mitt Romney by purging the right to vote for thousands of eligible voters in the state of Florida
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ismael Santos