• Stop "fast track" and you stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership
    Since 2010 the U.S. along with eleven other Pacific Rim countries have been negotiating in secret a trade agreement with lobbyists representing over five hundred multi-national corporations. This trade agreement will fundamentally compromise our country’s ability to protect consumer rights, worker’s rights, the environment and the power of local communities to implement laws and regulations that are in their best interest. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is nothing more than a blatant attempt to allow multi-national corporations to deregulate themselves in manner which would not be possible using normal legislative processes. Simply put, the U.S. is bargaining away its very sovereignty. To ensure passage of the trade agreement the Obama Administration wants to use the “Fast Track” legislative procedure which requires an up-or-down vote in the Senate with no amendments and with only twenty hours of debate allowed; this, on a trade agreement which will consist of tens of thousands of pages. And Congress is being told to vote to “Fast Track” the trade agreement before they even know what is in it. This lack of transparency and the undermining of our democracy is an outrage and must not stand. Over 150 Democratic Representatives, including eight from Illinois, have signed the Delauro letter to the President stating that they will not support using “Fast Track” on this trade agreement. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is too important to be rushed through the Senate. Fast tract has to be prevented to allow the American public to see what this trade agreement is really all about.
    170 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ron Kurowski
  • Randalls: Label your GMO foods
    The FDA does not require the labeling of GMO (genetically modified) food products, leaving consumers in the dark about the ingredients in their food. Without knowing, consumers in Texas and across the country regularly consume food that contains GMOs. Most of the food available on store shelves today contains GMOs—and they’re not without risk. For one thing, studies suggest that genetically modified crops require a dramatic increase in the use of pesticides and herbicides, which have been linked to serious health impacts. In addition, there may be other serious dangers, but we just don’t know - there is very little independent research done on the health implications of GMO consumption because the seeds are patented and the companies that own them prohibit their cultivation for research purposes. It’s time that we label all foods that contain GMOs so that consumers can make informed choices. However, some big food manufacturers, along with chemical companies like Monsanto, are spending millions of dollars to oppose labeling. Consumers overwhelmingly want to know what they’re eating, and grocery stores are beginning to heed the call – just last year, Whole Foods committed to labeling. Now, we’re calling on Randalls to side with its customers and label its brands too.
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sara Smith
  • Mr. Marchionne: Tear Down That (ethanol blend) Wall!
    Both air pollution and GHG are increasing, and gasoline use is the chief reason in the US. We have a low cost, cleaner alternative, ethanol, that is being hindered by auto companies reluctance to manufacture new vehicles that can use E-15 (hence increasing our use of ethanol by 50%). This important step forward needs public support and public outcry, especially as we are now beginning to make ethanol from wastes.
    189 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robert Falco
  • Boycott The Dallas Cowboys
    After The Dallas Cowboys finished their third straight 8-8 season under head coach Jason Garrett, Jerry Jones has made it clear that he intends to retain Garrett and that he has no plans of ever stepping down from his General Manager position. He has made comments about how the team is putting on a "great show" with losses such as those to the Packers this season and that with the stadium in his back pocket, he has nothing to be ashamed of. He's also stated that he has done his best work as a General Manager the last few years. As true fans of The Cowboys who are proud of our winning tradition, this is unacceptable. The past few seasons have been characterized by one word: incompetence. We have an incompetent coaching staff and an incompetent General Manager. There is now a need to clean house from top to bottom and that starts at the top. We are unwilling to simply wait for Jerry to die. We demand that Jerry step aside and hire a real General Manager who is given complete control. We are out coached and out managed and this must end. Until such time as Jerry steps down, we pledge to keep every single dollar we have from ever winding up in the pocket of Jerry Jones. Recently, KTCK radio host Bob Sturm said it best, "The only person who can fix the real problems with The Cowboys is the only person who doesn't think The Cowboys have any real problems." We sign this petition to let Jerry Jones know that we disagree.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Brian Milner
  • Fight Against Samsung
    We are sick and tired of the fragility of the Samsung Galaxy cellphones and their constant tendency regardless of model or carrier, to sustain non-user inflicted damage caused from a manufacturing issue such as the most commonly encountered problem, a random crack in the AMOLED screen. We are especially fed up with the lack of assistance or sympathy from Samsung. Please join our movement to have the phone recalled and consumers repayed.
    180 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Harvey
  • Digital Right-to-Privacy Act
    Amid all the alarm about NSA and other government agencies spying on US citizens, we have ignored that fact that it all starts with data collection by private sector companies. This data hoarding, largely without the consent or knowledge of most users, poses a threat to our freedom and autonomy, regardless of whether NSA is using it. The very existence of such data on such a scale is a permanent risk to a free society.
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Charles Hsu
    Citizens United was a disaster. It opened the floodgates for corporations to write big checks to fund right-wing special interest attacks, helping them pour $719 million into the 2012 elections. The question is, what are we going to do about it? How are we going to stuff this "corporations are people, elections are auctions, democracy is for sale" mess into the Dumpster of Bad Ideas? Here's how: A constitutional amendment that puts power back in the hands of the people. The actual, human people. Sign the petition to join me in calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United. - Al Franken
    251,062 of 300,000 Signatures
    Created by Al Franken
  • Justin's shuttle
    I'm starting this petition because I recently lost my husband due to overworking and then having to drive all the way home without rest or sleep! I want to be able to prevent men that are working over an 8 hour shift at a rig location then have to drive so many more hours to get home! It's exhausting and unfortunately my husband paid the price after working about 18 hours then having to drive another hour and a half home! I want to make a difference in the lives of all oilfield workers and their families! By starting a petition to require all oilfield businesses to have a shuttle service to take men to and back from a rig that's over 30 minutes away from the office!!
    557 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jenna cox
  • Keep Non-profit Hospital Salaries Reasonable!
    California’s non-profit hospitals can be very profitable for hospital system executives, who make as much as $4.8 million per year.* Outrageous executive salaries contribute to the rising cost of healthcare, which leaves many Californians unable to access medical treatment, or buried under a mountain of medical debt. It’s unreasonable and unnecessary for a non-profit hospital executive to be paid more than the President of the United States--$450,000 per year. Ask California’s health care regulators to bring non-profit hospitals’ executive compensation in line with their charitable mission: no more than $450,000 in compensation per year. We will deliver your signature directly to California Attorney General Kamala Harris, Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones, and California Health & Human Services Secretary Diana S. Dooley. *Lloyd Dean made $4,882,756 million from July, 2011 to June, 2012 as CEO of Dignity Health.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Elena Perez
  • Drop the Lee Matthews Show
    I am starting this petition because I believe that it is inappropriate, whether you disagree with Slutwalk or not, to discuss under-aged girls in such a way in public when you are probably three times their senior.
    319 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Meeks
    This petition is to honor those children from Sandyhook Elementary whose dreams were shot dead on December 14, 2012~a very sad day across the country.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Coretta J Pruitt
  • Require independent testing of all GMO Foods
    Genetically engineered foods are in almost all processed food products in the United States. A simple reading of the label will reveal one or more of the following ingredients in every one of them: corn or corn oil, cottonseed oil, canola oil (made from rapeseed oil, a GMO product), soy and/or soybean oil, and/or high fructose corn syrup. The FDA does not test the safety of GMO crops. Instead, all GMO foods are assumed to be safe unless there is already evidence to the contrary. The FDA relies on self-reported data from the companies that manufacture the crops as to their safety. Moreover, due to legal and copyright restrictions surrounding GMO patents, independent scientists must ask for the chemical companies’ permission before publishing research on their products. As a result, almost all of the long-term animal feeding studies that have ever been conducted on GMO feed have been carried out by the biotech companies themselves, with their own rules and using their own standards of reporting. What few independent studies have been conducted have shown a range of adverse health effects from reduced fertility to immune system dysfunction, liver failure, obesity and cancer. Genetically engineered corn and soy are used for most of the animal feed in the United States. And GMO sweet corn is now appearing in stores. There are no current federal labeling laws for GMO products, and two labeling measures in California and Washington have been defeated, in the wake of heavy spending of millions of dollars against the measures by Monsanto, Dow Chemical, Bayer, Coca Cola, Kellogg’s, and many others whose name you will see on products on your breakfast, lunch or dinner table. A member of the board of directors of Mc Donalds and one from Sara Lee sit on the board of directors of Monsanto. Peer reviewed studies are rare in the case of GMOs, as the only ones who have the desire or the budget to perform them are the same chemical companies which fund most of the scientific research. However, the few independent studies that have been done all point to the danger of GMOs.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth Eade