• Tell Animal Planet: Don't abuse animals for ratings and profit!
    Animal Planet claims that its hit reality show, "Call of the Wildman," is saving the animals it features. However, the truth is the program has engaged legally and ethically dubious animal-handling practices to boost its ratings and profit. Animal Planet relies on the viewing public for ratings and profits, so we need to let them know we are paying attention!
    704 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Ashley Allison
    Everyone should be concerned about lower electricity bills and breaking up the monopoly electricity providers in Florida. U.S. Congressional FERC Order 888 dated from 1998 DEREGULATION OF ELECTRICITY in America. Remember telephone deregulation gave us the cheap phone bills we have now and electricity deregulation could do the same for your overpriced electricity bills you now pay.
    1,321 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Anthony (tony) Ferentinos
  • .@Oxfam: Thanks for cutting ties with #ScarlettJohansson over #SodaStream
    Oxfam has cut ties with celebrity Scarlett Johansson over Johansson's new role as a "global ambassador" for the Israeli company SodaStream, which is based in an illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank. As Oxfam stated: "Johansson's role promoting the company SodaStream is incompatible with her role as an Oxfam global ambassador. Oxfam believes that businesses, such as SodaStream, that operate in settlements further the ongoing poverty and denial of rights of the Palestinian communities that we work to support. Oxfam is opposed to all trade from Israeli settlements, which are illegal under international law." Thank Oxfam for taking this principled stand by signing our petition.
    11,894 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Naiman
  • Label GMOs in Publix
    GMOs aren’t without risk – some are designed for increased pesticides, which have been linked to serious health and environmental effects. And they usually don’t undergo safety testing before being brought to market. Consumers have a right to know what is in their food so we are asking Publix to please label store-brand products for GMO ingredients.
    383 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Dalyn Houser
  • Label GMOs at Stop & Shop
    We have a right to make healthy, responsible, and informed choices about the food we eat. Yet it's usually impossible to know whether our food contains GMOs. We can't just wait for Massachusetts to pass a GMO labeling bill, so in the meantime we need Stop & Shop to take the lead and start labeling their store-brand products that contain GMOs. Sign this petition to the head of Stop & Shop and ask him as a customer to label GMOs in store-brand products.
    314 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Deirdre Cummings
  • Schnucks: label GMO foods
    There is no issue more profound or more basic than the food that we put into our bodies. While more research needs to be done on the full impact of GMOs, they are not without risks. For example, some GMOs are designed for increased pesticides, which have been linked to serious health and environmental impacts. Consumers have a right to know when GMOs are in their foods and to make purchasing choices for themselves. Ten months ago, Whole Foods committed to labeling their store-brand products in response to consumer demand. GMO companies like Monsanto and their Big Ag allies have spent millions to defeat efforts to win labeling laws. However, Whole Foods has shown that if enough of their customers demand it, grocery stores will label their products. Schnucks already offers Full Circle, an organic store-brand, which is GMO free. However, those who do not purchase the more expensive organic brand every time are left in the dark. With widespread customer support, we can get Schnucks to label all of their store-brand products. People power is what will win this effort – please sign the petition, send it to other Schnucks shoppers you may know, and get involved in the local movement.
    647 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Alec Sprague
  • Comcast: Let Us Know How Often You Hand Our Data to the Government
    Verizon, Facebook, and Google have all agreed to release transparency reports disclosing how many times local, state, and federal law enforcement ask for our phone and other records. That's a vital first step in the work millions of us are doing to stop government and corporate invasion of our privacy, in all our communities. But in recent news reports, Comcast officials noted that they were evaluating whether they would release a similar transparency report. Let's help them with their evaluation and sign a petition to Comcast, telling them that they must release that report now and on a regular basis, and let consumers know when the government has asked for our data.
    758 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Sassaman
  • Ban Aspartame/Nutrasweet from all products and drinks!
    Having been diagnosed with a neurologic condition, I am aware of the danger of Aspartame/Nutrasweet. Basedon all the scientifi tests in the past, the FDA has bowed to the pressure of the soft drink industry to allow this Poison to continue! millions of children adn adults will potentially be affected and afflicted with neurologic conditions!!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Smith
  • Safeway CEO: Label your GMO foods
    We learned how much it takes to buy an election in Washington: $25 per vote. That's how much money the Grocery Manufacturers Association and other outside spending groups spent to mislead voters in thinking I-522's GMO-labeling initiative would be overly complicated. Consumers should have a right to make healthy, responsible, and informed choices about the food we eat. Yet it’s usually impossible to know whether our food contains GMOs. Let's be clear. GMOs aren’t without risk— some are designed for increased pesticides, which have been linked to serious health and environmental effects. And they usually don’t undergo safety testing before being brought to market.
    5,832 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Esh
  • Macklemore & Ryan Lewis: Break up with T-Mobile!
    Macklemore & Ryan Lewis have made headlines for standing up against racism and homophobia. Now, they can continue to fight for justice by supporting workers who are fighting for their rights on the job. T-Mobile, which is sponsoring a Macklemore & Ryan Lewis concert on January 23rd, has been using “brutal psychological terror” on its workers -- like verbal abuse, threats, and, in one workplace, forcing workers to wear dunce caps and sit in a corner if they don’t meet their quotas. Many workers have reported suffering from migraines, stroke symptoms, high-blood pressure, anxiety and depression because of the abuse. It’s gotten so bad that in one town that doctors describe people as having “T-Mobile disease.” And when workers try to change their workplace environment, they’ve been fired, disciplined, and interrogated in basements and systematically told to not collectively voice their concerns. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis have used their celebrity status to raise the conversation about important injustices. They can do it again and send a message to T-Mobile that they won’t work with a company that treats its workers this badly.
    4,068 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by DJ Gering
  • Don't "fast track" another dangerous free trade agreement
    This may be the greatest threat to American jobs that you've never even heard of. Right now, the Obama Administration and nearly a dozen countries are secretly negotiating the largest free trade agreement in history -- all behind closed doors without letting the American people know what's in it. Now, Sen. Max Baucus and Rep. David Camp want to grant the president "fast track" authority, which provides for preferential and expedited congressional consideration of trade agreements to skirt around Congress' constitutional authority to amend the legislation. This is plain wrong. We know what happens when Congress passes this type of legislation granting fast track. Factories close, plants move overseas, and our workers are left behind. We simply can’t afford to repeat the mistakes of the past. This agreement could lead to the mass export of American jobs, put U.S. companies at a severe disadvantage, and harm our fragile environment. Please sign this petition calling on President Obama and Congress not to "fast track" the TPP.
    2,695 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Rep. Mike Michaud
  • The "One Percent Rule"
    Imagine the debate. While 1% doesn't sound like much, Disney would have to pay a full time occupant of a mouse suit about $400,000 per year to comply. Oracle Computer Technology Corporation would have to pay a part time janitor nearly $500 per hour to match 1% of the nearly $50,000 per hour paid to its top wage earner. The 'One Percent Rule' puts economic injustice in prospective. The worst Grinch in congress would be shamed into silence as the One Percent Rule highlights the economic injustice of the 'top 1%.'
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ray Metcalfe