Citizens United was a disaster. It opened the floodgates for corporations to write big checks to fund right-wing special interest attacks, helping them pour $719 million into the 2012 elections. The question is, what are we going to do about it? How are we going to stuff this "corporations are people, elections are auctions, democracy is for sale" mess into the Dumpster of Bad Ideas? Here's how: A constitutional amendment that puts power back in the hands of the people. The actual, human people. Sign the petition to join me in calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alice Mechler
  • Overturn C.U. (aka Please take away our vote, we are too dumb)
    I am tired of being held hostage over benefits we have paid for so millionaires can have massive tax breaks only to then have the benefits watered down and sequestered. Why aren't we sequestering those tax breaks? Citizens United shush funds, that's why. Cork the slime fund and it's immoral goals today. Pass a Constitutional Amendment blocking CU and any attempt to do an end run around human rights of One Man, One Vote (One Woman, One Vote) even if it's a media based brainwashing run.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Maguire
  • Save Progressive AM Radio! KTLK must return to its progressive format.
    Clear Channel has a virtual monopoly over radio news and public information. Consequently, this private corporation has far too much influence and control over the public air waves. It has nearly eliminated all sources of AM progressive broadcasting in southern California. This is a major threat to democracy, where a broad range of news, opinion and information is important and necessary.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elliott Wilson
    Unregulated money in politics makes the government answerable to the rich and powerful corporate employees, not the citizens that the representatives and senators are supposed to answer to. It is time to take our government back from the oligarchs. Please sign. the state of Illinois has already passed a bill supporting this! Our federal representatives need to follow suit.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeannie C Scown
  • Give Students the Copyright they Deserve
    Utah Valley University, and likely others, are claiming that they own 100% copyright to students work regardless if the student used any of the Universities resources or assets. If you submit it for a grade, you are surrendering your copyright. This is wrong, students work hard on their projects and it should be up to them to commercialize it (so long as they don't use University resources). They shouldn't have to go through the University to license their own product and be forced to give 10% (or more) just because they are a student there.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Austin Clift
  • Governor Perry - Stand Up for Texas Consumers
    We’re sending around a petition calling for Governor Perry to ask the Chairman of the Texas Finance Commission to step down. Here’s why. The Texas Finance Commission is charged with ensuring that Texas financial institutions, banks, creditors and payday lenders act responsibly and “enhance the financial well-being of the citizens of Texas.” But just recently, William White, Chairman of the Finance Commission, told the El Paso Times that payday loan customers are at fault for falling victim to predatory lending practices -- not the lenders themselves. Payday lending is a real issue for Texans, and we need real solutions to this problem. But Mr. White also happens to be the vice president of Cash America, a large payday lender that has a history of preying on Texas consumers. Can we really rely on him to watch out for our financial well-being at the same time? We can’t stand by as this clear conflict of interest continues. We can end it, but we need your help. Tell Governor Perry to ask William White to resign his Chairmanship of the Texas Finance Commission. Just last month, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau sanctioned Cash America -- the same business where Mr. White is vice president -- for providing predatory loans to hundreds of U.S. soldiers and their families. The CFPB ordered Cash America to refund $14 million to their customers, and another $5 million for violating federal regulations. If Mr. White’s company cannot follow laws designed to protect our servicemen and women, how can we trust him to protect Texas consumers? Sign this petition calling for Governor Perry to stand up for consumers. Thanks, Sara E. Smith TexPIRG Advocate
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sara Smith
  • Put Citizens United in the Dumpster of Bad Ideas
    Because I think the Citizens United decision was the wrong decision. Our democracy is based on one citizen one vote. Saying money is speech and opening the door to unlimited, secret, campaign contributions by Corporations goes against this very sacred ideal.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Faith Sadley
  • Bring Costco to Pensacola, Florida
    Pensacola, Florida is a thriving city, with forward thinking residents who care about the environment, the economy, and the well being of it's fellow citizens. Pensacola wants to support companies who support their employees and treat their employees with respect and dignity. The residents of Pensacola would like other shopping options besides the likes of Sam's Club and Walmart so that we can embrace the ideology of people receiving living wages for quality work. We don't want to support the Walmarts of the world, but until we have other options, it is difficult to maintain that ideology. We would also love to help Costco build a Green/LEED certified facility here, as many of our residents support eco-friendly building practices.
    2,076 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Sarfert
  • Petition to Overturn Citizens United to WV Elected Officals
    Now friends, is the time to get our WV Elected Officals on board for a Constitutional Admendment to save our Democracy!!!
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Doris Irwin
  • Update Pawn Tactics
    The game needs updating. New users would love an updated game that doesn't have as many bugs.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jared
  • Tell Congress: Revoke the NFL’s tax-exempt status
    The National Football League is one of the most profitable enterprises in the world. However, it is regularly subsidized by state and local governments to build and upgrade facilities, its lucrative TV deals are exempt from antitrust laws, and, worst of all, the NFL enjoys nonprofit status. You read that right: The NFL enjoys nonprofit status. At a time when austerity measures have forced across-the-board cuts that have slowed our economy, cost us jobs, and threaten even deeper cuts to come, it’s time to stop the public giveaways to the world’s most profitable sports association. Sign the petition to revoke the NFL’s nonprofit status. NOTE: This petition was originally addressed to the IRS, but it has come to our attention that only an Act of Congress can revoke the NFL's tax-exempt status. It has therefore been changed to petition Congress.
    17,882 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Hogarth
  • stop fast track
    The Obama Administration is currently negotiating, in secret, a massive so called free trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). TPP leaks indicate that this agreement will greatly empower Corporations by virtually eliminating consumer, health, safety, labor, privacy and environmental regulations. In essence this will be a global Corporate coup. In order to get this through congress President Obama will be asking Congress to approve fast track legislation. We urge all our Congressional representatives, Senators and Representatives alike to vote no on fast track legislation.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by nancy Strong