Tell Nickelodeon to stop junk food marketing to kids!Nickelodeon is a giant advertiser to children, with 70% of its food ads selling junk food to kids. Unlike Disney, Nickelodeon has refused to adopt any nutritional guidelines on what they will advertise to kids. (1) Join us in telling Nickelodeon to do the right thing and adopt strong nutrition standards for advertisements and marketing through its entire child-directed media! Our children are more than big business. (1) Center for Science and the Public Interest, Nickelodeon: Marketing Obesity to Kids, 2012. http://cspinet.org/new/pdf/nickelodeon_brief_2013.pdf104 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner
Bankruptcy Delay for Negligent Hazardous Material CompaniesAfter learning that Freedom Enterprises, (responsible for W. Virginia's massive chemical spill, leaving at risk more than 300 thousand Americans) has filed for bankruptcy protection long before the impacts are even known -- this was my final straw. While it's not shocking that a known dangerous company is attempting to shore-up its losses and duck financial responsibility after a catastrophe, what is shocking: is that American taxpayers will pickup the costs after the defunct company's immediate assets are exhausted. But the truth is: too many corporate protections block Americans from reaching the source of very deep and untrustworthy pockets. As a result: the injured; the taxpayer; the creditor; the worker; the investor; -all one in the same - without political divide - suffer while the same offenders launch another potentially deadly enterprise with impunity. This American urges you to exercise your constitutional right to petition our government. It's time to act responsibly and close the financial-escape-hatch for corporate wrongdoing.1,348 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Progressive Centralists
WSSC Rate Structure is Anti-Family and Needs to ChangeWSSC, the water and sewer utility for Prince George's and Montgomery Counties in MD, uses a tiered flat rate system. That means that the more you use, the higher your rate for the entire amount. So an individual living alone may pay $7.01 for 1000 gallons of water, whereas a large family may pay $14.08 or more for 1000 gallons because their overall usage is higher. This rate structure places an excessive, unfair financial burden on larger households. A true tiered rate system would be structured like tax tables: pay one rate for the first 5000 gallons, a slightly higher rate for the next 5000, etc. This would be fairer to larger households while still encouraging conservation.67 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan LaCourse
Tell NY Gov. Cuomo: Don’t steal the Chase settlement money from struggling New York families and ...Last year JPMorgan Chase agreed to a $13 billion settlement for their actions that helped create the Great Recession and enabled them to steal thousands of homes from struggling homeowners. $600 million of that goes to New York State and it’s supposed to be used for direct relief for homeowners. But not if Gov. Cuomo has his way. Instead of helping homeowners, the Governor wants to use that money to pay for a major cut to corporate taxes, including something called The Bank Tax. That’s right. Gov. Cuomo wants to steal the settlement money from struggling homeowners and give it back to Wall Street criminals. The foreclosure and underwater crisis is still devastating our communities and the families and communities hardest hit are exactly the ones from which Gov. Cuomo proposes stealing. Recently, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was able to use $136 million from a previous settlement to help thousands of families stave off foreclosure. We need the $600 million to alleviate the continuing pain. This pain, which has affected almost every neighborhood, has not, however, been spread around evenly. Communities of color lost the most when Chase and other Wall Street bankers pushed us into the Great Recession – the median black household lost almost 84% of its household wealth in the recession. Latinos lost 66%, while white households lost some 34%. Now Gov. Cuomo wants to keep it that way. I know by now that nothing related to Wall Street and elected officials should shock me. But the pure callousness behind this proposal caught me off guard. And if we let Gov. Cuomo get away with this, then Governors across the United States will think they can use this money for their pet projects or to pay off Wall Street criminals too. We can’t let that happen. Tell Gov. Cuomo: Don’t steal the Chase settlement money from struggling New York families and give it back to Wall Street criminals.1,736 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Nathan Henderson-James
The End of the Internet as We Know It? Tell the FCC to Reinstate #NetNeutrality!Since 2011, the FCC’s net neutrality rule ensured that Americans could access internet content equally, no matter how they access the internet. For example, if your internet service provider was Comcast, (which owns NBC content) they could not control your internet usage, even on competitor’s websites, like watching “Modern Family” on ABC.com. However, on January 14, a federal court struck down net neutrality, opening the door for internet service providers to slow down or completely block any website they choose. In addition, they could charge additional fees to access some of your favorite sites like Netflix and YouTube. This is harmful to the American consumer as well as our economy – the internet’s open and level playing field enables the growth of tech startups. Would Amazon and Twitter have emerged in a restricted, filtered internet? All that it takes is for the FCC to garner the political willpower to appeal this disastrous decision, or re-write their internet polices. With regards with redoing FCC internet policies, internet service providers are regulated like phone companies, but if the FCC reclassified them as “common carriers,” they could regain oversight. Either way, net neutrality can be reinstituted if the FCC fights back. Please sign this petition and forward it to others, and we’ll deliver it to the FCC to urge them to preserve the internet as we know it. Joe Sestak is a former 3-Star Admiral and U.S. Congressman. He is seeking to represent Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate in 2016. Visit his website at http://JoeSestak.com TWEET THIS PETITION: The end of the internet as we know it? Sign the petition asking FCC to fight for #NetNeutrality http://bit.ly/KaeTMG #IWantMyInternetBack150 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Joe Sestak
Target: Take Real Steps to Address the Data BreachTarget has been scrambling to respond to the company’s massive data breach, which affected up to 110 million consumers. But so far, they’ve fallen short. Instead of working to make sure data breaches never happen again, they've announced a $5 million "financial education" plan and are offering customers a "ProtectMyID" service that does nothing to prevent fraud on existing accounts and may give consumers a false sense of security. Thieves got away with card numbers, expiration dates and security codes. That's a mother lode for fraud on existing accounts. In fact, JPMorgan Chase has decided to re-issue two million cards that are at risk from the breach. They’re taking this threat seriously. So why isn’t Target? Target needs to do a better job of taking responsibility and protecting consumers from the threat they created. First, they should agree to provide full restitution to all of their consumers who actually become victims of fraud or identity theft as a result of the breach. Second, they should inform consumers that they have a legal right to place a security freeze on their credit reports – that’s the only real way to stop identity theft. And third, they should promptly upgrade their systems to meet the highest industry standards for security.94 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andre Delattre
Citizens United against Citizens UnitedAmendment: Section 1 [Corporations are not people and can be regulated] The rights protected by the Constitution of the United States are the rights of natural persons only. Artificial entities, such as corporations, limited liability companies, and other entities, established by the laws of any State, the United States, or any foreign state shall have no rights under this Constitution and are subject to regulation by the People, through Federal, State, or local law. The privileges of artificial entities shall be determined by the People, through Federal, State, or local law, and shall not be construed to be inherent or inalienable. Section 2 [Money is not speech and can be regulated] Federal, State and local government shall regulate, limit, or prohibit contributions and expenditures, including a candidate’s own contributions and expenditures, for the purpose of influencing in any way the election of any candidate for public office or any ballot measure. Federal, State and local government shall require that any permissible contributions and expenditures be publicly disclosed. The judiciary shall not construe the spending of money to influence elections to be speech under the First Amendment. Section 3 Nothing contained in this amendment shall be construed to abridge the freedom of the press.68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Falzone
Tell the FCC: Restore Net NeutralityAn appeals court just dealt the latest blow to the open Internet. The court struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s Open Internet Order because of the questionable legal framework the agency used when it adopted its Net neutrality rules in 2010. This ruling means there is no one who can protect us from ISPs that block or discriminate against websites, applications, or services. But there’s hope: FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler can correct the agency’s past mistakes and truly protect our nation’s communications infrastructure. The agency must take the necessary steps to make broadband networks open, accessible, reliable, and affordable for everyone. We need to tell the FCC to start treating broadband like a communications service, and to restore its Net neutrality rules.22,911 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by Josh Levy
Cell tower in Orenco GardensAT&T has plans to install a cell tower at the corner of Retford and Kettring. We need to oppose this move for several reasons a. Spoils the look of the neighborhood there by affecting home values b. Might affect the health of residents c. There is already a cell tower on Cherry road near Stonewater that houses T-mobile and seems like it should be able to host AT&T equipment as well. Why build multiple towers?213 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Sameer Joshi
No More Red Light Cameras in FloridaCorporate lobbyists are influencing & lining our politicians' pockets. Instead of doing what is best for their constituents, they are acting in their own best interests by accepting campaign donations. Stop the greed!55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mohammad Malik
Protect the integrity of electionsI am dismayed by the ability of special interests and their lobbyists to undermine the influence of average Americans, and control information broadcasted to the public. When we allow special interests to spend money individuals can’t match, we implicitly give them permission to drown out the voice of the public, creating an imbalance in the electoral debate. Citizens United vs. FEC Supreme Court decision overturned over a century of precedent and opened the floodgates for unlimited amounts of corporate money to flow into our political system. With the Citizens United decision, large corporations have the power to spend unlimited amounts of money from their general treasuries to buy elections. What's more, Citizen United opened loopholes that allow corporations to hide their campaign expenditures by laundering the money through non-profit advocacy organizations. We need a government of, for and by the people. We need a constitutional amendment to undo the worst aspects of the Citizens United decision.321 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Manon Gaudreau
PUT CITIZENS UNITED IN THE DUMPSTER OF BAD IDEASCitizens United was a disaster. It opened the floodgates for corporations to write big checks to fund right-wing special interest attacks, helping them pour $719 million into the 2012 elections. The question is, what are we going to do about it? How are we going to stuff this "corporations are people, elections are auctions, democracy is for sale" mess into the Dumpster of Bad Ideas? Here's how: A constitutional amendment that puts power back in the hands of the people. The actual, human people. Sign the petition to join me in calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alice Mechler