Dallas Tell Walmart: Decent Pay, Not Handouts!Shocking! Earlier this week, news broke that in Ohio Walmart has been holding a food drive, asking its employees to donate to their hungry coworkers. I have a better idea for Walmart: Pay your workers enough to feed their families. But there is hope for change! Around the country Walmart workers are standing up and in Dallas last week they even went on strike for their right to speak out about issues like their low-wages without fear of Walmart retaliating against them. Workers and their supporters plan to hold protests at 1,500 Walmart stores around the country including in Dallas this Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the “Superbowl of Retail.” Sign my petition calling on Walmart to stop relying on other people’s generosity to support its low-road business model.524 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Jamie Way
Twin Cities Tell Walmart: Decent Pay, Not Handouts!Shocking! Earlier this week, news broke that in Ohio Walmart has been holding a food drive, asking its employees to donate to their hungry coworkers. I have a better idea for Walmart: Pay your workers enough to feed their families. But there is hope for change! Around the country Walmart workers are standing up and and across the country they even went on strike for their right to speak out about issues like their low-wages without fear of Walmart retaliating against them. Workers and their supporters plan to hold protests at 1,500 Walmart stores around the country and in Minneapolis/St.Paul this Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and the “Superbowl of Retail.” Sign my petition calling on Walmart to stop relying on other people’s generosity to support its low-road business model.796 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jamie Way
Call it what it is: Move Walker’s Book to FictionThe nonpartisan Politifact, who has come out with a summary of Scott Walker’s half-truths, falsehoods and full-on “Pants on Fire” lies in his new book, Unintimidated. We as Wisconsinites and those committed to the truth, ask that Barnes and Noble lead the book market in a commitment to representing the facts by moving this revisionist history to the appropriate Fiction Section.3,358 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Wisconsin Progress
Middle Class Mortgage Assistance FairnessI am one of the people that have been harmed by this unfair practice. I have applied for modifications and have not had any positive results. I have seen people with no jobs receive help, banks received help, people in all financial situations got help which is great, but the middle class is getting left out. Home values in certain areas are almost back to their pre crisis prices, but home values in other areas are not going up. Principal reductions would level the playing field and keep people from walking away from mortgages as well as strengthen areas often left out behind.60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Sands
Its time for Walmart to pay a living wage.This holiday season, a Walmart store in Canton, OH is having a food drive. How nice. Except this food drive is for its own employees. Yes, you read that correctly. Walmart pays so little that a charity food drive seems like a good idea. But this is just the latest illustration of the poverty wages Walmart pays its employees. Clearly, it's time for Walmart to start paying it workers a wage they can live on. Sign our petition to Walmart Chairman S. Robson Walton, demanding Walmart start to pay its employees a living wage. Walmart's shady employment practices are well known. Instead of paying employees enough to eat, Walmart pays them so little that many qualify for food stamps. Instead of giving them a good health plan, Walmart pays them so little they qualify for Medicaid and food stamps. This is how Walmart uses taxpayer dollars to subsidize astronomical profits for its owners, the Walton family -- a family which is currently worth as much as the bottom 30% of American families combined. Having a food drive for your own employees illustrates Walmart's shameless labor practices. Sign our petition to Walmart Chairman S. Robson Walton today, demanding Walmart start to pay its employees a living wage. Thank you, Erin Wagner Digital Director Progressives United Progressives United was founded by former Senator Russ Feingold in February of 2011 to combat the corrupting influence of corporate money in our elections and government.272 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Erin Wagner, Progressives United
Respect Boeing Workers and Build the 777X in Washington!Boeing is flying high as one of the most successful corporations in the world, raking in billions of dollars each year. The company's CEO, Jim McNerney, has been rewarded handsomely for these record stock prices with a $265,575 pension every month. On top of this, just last week Boeing extracted another $9 billion in tax breaks from our legislature. Boeing is following the 21st century playbook for greedy corporations around the country. They divide us and force states to compete against neighboring states to offer the biggest tax breaks and the weakest environmental protections. They blackmail workers with threats of moving to another state or country with lower wages and weaker benefits. Then Wall Street bankers reward greedy CEOs with huge paydays and golden parachutes for expertly rigging the system against working families. When the machinist workers rejected Boeing's demands on Wednesday, they rejected this broken economic system and stood up for all working families. We need to stand with the Boeing workers and tell the Boeing executives to build the 777X here without holding Washington hostage!2,865 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Erin Haick
Petition to require the labeling of GMOs in KentuckyI am a mother of two who takes great pride in food choices I make for her family. I deserve to know where the food I buy comes from and what it contains. I believe everyone does.1,974 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Diane Strong
Label GMOs!I want to eat healthy food, and I want the Earth to remain a safe place to grow up in. GMOs are dangerous and should be banned.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anne Huibregtse
Just Label It: It's our right to knowAs research increased my awareness about the affects of Genetically Modified foods, further backed by scientific research and medical doctors whose patients improved after removal of GMOs, it became a passion to make labeling a requirement to benefit everyone. Florida's House Bill 1 (HB1) needs to be supported to make labeling a requirement. Your support signing this petition is appreciated and will let your voice be heard to our legislatures.86 of 100 SignaturesCreated by BrendaLee Smith
GMO foodsI am a bee keeper and I believe this is having a negative affect on my bees. I also do not want to eat any food that makes it's own pesticide.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Heebsh
Enforce the Veterans' LawsOur Government is giving BILLIONS of your tax dollars to Federal Contractors and Employers who are denying Veterans their Employment, Reemployment, and Affirmative Action rights under the Selective Service Acts of the 1940's, 50's & 60's, the Veterans' Reemployment Rights Act (VRRA), the Vietnam-Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA), and the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). The Secretary of Labor, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (DOL-OFCCP), the Veterans Employment and Training Services (DOL-VETS), and the Solicitor of Labor (DOL-Solicitor) are mandated by law to: 1) investigate complaints against Federal Contractors and employers, who are denying veterans their rights, and 2) to protect and to secure the rights of veterans in the workplace. The Secretary of Labor, the DOL-VETS, the DOL-OFCCP and the DOL-Solicitor need to perform and execute their congressionally mandated statutory duties and responsibilities under the laws under their authority and jurisdiction by compelling federal contractors and employers to comply with these laws governing Veterans in the workplace. The direct result of these Government Agencies failure to properly investigate complaints and to secure and to protect the rights of veterans in the workplace is the unconscionable and perfidious fact that 40% of the HOMELESS in our nation are veterans; the majority being Vietnam veterans. This number will increase exponentially with the return of the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans seeking their workplace rights from Federal Contractors and Employers and receiving the same SUPPORT from our Government and their Agencies as Vietnam veterans received. I was denied all of my veteran's rights by my employer who is one of the largest Federal Contractors in the world; that being the Shipping and Longshore Industry. I became a "Whistle Blower" in the Shipping and Longshore industry for requesting my veteran's rights and by submitting complaints with the DOL-VETS, the DOL-OFCCP, the Secretary of Labor and the DOL-Solicitor's Office. I have suffered and endured four decades of discrimination, harassment, retaliation and the creation of a hostile work environment which subsequently led to my "Constructive Termination" by being passed over for promotions when I had greater seniority or scored higher than others who were selected over me. The DOL-OFCCP was ordered by a Federal Court Judge to exercise their enforcement powers over my employer, Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), until they were in compliance with the Affirmative Action Laws governing veterans and handicapped individuals on December 15, 1994. In addition, the Judge found that the DOL-OFCCP's investigation "was so cursory or wholly unreasonable that the Court should view it as having not been made" and "as to be a "SHAM". It will be nineteen (19) years on December 15, 2013 since the Court Order and the DOL-OFCCP still has failed to comply with the Judge's Federal Court Order. Please sign this petition and let's show Veterans that we truly support them and appreciate those who have given so much. By signing this petition WE will be DARING TO SPEAK "TRUTH" TO AUTHORITY and EXPOSE OUR GOVERNMENT'S FACADE THAT THEY SUPPORT THE MILITARY!!!!109 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Wes Brickner
Tell CEO Doe to Mind the GapMy girlfriend Colleen joined Corporation Doe as a Graphic Designer right out of college. At that time, they offered a competitive salary, profit-sharing, and an economical healthcare plan for all employees. Colleen began paying off her student loans and found a small apartment affordable enough for her to begin saving money for a home of her own. She met and married her husband Bill in 2004, and they bought their first home together shortly after the wedding. When the financial crisis of 2007 occurred, Corporation Doe asked the employees in Colleen's department to take a 5% pay cut in order to lower the number of necessary layoffs. Colleen and her co-workers agreed to the pay cut and there were no raises for regular employees over the next two year period. In 2010, merit increases were introduced to the company again but with a cap at 2%. However, employees have increasingly been responsible for bearing a larger part of the cost for health insurance each year with the end result being that Colleen (and her husband) now bring home substantially less ($500 month) now than they were making in 2007. They have lost their home to foreclosure and are now trying to decide whether to cancel their health insurance (opting for essentially a catastrophic plan for their family) or Bill quitting his job to work nights so they no longer have to pay for daycare for their daughter Maisy. Though educated and seemingly well-employed, they cannot afford healthcare and daycare both. Corporation Doe, however, is alive and well and enjoying profits unsurpassed in its 20-year history. The payout for executives and shareholders is a full 48% higher than it was just five years ago. We believe that it is time for Corporation Doe to reward loyal, hardworking employees like Colleen and Bill by giving a cost-of-living adjustment of xx% to all employees below the level of Vice President immediately, and by making a commitment to their employees futures by linking all future merit increases to either the rate of inflation, or the success of the company, or both.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Lyons-Minor