• Staples: Honor Copic Price You Posted Online
    Staples.com advertised the Copic marker sets they sell at unusual low prices. People such as myself took advantage and ordered them accordingly. we were given an order number for our purchases. Staples, unlike companies Zappos and United Airlines, chose to not inform the customers of their mistake and cancelled orders without notification. No formal action from Staples executives has happened, but instead chose to not honor their prices they posted. they also claim to be fixing the issue, but the prices have stood on the site after making the claims of typographical error. Staples should follow in the footsteps of Zappos and United Airlines and take responsibility for their actions. They should honor the price and fulfill orders made. People are sick and tired of being misled with bait and switch tactics and Staples should honor their customers.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by elizabeth cortez
  • Stop corporate bullies
    To whom it may concern at Block Communications: This is not a threat. I understand my words and few dollars cannot hurt you. I understand your position, as a company, in this community is not going to be immediately knocked down by the opinion, or even actions, of a few. However, please do not disregard what I am saying because long term, it will matter. Your lawsuit against Toledo Free Press is a frivolous one on many levels but I'd like to point out the main ones. Firstly, our courts are already bogged down with people and/or business suing other people and/or business for gain, financial or otherwise. You are tying up the courts in an attempt to shut down a business that is not even a competition to your daily newspaper. The frivolity is a waste of tax payers dollars that would be better spent on other things in this community. Especially when you truly don't care if you win this or not, which brings me to my second point. Secondly, suing a small business for the sole purpose of financially burdening them into shutting down is not the ethical way of doing things. I understand that what you're doing is becoming fairly common, but that doesn't make it anymore acceptable. You don't care about winning this lawsuit and collecting your “damages;” you care about making sure this lawsuit costs the Free Press too much money to go forward. Your “I will crush you, little guy” mentality isn't doing you any favors. No one likes a bully. If you think people (your customer or potential customers) aren't going to realizing what you're doing, you have greatly underestimated the intelligence of your demographics. We see what you are doing and we don't like it. You may think because your paper is the largest daily paper, or your cable company is the only option in this city, that you are infallible. However, I can make this promise to you: When another option comes along (and it will), we will choose it rather than you. We will choose a company that doesn't bully with dollars. We will chose the one that embraces the American hub of small business. We will choose the ethical and moral company rather than you. Your fall from grace wont be today with the dollars I will no longer be giving you. Nor the hundreds of others that will also no longer be supporting Block Communications or it's affiliates. Nor will it be our very loud boycott of your advertisers (believe me, they will know why we are no longer giving them our money). Instead it will be a slow death of your company as others move in and take over because your company is known for it's unethical tactic of using wealth to suppress small business. And I am one person that is looking forward to watching it happen. I once heard someone say that it was a losing battle to fight with a newspaper or other media outlet. That may be true, but it's one I am willing to fight on principles, loss or not. Consumerism is a beautiful thing. My dollars will loudly go to businesses not affiliated in anyway with Block Communications or its affiliates. Sincerely, All of the signed Small Business Supporters First Amendment Supporters Toledo Free Press Supporters
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gina Fielding
  • Anti Vulture Capitalism Bill
    Vulture capitalist have a tendency of using their leverage to take over a business that have a large cache' of money that is usually reserved for the older, and retired employees. Since severance, and retirement packages are based on a person's salary, venture capitalist persuade the employees, or their union, to lower their pay, and BANG! Lo and behold, the company can't seem to make it. The building and equipment are being sold and other business components are salvaged. One of those components is the cash reserve that was saved due to the company's obligation to the employees' commitment through a well-paid retirement package. The employees are being terminated, and with the lower salary, have less to survive on, have probably whittled at their savings already because of the less salary to "save" the company. I want to call this the "Mitt Romney Bill", but I know he was copying others, but he made the technique popular.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark SIBERT
  • Trader Joe's needs to support health care for all Americans.
    We need to pressure these corporations laying off part time workers and trying to end obamacare...Trader Joe's presents a progressive, earth friendly image. Also I enjoy their products but will no longer shop there until this policy changes.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann andersen
  • WYES 12-New Orleans: Air the documentary Citizen Koch!
    Earlier this summer, a New Yorker article revealed that public television pulled the documentary Citizen Koch from a planned national broadcast, out of fear of upsetting major PBS donor and right-wing billionaire David Koch. This petition was started to counter such intimidation and urge New Orleans's local PBS station to air the documentary.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Shrock
  • A Petition to Congress to support an amendment to Public Bill 89-800
    Professional sports organizations, as defined in 28 USCS § 3701(3), have enjoyed certain privileges, immunities, and tax exemptions normally accorded to traditional 501(c) 3’s. Understandably, such privileges were awarded in 1966, in the context of the NFL's merger with the defunct AFL, in order to promote a) growth in the league, and b) to disallow the NFL from shrinking the number of competing teams and organizations under its corporate umbrella. Certain types of organizations inferred to in the tax exemption have outlived the tax exemption's purpose: to ensure growth and stability. In light of the NFL's $50 million executive payroll, the players' salaries, the billion dollar contracts awarded to various media - all of which have been virtually tax free and paid to the NFL - we, the United States Congress' constituency, in promoting fairness and integrity, are demanding that Congress act with all due expedience in accordance to the NFL's - and all professional sports organizations' - current financial portfolios.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James F. Thomas IV
  • Tell Senators Warren and Udall: FDA’s Voluntary GMO Labels Are Good for Monsanto, Bad for Consumers!
    Last month, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) asked the U.S. Food & Drug Administration to finalize its 2001 guidance on voluntary labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The senators advertised their request as a move intended to benefit consumers. But in fact, a federal voluntary labeling plan plays right into the hands of Monsanto and big food. Sometimes it's appropriate to contact a senator who doesn't directly represent you, because his or her actions could result in a federal law that could affect all Americans, not just the citizens in one state. This is one of those times. Please tell Senators Warren and Udall that FDA guidance on voluntary GMO labeling would be great for Monsanto and big food, but bad for consumers. How would finalizing the FDA's 2001 guidance hurt consumers? Worst-case scenario, the biotech and food industries could use the FDA guidance to preempt state laws requiring mandatory labeling of GMOs. Currently, states have the right to enact GMO labeling laws precisely because the FDA has not formally ruled on GMO labeling. Second, the FDA’s guidance on voluntary GMO labeling could be used to put an end to existing, legitimate voluntary non-GMO labeling efforts. By allowing the FDA, which has previously (and controversially) ruled that GMO and non-GMO foods are “substantially equivalent,” the FDA could rule against non-GMO or GMO-free labels on the basis that they mislead consumers by implying that there’s a difference between GMO and non-GMO foods. Monsanto and the Grocery Manufacturers Association, two of the biggest funders of campaigns to defeat state GMO labeling laws, support the FDA’s guidance on voluntary labeling of GMOs. Consumers don't because we know who will benefit from the FDA's rule - big corporations, not us. We need to get Senators Warren and Udall back on our side.
    43,060 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Paul, Organic Consumers Association
  • Gov. Kitzhaber: Allow cities & counties to regulate GMOs. Stop the Oregon Monsanto Protection Act.
    Why are Oregon Republicans insisting on a massive giveaway to big, out-of-state chemical companies like Monsanto? Governor John Kitzhaber has proposed a “grand bargain” package of reforms on taxes and the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) in an upcoming legislative special session. But Republicans are refusing to consider the proposals unless a proposal called the Oregon Monsanto Protection Act is included. Oregon’s Monsanto Protection Act is awful policy and sets a dangerous precedent. It would take away the right of Oregon counties to decide whether to outlaw GMOs. It all boils down to a simple question: Who are more important to Oregon -- our family farms and food producers, or massive, out-of-state chemical companies? House Democrats defeated the Oregon Monsanto Protection Act once before. But it’s back now thanks to extreme Republicans in the Oregon Legislature. Only together can we stop this awful idea from becoming law.
    2,034 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Rep. Jules Bailey
  • Stop the Monsanto Protection Act
    The Monsanto Protection Act is an outrage. It allows big agricultural and biotech corporations to ignore food safety regulations and sell genetically engineered foods even after a court order to stop. The good news? The Monsanto Protection Act expires on September 30. The bad news? Some in Congress want to extend the Monsanto Protection Act as part of the must-pass budget bill that will keep our government operating past September 30. The Monsanto Protection Act was written anonymously and in secret - and prevents courts from doing their jobs. For Americans concerned about health and environmental damage, it leaves no legal recourse. We have to act now to stop big special interests from running roughshod over our democracy.
    6,949 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Senator Jeff Merkley
  • F.D.A. should stop playing a political game by suppressing the use of the significantly safer dru...
    I have Hashimoto's disease. They are natural drugs out there that can help me and millions of others who are suffering just like me. I can't get these drugs legally, even though they are cheap and effective and have been used for a very long time including here in the US. We can't get these meds because big pharma is not going to make money from natural drugs they can't patent. FDA would go after any medical practitioners if they would dare to prescribe you something that is legal in Canad and around the World. However, the problem doesn't end with my condition. They are many others just like me who have different conditions and need different treatments and we are forced to support the "business of drugs". For how long? I am still alive so I will try to change it while I still can. Please, help if you could.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vlad Rangotchev
  • No Strings Attached
    The repeal of the Affordable Care Act, corporate control of legislation, and the fundamentally corrupt practice of our legislative branch.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daltry Legg
  • Support the "Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act"
    Sen. Carl Levin's Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act is our best shot for closing the worst offshore corporate tax loopholes, which cost the U.S. around $100 billion each year. To pass it, we'll have to stand up to an army of powerful corporate lobbyists. No one can sit this out. Say you'll fight alongside Sen. Levin to pass the bill -- and make sure that big corporations pay their fair share of taxes.
    1,602 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jay Davis, Americans for Tax Fairness