WMVS 10/WMVT 36 - Air the documentary "Citizen Koch"!"Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television should answer to viewers like me, not billionaires like the Koch brothers - and I want to see this important documentary. Will you join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens?5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Abbey Palmer
KAET: Air Citizen Koch!"Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers -- and I want to see this important documentary. Will you join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens?2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Rose
Koch money shouldn't influence public television programmingKoch money shouldn't influence public television programming2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Aaron Kenna
WMPB 67: Don't Cave to the Kochs!It is bad enough that these arrogant oligarchs have managed to steer our political process, but a public station should serve the needs of 99% of our populace, not prop up the propaganda of two dangerous billionaires!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sandra Zylberman
Citizen KochPlease air the Documentary Citizen Koch.. A New Yorker article revealed that public television pulled the documentary Citizen Koch from a planned national broadcast – out of fear of upsetting major PBS donor and right-wing billionaire David Koch. Citizen Koch is a powerful documentary by Academy Award-nominated filmmakers that tells the story of the outsized role of money in politics. I want to watch it.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jane H Beattie
WMHT: Air Citizen Koch!"Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers -- and I want to see this important documentary. Will you join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens?5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Phillip Brehm
Stop the Koch Brothers from hurting our CountryStop the Koch Brothers Now4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Peck
Air the documentary Citizen KochThe public should have access to this important information.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Karen Marshall
KPBS show Citizen Koch, divest David KochDear KPBS, Citizens have a right to watch the documentary Citizen Koch which was scheduled for broadcast on PBS. If you need to divest yourself of contributions from David Koch, that is all to the good, as he was instrumental in producing the fallacious Nova segment which spread untruths about the 9-11 demolition.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Val Sanfilippo
WITV - Air Citizen Koch!Koch money shouldn't influence public television programming -- we want to see the film Citizen Koch aired on PBS!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thomas Stachelski
Air the documentary "Citizen Koch"So that people will know that the Koch brothers don't make diet Coke. But, are very heavily influencing the elections with "Tea Party" candidates.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frances Cassanto
Koch brothersThe documentary about the Koch brothers is the type of programming that PBS should revel in and definitely show.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ivan Backer