Thanksgiving Day BoycottMany retailers are making the heartless, greedy and shameful decision to open on Thanksgiving day forcing employees to spend time away from their families. These retailers are eroding American traditions at the expense of the working class. Please sign and share this petition with your friend and family using the following URL: http://goo.gl/eB3f6T130 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Michael Perez
Super Shuttle Unfair to DriversThe workers for Super Shuttle Denver have been trying to get a fair and decent contract for 2 years.Please visit and like the face book page for Super Shuttle Drivers https://www.facebook.com/pages/Give-Denver-Supershuttle-Drivers-a-Fair-Deal/6591928041154861,804 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Linda Harris
Tell Chase: $13bn penalty means stopping foreclosuresThe Department of Justice is leading negotiations with JPMorganChase right now, specifically for selling the toxic mortgage backed securities they and other Wall Street criminals used to destroy our economy and steal our homes. The reported amount is a record-setting $13 billion. $4 billion is designated for relief to homeowners. While this settlement will only recoup a small part of the damage JPMorganChase and Wall Street caused, it is promising that this time, according to news reports, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder refused to negotiate away the right to criminal prosecutions. JPMorganChase is finally negotiating around its misdeeds that helped crash the housing market and world economy. Now it is time for them to stop foreclosures and instead work with people whose lives are still reeling from the crash: Jaymie Kelly of Minneapolis has paid for her house five times over but has been left underwater after being duped into a predatory Chase loan. Chetti McAffee of Seattle fell behind on her home loan only after Chase bank told her she had to in order to apply for a modification. Ana Ramos in San Francisco was left deeply underwater after Chase and its subsidiary Washington Mutual continually “lost” her paperwork and refused her payments. One of the reasons that Chase is facing this record penalty in the first place is because of work by the Home Defenders League and others to push the Obama Adminstration to stand up for struggling homeowners and foreclosure victims. In March, when Attorney General Holder testified before Congress that Wall Street banks couldn’t be prosecuted because of their outsized wealth, people like you joined with 333,000 others from Action for the Common Good, CREDO, MoveOn, Campaign for America’s Future, and the Courage Campaign to demand the Obama Administration end “Too Big to Jail”. Some of you helped deliver those petitions to US Attorneys in cities across the country. And you stood with 500 home defenders from around the country who risked arrest at the Department of Justice in order to demand accountability for Wall Street criminals in May. That action ended with 28 arrests and non-violent protestors tazed, while seven more were arrested at the high-end Wall Street law firm Covington and Burling protesting the revolving door between the DOJ and Wall Street. Then just two weeks ago over 500 of you called AG Holder’s office demanding a strong deal with Chase. You and people like you are true warriors for justice. That kind of action is why this settlement isn’t really a “relief” unless it helps people like Jaymie, Chetie and Ana. They are all able and willing to pay on a fair mortgage that reflected the current market value of their homes. Really, it’s the least Chase Bank can do. Tell Chase CEO Jamie Dimon: It’s time to fix what you broke. Halt foreclosures in the wake of negotiating this settlement. Then give a fair mortgage modification - no more run around - to restore home equity for underwater homeowners across the country.593 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Nathan Henderson-James
Petition to Discontinue the Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products in HawaiiTobacco companies are marketing products with fruit, candy and alcohol flavors which are sold at local stores. We, the undersigned, believe these flavored tobacco products are created to appeal to children and teenagers in order to get them to experiment with tobacco. We believe discontinuing the sale of these products in Hawaii will ultimately protect children and youth from becoming addicted nicotine users. We strongly support a statewide law to discontinue the sale of these flavored tobacco products in Hawaii.456 of 500 SignaturesCreated by The REAL Message
Anti-SLAPP Legislation - strategic lawsuit against public policyHi, We the people in the state of Florida and everywhere should protect our right to free, responsible speech. There are businesses who threaten people with lawsuits with the sole purpose to shut them up and they succeed because attorneys can run as high as $300/hour. That type of lawsuit is called SLAPP – strategic lawsuit against public policy. You can read details of my case in: http://whatintegrity.biz.ht Florida has an anti-slapp legislation but applies only to government and associations and not businesses. It should include everyone. No one should be afraid to speak the truth. Please sign my petition. Without a sense of caring, there is no sense of community. Without a sense of justice, there can be no civilization. Thank you.56 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Margit Ma
CBS News: Stop Reporting Obamacare MythsCBS News recently reported that, because of Obamacare, a Florida woman named Dianne Barrette would have to pay more than $500 monthly for health insurance that she previously got for just $50. One problem: The report was wrong, and has been debunked by other news sources. But Republicans and Fox News have been repeating it over and over to make the case that Obamacare isn't working. CBS should retract the story and hold the producers responsible for the report accountable.14,530 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Monica Sanders
Who gave Permission to KIUC to Harass and Threaten its Membership?We want to know who gave KIUC permission to Harass and Threaten its Membership? And we want it to Stop!43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peoples Pono Alliance
Tell Revlon: Remove toxic chemicals from your productsHypocrisy is unfashionable. Revlon--one of the biggest cosmetics manufacturers in the country--is running ads promoting their support for breast cancer awareness while selling products to women that actually contain cancer-causing chemicals! Revlon uses cancer-causing chemicals like parabens and formaldehyde-releasers, plus chemicals like octinoxate, linked to thyroid disruption and reproductive development problems, in their hair care products, makeup, and facial/hand creams. Revlon's major competitors--including brands like Cover Girl, Neutrogena, and Clean & Clear--are removing toxic chemicals from their products. Instead of doing the same, Revlon is pumping money into a big breast cancer awareness campaign called "Revlon Cares." The 1 in 8 women who will develop breast cancer deserve better. Tell Revlon to be part of the solution by removing toxic chemicals from their personal care products.198 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet
STEAM game restrictionsSteam restricted my account for SHOPING in thier store. Steam Support is very, no, not possible to reach.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Natalia
Ask Ted Cruz: What are you afraid to disclose?Senator Ted Cruz is holding the Federal Communications Commission hostage by preventing a vote on Thomas Wheeler, the Administration’s nominee for FCC chair -- unless Wheeler promises not to improve disclosure in federal campaigns. Outrageous! Many believe the FCC has the administrative power to compel groups that buy political ads on TV and radio to release the names of their donors. Polls show that an overwhelming percentage of voters across party lines want more disclosure. They know nothing's more important to our democracy than making sure billionaires and other special interests can't hide their massive secret spending to buy elections. Conservative Justice Scalia said it best: "I do not look forward to a society which ... campaigns anonymously and even exercises the direct democracy of initiative and referendum hidden from public scrutiny and protected from public criticism… This does not resemble the Home of the Brave." Sign and share this petition to ask Senator Cruz what he's afraid to disclose and why he disagrees with Justice Scalia!3,021 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Trent Lange, President of the California Clean Money Campaign
Matteson and Richton Residents Against Tinley ParktWalmartWe oppose Walmart taking away from our community. We support more responsible commercial business.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Reed
PEOPLE AGAINST BUSINESSES OPENING ON THANKSGIVING!!People need to have time to be with their families and the holidays that we have are some of the only times that people get to be with the family they are so close with. If these corporations or businesses take one holiday like Thanksgiving away whats next Christmas, Easter maybe they will start enforcing no weekend of even by requesting. Thee Corps have to much power as it is and the PEOPLE are feed up!!!!40 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Y G